"You're good! and you're more responsible than Balzebu!

You can not resurrect Baal and Fox Palace first, and improve your strength through points first!

It's not impossible to be stronger than the previous Fox Palace!

When the time comes, you will directly kick off the god position, and you will be this Inazuma Thor!

At least more competent than that guy!

I can support you to become the god of thunder in Inazuma, and Balzebu will listen to you when the time comes!" seemed to think of something, and Muyang drew a big pie for Yae Miko again.

And after Yae Miko heard Muyang's words, his eyes became brighter and brighter, kicked off the thunder movie, and became the god of thunder himself?

It seems like it works!

As long as you become Thor, when the time comes, let that guy become your dependent, and what you let the other party do, what the other party needs to do, it's a little exciting to think about.

"Is this really possible?" Yae Miko asked, expectantly.

"Work hard and do well, as long as your strength is enough, you can also hope to become a god-level combat power!

In the future, there will also be ways to cultivate to god-level combat power in the chat group!" Mu Yang patted Yae Miko on the shoulder and said.

Among all the group members, Muyang is now looking forward to Yae Miko the most, aside from the nuclear contamination on the Tatarsa side, the entire Inazuma is the most perfect holy place to brush points.

If it weren't for too many scruples, at this time, Muyang would have wanted to call a large group of members to come over and purify Inazuma.

It's full of points!

Mu Yang had thought that Mondstadt's situation was bad enough, and that no matter how bad the rest was, it wouldn't be much worse.

But Inazuma refreshed Muyang's cognition.

It turns out that there really is something worse than Mondstadt.

Although the main force of the Knights of Favonius is on an expedition, the Knights of Favonius, led by Jean, are still resisting, with Mondstadt as the core, and eradicating monsters from the outside world.

And organizations such as the Church of Favonius are also fully assisting the Knights of Favonius in eliminating monsters.

Wendy, the god of wind, later also dealt with those monsters, and the most important thing is that Wendy did not hold back.

But what about Inazuma's situation?

The reverence of Tatarsand has leaked, polluting the surrounding sea and its creatures.

The town of Bayu Island was destroyed, which also caused the side of Bayu Island to also be occupied by the Demon God's resentment.

The war between the shogunate and the rebels continued, and such battles made the leylines in Inazuma more and more overwhelmed, and there were more and more evil spirits.

Moreover, the shogunate does not seem to be trying to rid them of those evil cults, which is also the key.

On Mondstadt's side, Dvalin has made the leylines more and more disordered, but don't forget that Inazuma still has a grudge against the demon god Orobas.

This is something that Mondstadt cannot compare.

Therefore, Muyang said that Inazuma is the worst country, and it is also famous, and he is really not belittling Inazuma.

Of course, maybe other countries have also been in chaos, such as Sumeru, where the little auspicious grass king was also imprisoned.

The problem of the World Tree is also very big, there are all kinds of forbidden knowledge, and the danger of the Dead Domain in Sumeru is also very big, and those guys in the Akademiya, they don't have the ability to solve the problem of the Dead Domain.

Muyang estimates that Sumeru's situation may also be poor.

Thinking of this, Muyang was also helpless for a while, he still has a long way to go!

"God level'?" Yae Miko was also stunned for a moment when he heard this, the god level is not something that can be achieved by talking.

Many of the immortals in Liyue are powerful, and some of them can even fight against some weak demon gods.

But no one thinks that they have the strength of the real demon god level.

The biggest difference between the demon god and the immortal is not the matter of strength, but the difference in life level and power.

After the immortal dies, there will be no such thing as a demon god's resentment, but the demon god will.

Maybe in terms of combat power, the immortals may be able to catch up with the demon god, but it is very difficult to really reach the demon god.

Yae Miko herself has no illusions about becoming a god.

Inazuma's Youkai Route and Liyue's Immortal Route, while different, are essentially the same!

But Muyang said that they could reach the level of a demon god, but Yae Miko believed it.

After all, the other party is a heavenly principle, and moreover, he also distributed the power to purify the abyss and filth.

Since the other party said that it can be achieved, then it can really be achieved when I think about it.

Moreover, even if the other party really just talks about it, there is no problem in Yae Miko's opinion, and her points are not mainly to improve her strength!

After hesitating, Shigeko asked Muyang, "Should I tell Ying about this now?"

Tenri is dead, and now there is a new tenri, if it was usual, Yae Miko would definitely try his best to tell Ray Movie.

But now the situation is a little different!

