Chapter 40: Qin is shocked

Seeing Qin’s expectant eyes, Mu Yang hesitated for a moment.

Should I tell Qin those things myself?

My relationship with Qin doesn’t seem to be that good, right? Even if this knowledge is not a secret to Mu Yang, it is a big secret to ordinary people in this world.

You don’t give me any benefits, why should I tell you?

Even if you don’t know what to give me, there should be a consulting fee, right?

Seeing Mu Yang like this, Qin naturally understood what Mu Yang meant. She was not someone who did not understand the ways of the world.

In the original plot, Jean gave the Traveler the title of Honorary Knight. On the one hand, it was to win over the Traveler, and on the other hand, it did give the Traveler some help. There is a difference between being a white body and an Honorary Knight.

But at this moment, Qin didn’t know what she could give Mu Yang. Could it be that she could sell out Mond’s interests to promote cooperation between the two parties?

Moreover, this is Mu Yang’s own information. Giving benefits to Li Yue is obviously not enough.

For a moment, Qin was in hesitation.

“I know a little about this matter, so consider it as a favor owed to me. Seeing Qin like this, Mu Yang hesitated for a moment and said

“Okay, as long as it doesn’t harm Mond’s interests, I can do it.”Qin agreed without hesitation.

Mondstadt really needs the wind god Barbatos now. Of course, even if it doesn’t need the wind god Barbatos, Jean will still find a way to help Barbatos.

Maybe Barbatos himself didn’t care, otherwise he wouldn’t have left nothing behind.

But as a citizen of Barbatos, Jean felt that she had to do something.

Mu Yang looked at Qin with a smile:”Even if it harms your interests, you are willing to do it.”

Keqing seemed to understand something, and pinched the soft flesh on Mu Yang’s waist unhappily. After all, it was always Mu Yang who touched her waist, and this was the first time Keqing touched Mu Yang’s waist.

Sure enough, pinching the flesh is a skill that every woman has mastered, no matter which world they are in.

“Of course it’s okay.” Jyn agreed without hesitation. As a member of the Gunhild family, she had a spirit of sacrifice. For Mond, even if it meant sacrificing her own life, Jyn would do anything.

“Good!” Seeing this, Mu Yang also said:”Part of the power of the gods comes from the people’s faith. There is a saying that the gods gain power by exercising their functions.

Of course, I don’t think that’s all.

In fact, Barbatos’ contribution to Mond is unquestionable. He performed his duties and maintained Mond’s climate. Apart from that, Mond may not have promoted the God of Wind enough.”

“We Monds have no doubt about our faith in Lord Barbatos.”Jin said without hesitation.

“Maybe, maybe some people do, but most people only exist in slogans.”Mu Yang spread his hands:”I know that some knights of your Knights of Favonius will secretly sleep when they are guarding the city gates at night. If there is an invasion by monsters, won’t it be the end?

Do such people have faith in the God of Wind?”

Qin blushed instantly. She knew that some people liked to be lazy, but she turned a blind eye to it. Sometimes she would even go to the city gate to watch in the middle of the night. However, she didn’t expect that even Mu Yang, who was from other countries, already knew about it.

It’s so embarrassing!

“Keqing, what if a Qianyan soldier drinks and sleeps during duty?”Mu Yang suddenly asked

“The first time you do this you will be given a warning. If you do it again, you will be fired and criticized throughout Liyue.

After all, if you can’t even do such a thing, you are not worthy of being a member of the Qianyan Army. You can ask for leave if you are not feeling well, but drinking and sleeping during work hours is unacceptable.

If such a person stays in the Qianyan Army, it will only undermine the military discipline of the Qianyan Army. If he is not handled properly, it will bring a huge disaster to Liyue.”Keqing said without hesitation, and at the same time looked at Qin with a look of pity.

Keqing knew about Jean, the acting leader of the Knights of Favonius. Although she was not as close to Jean as Ningguang, Keqing still admired Jean very much and regarded the two as kindred spirits.

Unexpectedly, Mond had so many problems. Qin probably knew about these things, but she did not stop or change them.

Mu Yang and the others didn’t know what kind of mentality Qin had when she left Yue Hai Ting, but she looked distraught.

“Is this really okay?”Looking at Qin’s distraught departure, Keqing asked with some concern.

In fact, she really didn’t expect that the problem of the Knights of Favonius would be so big.

As the acting leader, if those problems really exist, Qin bears an unshirkable responsibility.

If Keqing used to admire Jean, now she even despises her.

As a leader, shouldn’t you work overtime yourself and encourage your subordinates to work overtime?

Even the leader is working, how dare you not work, sleep and drink during working hours? What’s the use of you?

Fortunately, Keqing had thought that Jean and herself were of the same type. My goodness, it turns out that you only work hard on yourself and don’t care about others!

“If she is not given some blows, how can she make some changes in the future?

In the future, Liyue is destined to be deeply tied to Mondstadt. You don’t want to see a Mondstadt that only drags down the country, do you?”Mu Yang chuckled:”The unruly people in Mondstadt are very annoying.

But there are some things that we cannot actively interfere in, as this will affect future cooperation, and Qin and the others need to make the decision themselves!”

To be honest, if they really want to cooperate, Mu Yang would rather cooperate with Inazuma.

After all, Inazuma is the one who has the final say in Lei Movie. As long as Lei Movie is dealt with, Inazuma will have no problem getting up or down.

Even though Mu Yang was very unhappy with the three followers of Inazuma, the entire country of Inazuma was still worth cooperating with. At worst, he could just let Sister Yingzi kill a bunch of them.

Of course, Fontaine is also a good partner, and the other party’s strength is also very good

As for Mondstadt, the Knights of Favonius are not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is the talents of Mondstadt. The words”ungrateful wolves” and”giant babies” can be used to describe the people of Mondstadt.

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