Chapter 49 Nashida: Farewell, My Cage

Seeing Nashida like this, Mu Yang felt very disappointed with her and was also filled with anger. How much influence did those bastards in the Ministry of Education have on Nashida?

If you think about the original plot carefully, it seems that Nashida’s life is also quite tragic.

For the past five hundred years after her birth, Nashida has been imprisoned. She has never really been a grass god for a single day. When she finally met the traveler and chose to be brave, she met the Great Kindness Tree King again. For the sake of Xumi and Teyvat, she had to delete the Great Kindness Tree King from the World Tree.

At that time, everyone had forgotten about the Great Compassionate Tree King, and Nashida had become a veritable grass god. But was Nashida really still Nashida at that time?

Even she herself didn’t know that the past of the Great Kindness Tree King had already belonged to her. From that time on, there was no more innocent Nashida, and no more innocent Great Kindness Tree King.

The two have completely merged into one.

Of course, you can also say���The two are one and the same. Nashida is the reincarnation of the Great Kindness Tree King. But no matter how you look at it, Nashida and the Great Kindness Tree King are both complete tragedies.

In the future, Nashida completely put herself into the role of the Great Kind Tree King, just like in the plot of the Grass Dragon King. Many people complained about Nashida’s recklessness and her desire to sacrifice herself at every turn, but another detail is terrifying when you think about it carefully.

Nashida thought the device she took out was very reliable because she made it herself. She had a clear judgment of her own abilities. This was the confidence of the God of Wisdom.

But Nashida herself didn’t know that this thing was not made by her, and the Great Compassion Tree King was not hers.

“Do you want to become a real god?”As if he had thought of something, Mu Yang asked Nashida

Nashida nodded repeatedly. Although she was self-abased, she always wanted to become an excellent god. In the past five hundred years, Nashida has been working hard for this.

“What about the Rock King Morax?”

“Morax?” Nashida’s eyes flashed with admiration:”Morax is naturally a powerful and wise god.”

She has been learning from the Great Compassion Tree King, trying to be as good as him, but she has also investigated other countries, and Liyue is undoubtedly the most prosperous country.

Nearly one-third of the wealth of the entire Teyvat continent is gathered in Liyue

“I can take you to see Morax, let you follow him and learn how to become an excellent god, how about that?”Mu Yang offered his price.

“But can I really do it?” Nashida became unconfident again. Would a god like Morax choose to teach her?

“Yes, after all, I am his partner, so are you willing to be my partner?”

“Partner? What do I need to pay?” Nashida’s expression also became tense.

“Alliance and cooperation, the future of Teyvat will not be peaceful, the Kingdom of Winter has embarked on the road of rebellion against Sky Island, and a war will be launched later. The Abyss is eyeing Teyvat, and we don’t have much time left.

You need to become an excellent god as soon as possible, then rule Xumi, and then unite our forces to fight against the next crisis. You should understand that without the help of gods, Xumi is not worth mentioning in the face of those crises.”Mu Yang said solemnly

Nashida thought for a long time before saying,”I don’t know if this is the right thing to do, but I am willing to believe you. I feel an unprecedented kindness in you.”

“I wish us a happy cooperation.”Mu Yang patted Nashida’s”prison”, and the prison that originally imprisoned Nashida was opened directly from the outside.

Nashida also slowly walked out of the prison that had trapped her for more than five hundred years.

“Okay, let’s go first. The doctor’s strongest slice is doing various experiments in Xumi. If you meet him, it will be quite difficult. When we really grow up, we will help you take back Xumi.”Mu Yang held Nashida’s hand and said softly

“”Yes.” Nashida nodded solemnly. Although she was now the God of Grass, she did not have much confidence in her combat power, mainly because the Heart of God was not in her hands.

If I get the Heart of God, I can fight the Doctor.

However, I am going to Liyue this time, and the Void System still needs the Heart of God to maintain it, so I will put it in Xumi.

“But before leaving, you still need to give the Xumi people a little shock, and at the same time, you have to announce that you are out of the cage.” Mu Yang then stepped on the ground with one foot, and in an instant, a large number of branches and vines spread out from the ground, instantly covering the entire Jingshan Palace, and then broke through the ceiling of Jingshan Palace.

“This?” Nashida was also dumbfounded. Is this how the grass element is used?

This is completely different from my fighting skills.

Could this be the true fighting skill of the grass element?

“Next is it!” Mu Yang stepped on his foot again, and a huge wooden man appeared under the feet of Mu Yang and Nashida. In an instant, it grew to a height of more than 30 meters. She waved her fist and smashed the Jingshan Palace.

“Let’s go!” Mu Yang patted Nashida’s head, who was standing there in a daze, and said softly

“Is this what the Great Kind Tree King looks like?” Nashida looked at the wooden figure and asked hurriedly.

“Well, that is also what you will look like when you grow up.” Mu Yang said this, holding Nashida and flew towards Liyue.

The appearance of the Great Compassion Tree King is just a rough sketch, not the real appearance of the Great Compassion Tree King. After all, Mu Yang himself has never seen the Great Compassion Tree King, so he can only use it based on the concept map he has seen before.

As the divine power transformed his body, Mu Yang was now more and more adept at using these powers, and the power he could use was also improved.

“”Hmm!” Nashida looked at the wooden man who was constantly destroying the Jingshan Palace, and her heart was filled with mixed feelings. At the same time, she also felt a sense of relief. From now on, the sky was high and the birds could fly freely. She was free!

Goodbye, my cage!

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