Hearing Bai Ye's words, Coral Palace Xinhai fell silent.

For the safety of the people of Haiqi Island, she absolutely could not refuse Bai Ye.

But if she agreed to what Bai Ye said, it would be equivalent to deviating from the original policy of Haiqi Island.

On one side is the safety of the people of Haiqi Island, and on the other side is the rules that have been passed down for hundreds of years.

But compared to the ancestral precepts, it is obviously the safety of the people of Haiqi Island that is most important.

When thinking of these.

Coral Palace Xinhai's heart will become very entangled.

"You don't need to let others know about this, you just need to agree to me."

"If Inazuma has something that needs Haiqi Island's assistance, you also have the right to refuse."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, as if he saw Coral Palace Xinhai's doubts.

For Bai Ye, he just needs to let Coral Palace Xinhai agree.

First use this BUG to get the task reward, as for what Coral Palace Xinhai will do next, it has nothing to do with him.

Coral Palace Xinhai remained silent for a long time, his face was uncertain, sometimes frowning and sometimes sighing.

Bai Ye saw Coral Palace Xinhai like this, his face was full of black lines.

Big sister, can you hurry up, I've said so, what are you still considering?

If you think about it again, Tokisaki Kurumi will come to kill you!

Bai Ye complained in his heart and said: "Sir Coral Palace Xinhai, how are you thinking?"

Hearing Bai Ye's voice, Coral Palace Xinhai came back to his senses: "Please let me think about it again..."

Bai Ye sighed helplessly.

He was afraid of making things worse, so he didn't dare to urge Coral Palace Xinhai.


Bai Ye's mind moved, and he exuded his breath, and then began to wait silently.

Coral Palace Xinhai felt Bai Ye's abnormality and quietly looked up at Bai Ye.

Seeing that Bai Ye's face did not change, Coral Palace Xinhai's eyes flashed with a trace of doubt.

But she saw Bai Ye's posture and understood in her heart.

Bai Ye will not leave today without getting the result he wants. He must quickly come up with a plan that is beneficial to Haiqi Island.


"Bai Ye, you actually ran away again!"

"You are so brave. Let me see how I deal with you today."

After a while, two shouts came from outside the door.

The visitors were General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying.

Lei Dianying and General Lei Dian waited for Bai Ye for a long time.

I thought it would not take long to say goodbye, but they waited and waited but Bai Ye was nowhere to be seen.

The most important thing is that Bai Ye's breath suddenly disappeared.

Lei Dianying and the others naturally suspected that something had happened to Bai Ye, so they began to look for him anxiously again.

It happened at this time.

They suddenly felt Bai Ye's breath, so they tracked him down.


Bai Ye's mouth corners slightly raised. He was waiting for now.

Just now, he released his breath to let General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying know where he was at the moment.

Since he couldn't put pressure on Coral Palace Xinhai, let these two gentlemen do it.

Coral Palace Xinhai certainly couldn't continue to think calmly in the face of such threats.

The facts were just as Bai Ye expected.

After seeing the figures of General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying, the whole person immediately couldn't sit still.

Coral Palace Xinhai sighed slightly and said with difficulty: "Since you have pulled the generals here, it seems that if there is no satisfactory answer for you, I am afraid that I will not give up today."

"In this case, then I agree to your conditions, and I hope you can also keep your promise. Haiqi Island has the right to refuse some of Inazuma's requests."

General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying were confused.

What the hell?

What agreement, what Inazuma's order has the right to refuse?

As soon as they came in, they heard Coral Palace Xinhai's words, and they didn't understand what was going on.

"Then this matter is decided, Master Xinhai of Coral Palace, we will leave first..."

Bai Ye said hello and hurriedly pulled General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying out.

Xinhai of Coral Palace pressed her temples, and her intuition told her that something was wrong.

General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying frowned and left Coral Palace under Bai Ye's shove.

"What did you do secretly without telling us?"

"Did you make some kind of deal with her that cannot be seen by others?"

General Lei Dian snorted and raised his hand to press Bai Ye's shoulder.

Lei Dianying looked silly and was confused.

Bai Ye was speechless, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This General Lei Dian has become more and more shrewd, while Lei Dianying has become more and more silly.

He began to miss the General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying in the past. No matter what he said, these two would believe it.

Compared with now, it's just a fucking crisis of omnics!



As a chatterbox, Wendy would be happy to have someone listen to her stories.

So she exaggerated some of Bai Ye's deeds.

Tokisaki Kurumi gradually put down the gun in her hand and listened to Wendy's story with relish.

Tokisaki Kurumi nodded: "Oh, are the Yae God Child and Eula you mentioned men or women?"

Wendy pulled the organ in her hand and said in confusion: "Of course they are women. How could there be men in such a story?"

"Go on."

Tokisaki Kurumi took a deep breath and showed a strange smile on her face.

Wendy continued to talk endlessly.

When she was excited, she would pat her thighs, and her white pantyhose showed signs of turning black.

He didn't notice that Tokisaki Kurumi's face became more and more wrong, and her smile gradually became sick.

"Yae Shinko, Eula, I remember them... Keketei, One Bullet."

After listening to Wendy's story, a trace of madness flashed in Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes, and she pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger on herself.


After a gunshot.

Tokisaki Kurumi disappeared without a trace, leaving only a confused Wendy and the dead hill people on the ground.

Wendy looked at the place where Tokisaki Kurumi had been before, and scratched his head in confusion.

He always felt that he had said something he shouldn't have said and done something he shouldn't have done...


Coral Palace, in front of the door.

Facing General Raiden's questioning, Bai Ye spread his hands helplessly.

"Looking at your expression, do you agree with what I just said?"

General Raiden pinched Bai Ye's face and said casually.

Bai Ye took away General Raiden's hand calmly.

Then he took a few steps back, revealing an expression that said, "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

"Oh, now you have learned to resist..."

Seeing Bai Ye like this, General Lei Dian felt very excited for some reason.

Immediately, he rushed towards Bai Ye step by step.

The more Bai Ye resisted, the more excited she became.

Lei Dianying was still in a state of brain shutdown, with a confused look on his face, wondering what he was thinking.

Bai Ye leaned against the wall with his back, looking at General Lei Dian who was gradually approaching: "Let's talk..."

General Lei Dian ignored Bai Ye's words, walked straight towards Bai Ye, and forced him to the corner of the wall.

Immediately, he raised his hand and made a wall-banging gesture.

Bai Ye had no way to retreat, no way to shrink, and decisively said, "What's the matter?"

General Lei Dian's eyes flickered, and he opened his red lips slightly: "I think you are abnormal."

"I am normal!"

Bai Ye's tone was decisive, he didn't want to entangle with this woman.

"Then how can you prove that you are normal?"

General Lei Dian looked at Bai Ye with interest.

Bai Ye's face was dark.

You should be the abnormal person!

Asking a normal person to prove his normality is not a normal thing!

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