Chapter 4 The First Mission

“It seems that we will have a chance to obtain the seven God’s Eyes in the future.”Keqing’s expression was a little strange. She was very dissatisfied with the God’s Eye before. She didn’t want to attribute her success to the God’s Eye. Putting aside the God’s Eye, she could be among the best in Liyue in terms of swordsmanship alone.

However, after obtaining the Eye of God and adapting to this power, Keqing had to admit that this was indeed a very powerful force.

“The power of multiple God’s Eyes will be a great burden for you. If it is two or three God’s Eyes, then it is not a big problem. If there are more, you will need a stronger body.”Zhongli reminded softly. He did not want this Yuheng Star to go astray.

Keqing was serious when she heard this. A stronger body? It seems that I still can’t reduce my daily exercise. Very good, I will sleep half an hour less and exercise half an hour more every day.

“If nothing goes wrong, if we want to get points, we need to complete those so-called tasks?

I wonder when these tasks will be available?” Ningguang’s eyes were fixed on Mu Yang.

As a businessman, Ningguang felt the business opportunity. Of course, she didn’t care about the Eye of God as long as it was the Eye of God. After all, she still didn’t care about the Eye of God. On the contrary, she cared about other things. Now that she had the Eye of God, what about other things in the future?

“The mission is not something I can decide.” Mu Yang shook his head slightly:”After all, this guild has just been opened.”

However, he still looked at Morax on the side:”But, do you want to upload some magic?

By accumulating points, people can quickly practice immortal techniques, which can also be regarded as becoming stronger and shaping some immortals.

You can also earn some points”

“Can immortals be directly shaped?” Gan Yu was also shocked when he heard this.

You know, she had practiced hard for thousands of years, but if she could become an immortal directly by relying on this magic method, wouldn’t all her previous practice be in vain?

“It is not easy to gain points. Becoming an immortal is a very normal thing, isn’t it?”Mu Yang said nonchalantly.

Zhongli was silent after hearing this. He really wanted to say that immortals need to have immortal affinity, but considering Mu Yang’s attitude, if he said this, he was afraid that the other party would directly say,”Just because they can enter here, does that mean they don’t have immortal affinity?”

Just when Zhongli was hesitating whether to put his magic on the shelves, Mu Yang also looked at the guild mall. Unlike Keqing and the others, his own Keqing mall not only had three kinds of God’s Eyes, but also three other products.

Godhead of Rock God, Thunder God, Ice God (Teyvat Continent Version): 50,000

There is no doubt that when other people’s malls put the Eye of God on the shelves, corresponding high-end products will also appear on my side.

What puzzled Mu Yang was why it was the Godhead instead of the Heart of God that appeared?

It seems that the connection between the Eye of God and the so-called Godhead is even greater than that between the Heart of God.

However, when Mu Yang thought about the situation of the water god Fukaros and the truth about the Heart of God, he felt relieved. The godhood, or the throne, should belong to the power of the Seven Gods, as well as the power of the ancient dragons and the power of the Teyvat continent itself.

As for the Heart of God, it is made from the bones of the third advent.

Unfortunately, ordinary group members cannot purchase such products. Otherwise, if Villette obtains the godhood of the water god, wouldn’t he be able to become a complete dragon?

This is also the reason why Mu Yang wants Zhongli to put the magic on the shelves. He also wants to see if there will be more advanced magic in the guild mall.

“Ding, a dimensional commission was found, from the Naruto world, to help Konoha seal the Nine-Tails. Reward: 20,000 dimensional points, no upper limit on the number of participants, points are allocated according to contribution, and participants can get 5% of the total points as a minimum.%”

“”The mission has arrived!” Keqing cried out when she heard the prompt. They were still worrying about the points before, but now a mission has suddenly arrived. How could Keqing not be excited?

Ningguang crossed her arms and said solemnly,”Twenty thousand guild points, even if it’s the guaranteed points, there are still one thousand points, which can be exchanged for two God’s Eyes. This proves that this mission may be very difficult.”

Mu Yang looked at Ning Guang with appreciation and said,”Although sometimes I don’t like your business style, Miss Ning Guang, you are still very sensitive in this regard.

I can’t be sure of the strength of this Nine-Tailed Fox, but in that world, it is indeed one of the top fighters.”

Mu Yang said as he looked at Zhong Li who was not far away:”I didn’t expect that the first mission would require you to do it yourself.”

Mu Yang was not very sure about the Nine-Tailed Fox’s strength. After all, the world was different, and he had never seen it in person, so he could not really evaluate its strength.

However, Mu Yang believes that Morax is stronger than the Nine-Tails. As for who is stronger between Morax and Kaguya Otsutsuki, Mu Yang does not know.

By the way, if Ganyu turns into a Qilin, she will probably not be smaller than the Nine-Tailed Fox.

As for whether he can win, Mu Yang doesn’t know.

Zhongli shook his head slightly:”No problem, I am also very interested in other worlds, this time everyone will participate, let’s treat it as a team building!”

“Can we see the Rock King take action?” Ganyu and Keqing also became excited when they heard this.

Morax hasn’t taken action for a long time, and there are not many people on the continent of Teyvat worthy of the Rock King’s attack!


“Ah! Look, what is that!”

“It’s the nine-tailed fox!

How did he get out!”

The originally peaceful and tranquil Konoha Village was now in chaos. A dozen-meter-tall orange fox was constantly destroying the village.

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was leading the ninja army to attack the Nine-Tails at this moment. However, no matter how hard they attacked, it was just a drop in the bucket when it came to the Nine-Tails.

“Damn it, hasn’t Minato resolved the battle over there yet?” Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at the constant destruction in the distance and the increasing casualties, breathing heavily.

As he got older, his strength began to decline, and even in his prime, he could not be a match for the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Now he can only hope that the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze will arrive as soon as possible, and then everyone can work together to seal the Nine-Tails.

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