Chapter 2 The Contract is Done

“I need some people to activate my special abilities, and then I can take you to other worlds. I believe you can understand what I mean. I think that knowledge and power should not be considered taboo knowledge for this world, right?

Even if it is forbidden knowledge, in this day and age, that person probably doesn’t have the heart to care about it, right?

Moreover, in other worlds, it is possible that you can find a solution to your wear and tear problems.

Zhongli, you don’t want to see your old friend continue to suffer from wear and tear, right?” Mu Yang pointed to the sky and said meaningfully.

“The solution you mentioned is to move Liyue to another world?” Zhongli was also somewhat moved when he heard this. Teyvat was very dangerous. Zhongli knew this. He was also looking for a way to solve Liyue’s current predicament. If he left Teyvat, it seemed that it was not impossible.

Mu Yang shook his head slightly:”Liyue has such a large population, it is not easy to move them all away from Teyvat.

But you can also bring the power of other worlds to Teyvat

In the future, when I have enough strength, I may be able to bring the entire Liyue to a safe place.”

Zhongli held the teacup and pondered for a long time before he chuckled and said,”I accept your invitation. I am also very interested in other worlds.”

Seeing this, Mu Yang also showed a smile. With Morax joining him, he would be much more relaxed in the future. He stretched out his hand and said,”The contract is concluded. Those who break their promises shall be punished by the rock-eating.””

Zhongli was stunned for a moment when he heard this. Wasn’t this what he said? However, he still held Mu Yang’s hand and said with a smile:”Even if the sky falls, the contract must be completed!”

Then, Zhongli asked Mu Yang curiously:”Do you really have so many questions about Liyue?”

Mu Yang nodded slightly:”There are indeed many problems. If you continue to be in power and constantly adjust the situation of Liyue, and repair this big ship of Liyue, it may not be unsustainable.

But once you disappear, Liyue will inevitably be in trouble in less than 200 years.

In the world I was in before, it was rare for a dynasty to last more than three hundred years. As time went by, land annexation and social class solidification were inevitable. At that time, apart from launching wars abroad, the only thing left was to reshuffle the internal situation.

As the Rock King, you should understand what I mean.

In fact, this situation should have appeared a long time ago. It was just that a thousand years ago, the demon god attacked Guiliyuan, causing Liyue to suffer heavy losses, and you had to move Liyue to Liyue Harbor.

Five hundred years ago, the Abyss invaded and Liyue suffered heavy losses.

Now, five hundred years have passed, and Liyue’s national strength has almost completely recovered.

Without you, Liyue can only reshuffle internally, and other countries will not be able to ignore it by then. If those Fatui are secretly fanning the flames, what do you think will happen to Liyue?”

Zhongli frowned when he heard this. He had noticed what Mu Yang said before, but he just couldn’t figure it out. After all, he had never experienced it, and he didn’t know what to do when the time came. But after Mu Yang’s advice, Zhongli sighed silently. He admitted that what Mu Yang said made sense.

It seems that I can’t retire!

“What should we do next?” Zhong Li, who had given up retirement, asked Mu Yang.

“I need three more people……

It must be someone special!”Mu Yang’s mind flashed with figures, and he said softly.

But when he heard the names Mu Yang said, Zhongli’s mouth twitched slightly:”From what you wrote, I thought you would hate them, but I didn’t expect that you would choose them.”

“After all, they are now one of the people in power in Liyue, and leaving aside some issues, the contemporary Tianquanxing and Yuhengxing are indeed two of the most outstanding humans in Liyue, right?”


In the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang of Tianquan Star rarely sat in her own main seat, but sat beside her with Keqing of Yuheng Star. Ganyu, the secretary of the Seven Stars, yawned drowsily. Judging from her drooping eyelids, this coconut sheep was already quite tired.

“Ganyu, Ningguang, do you know what the Emperor wants to talk to us about?” Keqing waited for a moment and asked, unable to hold back.

Keqing was still very excited about meeting the Geo King in private, but she would not show it, and even acted impatient.

“I don’t know, the Emperor didn’t say.”Ningguang’s eyes flickered, she was also curious about why the Emperor of Rock King was looking for them.

Even the Seven Stars rarely see the Rock King.

Thinking of this, Ningguang looked at Ganyu who was not far away. It seemed that Ganyu didn’t know the purpose of the Rock King looking for them.

This time, Geo King specifically looked for them, and only looked for himself, Keqing and Ganyu, but did not notify the other seven stars. Is there any purpose?

“It seems that you all arrived early.” Suddenly, a man wearing a special hood that made it impossible to see his face appeared in the main seat. His steady voice made the three women react instantly, and they quickly stood up and saluted:”Greetings to the Emperor”

It should be said that he is worthy of being the Rock King. If he hadn’t spoken, they probably wouldn’t have noticed his arrival.

At the same time, they also focused their attention on the man behind the Rock King, especially Ningguang, who had paid attention to Mu Yang before.

A man suddenly appeared, his clothes were out of tune with the clothes of the countries in Teyvat, and he seemed to be a visitor from another world.

Ever since this young man appeared, he has been following Mr. Zhongli of the Wangsheng Hall. He can even ask Mr. Zhongli to pay for him.

I didn’t expect that the other party would follow behind the Rock King. Thinking of this, Ningguang had a very scary guess.

“Well, I came here for a big event that concerns the fate of Liyue. Even I cannot guarantee whether doing this is good or bad for Liyue.” Zhongli glanced at the three people at the scene, especially at Ningguang, and sighed silently in his heart. Should I say that she is worthy of being Ningguang?

It seems that my identity may be known by the other party.

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