The other party didn't pose a threat to the shadow, just a little dissatisfied, and for such a thing, Yae Miko himself could understand it.

It's a matter of heaven to be yourself, and I'm afraid I can't help but want to replace the shadow.

Moreover, the other party also gave himself the resurrection of the Fox Palace and the real hope. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now Yae Miko really wants to surprise Ei!

If you let Fox Sai Gong and Zhen see Inazuma being treated like this, they will definitely can't help but want to take a shadow, right?

Therefore, Yae Miko's heart also wants to hide the matter of Sukage.

"Don't tell me just yet.

I don't want my identity to be known to anyone else, you know!" Mu Yang said meaningfully.

Yae Miko instantly understood what Muyang meant.

If you reveal the identity of the other party, the other party is afraid that the other party will have an extra fox fur coat...

"Okay, you can try your newfound abilities first, and I'm going to go to other places to check it out!" Mu Yang then said: "The secrets of this place in Inazuma are not ordinary.

The problem is not a little bit more. "

"All of this will be solved later, won't it? Yayu Island and Tatarasa are mainly the problem of the demon god's resentment, and with the help of the chat group, I can solve these problems sooner or later.

In addition, there is also the problem of Qinglai Island, although the problem over there is also very big, but I think this ability can solve the Lei Yin permission, and the problem of Qinglai Island can also be solved. Yae Miko talked eloquently.

She also wants to draw a big cake for Muyang, so that the other party feels that Inazuma actually has hope, not a piece of mud that can't support the wall.

Now, although Inazuma has a lot of problems, there is no way to do it, right?

But now she has the ability to solve these problems, you don't believe me, you have to believe in your own ability!

Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard this, and agreed with Yae Miko's words.

There are a lot of problems in Inazuma, and there seem to be a lot of islands, so if you really want to count the area, it won't be smaller than other countries.

But with the exception of Narukami Island, almost every island has huge problems.

But for the current Yae Miko, these problems are within the scope of being able to deal with.

"~Okay, it's all up to you, I'll see the results then!" Mu Yang nodded slightly and said, "Since that's the case, I'm going to say goodbye." "

"Are you going to investigate other places, do you need me to be your guide?" Although at this time, Yae Miko couldn't wait to use his power to purify the evil spirit, and also wanted to see the Kazari related to the Lord of Kitsunemiya.

But now that the big boss is here, he may have to go to other places in Inazuma to check it out, and Yae Miko feels that it is still necessary for him to accompany him.

If any of the people below made Muyang unhappy and provoked Muyang, Muyang was angry and threw a nail directly at Inazuma, which was not something they could bear!

She doesn't think that the shadow club is Muyang's opponent, the person in front of her is Tianli!

It's just that this crumb fox doesn't know that Muyang himself is still very jealous of Lei movies.

The current Muyang may not be the opponent of Lei Movie.

Of course, this is just for now, after Muyang absorbs Thor's God Heart, his strength will also be greatly improved, and at that time, Lei Movie will definitely not be his opponent!

"No need, I'll take a good look elsewhere!" Mu Yang took a deep look at Yae Miko and said, "By the way, those people who are the Kanding Sect and the Heavenly Leader Sect, after your plan is successful, the family should be raided, and the clan should be exterminated."

Don't say anything, it's just the leader's fault, the people below are not wrong, Inazuma is starving.

Countless people starved to death, and there was Balzebu's fault, as well as the fault of the Inazuma higher-ups.

Just take this opportunity to see which families can still be used, and which families should sit in a row to cut off their heads!

I don't like the kind of people who only punish evil, you know?

If you don't kill them cleanly and deter some people, this kind of thing will only keep happening. "

"Don't worry, I understand!" Yae Miko's eyes flashed with a cold light, and Yae Miko didn't have the slightest affection for those guys who were commissioned by the Kanding Sect and the Heavenly Domain.

Even these guys are getting more and more jumpy, and occasionally come to her for trouble, testing her bottom limit.

In Yae Miko's opinion, this is definitely a provocation.

The loneliness of the Kamisato family at the beginning was also due to these people, but don't these people know that the Kamisato family is covered by her Yae Miko?

She personally saved the Kamisato family and did not allow them to reach out to the shrine.

As the palace secretary of the Narukami Shrine, Yae Miko meddled in this matter, which can be regarded as justifiable.

After all, the Narukami Shrine itself is used to worship the god of thunder.

And the shrine is in charge of sacrificial activities and ceremonial entertainment, and Yae Miko is in charge of this matter, and he is also famous.

But those sake bags and rice bags did provoke Yae Miko.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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