
The bright moonlight was covered by dark clouds, and thunderous thunders continued to be heard in the sky.

The violent thunder and lightning rolled around in the air.

Originally, these were very normal things in Inazuma, and the residents of Inazuma were used to it.

But this time most people were terrified.

The sky seemed to be divided into two halves, one half was filled with lightning, and the other half was howling with cold wind.

The lightning and cold wind complemented each other, as if the end of the world was coming, giving people a very strange feeling.


The Queen of Winter and Lei Dianying stood face to face.

The lightning element and the ice element entangled together, gradually forming an elemental vortex.

"Do you really think you can stop me..."

The Queen of Winter had a frosty face, and several ice cones made entirely of ice elements floated in the air.

Lei Dianying did not speak.

The Eye of Thunder Punishment Evil appeared behind her, and the blade of "Dream of One Heart" was shining with lightning.

"Okay, okay, it seems that we have to fight today."

The Queen of Winter sighed. She knew in her heart that this battle with Lei Dianying was inevitable.

"You can not fight."

"I want the lives of these three people."

Lei Dianying changed the subject and looked at the three people behind the Queen of Winter.

She could let the Queen of Winter go, but she had to leave something behind.


Leaving the lives of the three executives behind should be considered as paying some interest.

The Queen of Winter looked a little ugly when she heard this.

If she really left these three people behind, it would undoubtedly be a slap in her face.


"From a general rational point of view, perhaps you can sit down and talk calmly, and maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Just when Lei Dianying and the Queen of Winter were in a stalemate, a familiar voice came into their ears.

The Queen of Winter and Lei Dianying were both startled and turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice.

Zhongli was seen holding a bird cage in his left hand and waving a folding fan in his right hand, slowly stepping into the air.

"It's been a long time since we last met."

"Since we haven't seen each other for so long, we should be more friendly. Why do we have to confront each other as soon as we meet?"

Zhongli smiled slightly, raised his hand gently, and asked and answered himself.

The terrifying rock element began to condense, forcibly separating the entangled thunder and ice elements.

The Queen of Winter breathed a sigh of relief.

When she saw Morax, she knew that she didn't need to fight this.

She was not afraid of Lei Dianying, but she felt that fighting with Lei Dianying was a waste of time, and it might end up in a lose-lose situation.

Lei Dianying didn't care about these things, and said coldly: "Morax, if you are here to persuade me to stop, then don't talk about it."

"What do you mean by friendly? Let her hand over the three people behind her, and I will be more friendly..."

Zhongli patted his forehead.

He forgot the most crucial thing.

That is, Lei Dianying is extremely protective of her friends. Those who have hurt her friends have paid a painful price.

The big snake on Haiqi Island was the worst among them. Lei Dianying killed it with one knife.

Zhongli touched his chin, raised his hand and pointed to the sky, and said with a smile: "If this matter is known by the person above, I am afraid that the matter will be difficult to resolve."

"Why don't you take a step back? If they dare to come again in the future, it will not be too late to take action."

As soon as the voice fell.

Queen Zhidong opened her red lips and said: "No problem."

Lei Dianying looked solemn, looked at Zhongli, then looked at Queen Zhidong, and nodded reluctantly.

A battle between the seven gods was easily resolved by Zhongli.

Zhongli gently waved his folding fan, raised his hand and poked the bird in the cage, and said, "Since the matter has been resolved, why don't we have a cup of tea together?"

Lei Dianying snorted coldly, and ignored Zhongli. The whole person turned into a ball of lightning and rushed to the Coral Palace at a high speed.

Queen Zhidong did the same, picked up the three executives behind her, and disappeared on the spot.

Zhongli shook his head and said to himself, "So many years have passed, and the tempers of these two are still the same."


Coral Palace.

After returning to the Coral Palace, Bai Ye pretended to be unwell.

He used this excuse to get rid of Tokisaki Kurumi and General Raiden, and returned to the room alone.

Tokisaki Kurumi ran to find Walnut. In Tokisaki Kurumi's words, it was-

Miss Doll is not interesting at all, Walnut is still fun.

As for what this "fun" is, Bai Ye doesn't know.

General Thunder sensed that Shadow was fighting the Winter Queen, so he ran towardsSupport.

Although she is usually at loggerheads with Lei Dian, she will really go if Lei Dian is in danger.

Bai Ye expressed her desire to go with General Raiden, but General Raiden rejected Bai Ye on the grounds that Bai Ye was not feeling well.


Back to the room.

Bai Ye sat alone in front of the window, fiddling with the Cronus drive in his hand, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

After a long time, Bai Ye murmured: "It seems that there are more and more drives unlocked recently, and I can't use them all..."

Thinking of this.

Bai Ye took out the Build drive and Decade drive in one go, and put them on the table together with the Cronus drive.

As soon as the drive was placed on the table, Bai Ye heard a system prompt.

"It is detected that the player has obtained three types of Kamen Rider drives. For the convenience of the player, fusion will begin soon."

Bai Ye was stunned.

This system is really considerate. Knowing his current troubles, it has come up with a set of fusion.


As soon as the system prompt fell, the Cronus driver and the Build driver automatically floated in the air.

A dazzling light flashed, and the two drivers turned into two cards.

"Fusion is complete, players can now use the Decade driver to transform into all the currently unlocked Kamen Riders"

Bai Ye's mouth twitched.

So this is the kind of fusion.

He thought he would unlock a new posture, but he didn't expect that it was really the system for his convenience...

Dong Dong Dong——!

At this moment, a knock on the door sounded.

Bai Ye quickly put away the Decade driver and the two cards on the table, looked up at the door, and looked puzzled.

It's already late at night, who is looking for him?

Bai Ye is sure that it will not be General Raiden and Raiden, let alone Tokisaki Kurumi.

Because if it was General Raiden and Raiden, they would definitely kick the door open with one foot, and they would not be so polite at all.

As for Tokisaki Kurumi, she never goes out the main door and always appears in strange places...

Bai Ye got up and walked to the door with doubts in his heart, and asked softly: "Who is it?"

"It's me."

A pleasant female voice came from outside the door.

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