Seeing Bai Ye.

Ke Li ran forward without paying any attention to Lei Dianying's strange look.

In Lei Dianying's eyes, no one dared to offend her like this.

Of course, except for the pink fox and the puppet general, um...

Bai Ye is also half.

But why does this red little loli look so familiar?

Lei Dianying frowned and thought carefully in his mind.

This dress and this bag gradually matched the image of the person in his mind.

That was the famous Alice who almost blew up her castle tower.

General Lei Dian had a black line on his face and took a closer look at Ke Li.

Sure enough, she was her daughter, and they looked so similar.

"Big sister, who are you to Brother Bai Ye?"

Ke Li's round eyes turned around, and she pulled Lei Dianying's white silk with her hands and asked.

Lei Dianying had a black line on his face.

As expected, she is Alice's daughter, and her style of doing things is so bold.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye swallowed his saliva on the side.

Ke Li, this kind of hard work should be left to your brother.

My brother likes to pull these silk items the most, especially this white one...

Lei Dianying frowned slightly, gently took Ke Li's hand away, and pointed at Bai Ye: "I am his mother!"

Bai Ye was stunned when he heard it.

"I am your father" almost blurted out, but fortunately he restrained himself at the last second before blurting out.

You must not annoy this village girl.

Ke Li nodded ignorantly, looked at Bai Ye and said: "Bai Ye, your mother is as young as my mother, but not as beautiful as my mother."

Bai Ye and Lei Dianying were silent when they heard it.

It was originally a joke, but I didn't expect Ke Li to take it seriously.

Klee didn't feel the atmosphere was wrong, and pointed to General Raiden who was watching the show in the distance: "Brother Bai Ye, is that your mother too?"

General Raiden was drinking Tuanzi milk silently on the side.

Hearing someone mention him, he stood up and slowly walked towards Klee.

Klee looked up at Lei Dianying, then looked at General Raiden: "Big sister, she is Brother Bai Ye's mother, then who are you?"

"I am his mother too!"

General Raiden glanced at Lei Dianying and snorted coldly.

Lei Dianying frowned and glared at General Raiden.

Bai Ye looked embarrassed.

In the past, the protagonists he saw in Tomato Novels, when they traveled to the continent of Teyvat, all had three wives and four concubines, hugging left and right.

How come I became a son after traveling through time, and I also had two more mothers?

I have now completely become a professional son.

In Inazuma, he was regarded as the son of the god of thunder Lei Dianying, and in Liyue, he was regarded as the son of the god of rock Morax.


It's too outrageous.

Bai Ye's eyes were full of resentment, and he looked at Lei Dian, Ke Li, and General Lei Dian with disdain.

He wanted to see what these three people could do today?

Ke Li tugged at Bai Ye's clothes: "Brother Bai Ye, why do you have two mothers?"

Hearing Ke Li's words.

"Little Ke Li, you are too young. When you grow up, you will know why your brother has two..."

Bai Ye's mouth twitched violently, and he almost fainted. He patiently explained to Ke Li.

But in the end, Bai Ye never said the word "mother".

What the hell is this plot unfolding.

In the future, I must find a way to get rid of the title of "General Lei Dian's son".

Bai Ye swore silently in his heart.


The people watching around heard the conversation between the four people clearly.

It also confirmed that Bai Ye was General Lei Dian's son.

Hearing the conversation between the four people, they all pricked up their ears and dared not breathe.

It's just like the ethical drama of Inazuma Castle.

If this were written into a book, it would definitely be a big hit.


Bai Ye sighed quietly and glanced around quickly.

Everyone was immersed in eating melons.

Even Zhongli stopped playing with the broken bird in his hand and ran to Tartaglia.

He squatted on the ground with Tartaglia, listening carefully with his ears erect.

The two of them would whisper from time to time, with strange smiles on their faces.

"Ying, I'm her mother."

"I warn you, you're just a puppet, his mother is me!"

General Raiden and Lei Yingying were arguing in a low voice.

Bai Ye couldn't help but pat his forehead.

So "a world where only you get hurt" has been achieved?

What the hell is this plot unfolding?

"It seems that today's duel can't be held, why don't we go back and talk?"

"Sir Coral Palace Xinhai, I don't knowCan I stay at Coral Palace for a few more days? "

Bai Ye coughed and turned his gaze to Coral Palace Xinhai.

Coral Palace Xinhai nodded and made a gesture of invitation to everyone.

She didn't dare to refuse.

After all, General Lei Dian was here. What if he was unhappy and demolished Haiqi Island...


Leave the island.

"Speed ​​up a little bit, Amber, you keep up. I feel that the situation on Haiqi Island is a little bit wrong."

"What do you mean I keep up? It should be you who keeps up. You are underestimating Mondstadt's scout knight and flight instructor Amber! "

Unlike the people eating melons on Haiqi Island, the Eightfold God Child and others on the off-island are rushing on their way frantically.

Although the off-island is far away from Haiqi Island, the Eightfold God Child is a follower of Lei Dianying.

In addition, with the sense of smell of a fox, he can easily smell the taste of Lei Dianying and even feel the emotional fluctuations of Lei Dianying.

She thought that there was a conflict between Lei Dianying and the Coral Palace Xinhai Fa.

If Haiqi Island is destroyed, it will be a big deal.

Little did she know.

The reason why Lei Dianying's emotions fluctuated so much was just because he was arguing with General Lei Dian...

Whose son is Bai Ye!

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