Off the island.

"Long time no see, Golden Merry."

Bai Ye stood at the port, looking at the approaching ship, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

The ship was flying a straw hat skull flag, and it was the "Golden Merry" named by Bai Ye.

"Young General, long time no see."

A figure jumped off the ship, and it was Tony, the navigator of the "Golden Merry".

Bai Ye waved and said, "Long time no see, Tony."

"Hehe, young general, the ship is ready, where are we going?"

Tony laughed and patted his chest proudly.

Bai Ye nodded and said lightly, "Liyue."

"Let's go now?"

Tony rubbed his hands, his face full of anticipation.

He still remembers how Bai Ye personally drove the "Golden Merry" to surpass Liyue's "Death Star".

At that scene, he just felt his blood boiling.

"Wait a minute, I still have a few friends who haven't come yet."

Hearing this, Bai Ye frowned.

Now that he has arrived and the ship has arrived, Zhongli is gone?

What on earth did this social loser who eats and drinks for free go to do?

Tony nodded, pointed to the ship and said, "Then I will go to prepare the ship first. You can call me at any time, General."

Bai Ye nodded, no longer spoke, and drank the cold drink in his hand with peace of mind.

"Ah, General, it seems that you are doing well in this world?"

At some point, Tokisaki Kurumi woke up and was lying on Bai Ye's shoulder, looking at Bai Ye playfully.

Bai Ye's mouth twitched, and he asked a question that he had been puzzled about for a long time: "Do you plan to stay in this world forever? Are you not going back?"

Tokisaki Kurumi shook his head, a trace of inexplicable light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "I don't know, I shouldn't go back."

Bai Ye's face was dark.

This gentleman is a time bomb.

Even though he is fine now, he might give her a big trouble at any time.

Tokisaki Kurumi then changed the subject and continued: "Ah~ You are not going to send me away on purpose, are you? I have gone through so much trouble to cross several worlds to find you..."

Bai Ye was speechless and ignored Tokisaki Kurumi.

Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes were full of smiles, and she quietly got into Bai Ye's arms.


Coral Palace.

"Master Hu, why didn't you say this earlier?"

Zhongli ran wildly on the road with the birdcage.

Hu Tao tilted her head and said in confusion: "You didn't ask me either, you were just eating..."

Zhongli remained silent.

Because Hu Tao was telling the truth.

As the saying goes, lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharpest knife.

There is no doubt that Zhongli was choked by Hu Tao's words.

Eula waved the giant sword in her hand with a dissatisfied look on her face: "Stop talking nonsense, Bai Ye must have been waiting on the island for a long time."

Amber spread her wings of wind and soared in the air, wondering: "Where did Ke Lian go?"

Eula looked up at Amber and said slowly: "She was picked up by her mother..."


"Did Alice come to pick her up? Did you see it right?"

Amber was surprised and stopped in the air for a moment.

Eula nodded and said confidently: "How could I be wrong? Her portrait is still hanging in the confinement room of the Knights of Favonius..."

Amber's face was uncertain, and she increased her flying speed, saying in fear: "We must go back and tell Qin Tuanzi that the woman is back!!!"

Seeing Amber's expression, a trace of doubt flashed in Hu Taomei's eyes: "Poor such a cute little girl, is her mother so scary?"

Zhongli, who was always calm and composed, looked solemn for the first time and nodded gently.

He knew how scary this woman Alice was.

He could make all kinds of strange things, and he liked to use bombs to blow up all kinds of strange things.


Leaving the island.

It was almost noon, and the sun was scorching.

Bai Ye was already getting impatient, and he even suspected that Zhongli and Hu Tao had gone back a long time ago.

"Ah, don't make that expression."

Tokisaki Kurumi, who turned into a black cat, got out of Bai Ye's arms again, blinking her mandarin duck eyes, looking extremely cute.

"If you were stood up, you would definitely make that expression."

Bai Ye snorted coldly and clenched his fists.

"Bai Ye!!!""Bai Ye, we are here!!!"

Just when Bai Ye was annoyed, a familiar voice came into her ears.

Bai Ye looked up.

I saw Amber flying in the air.

Eula, Zhongli, and Fox Demon were trotting breathlessly.

Bai Ye's face lit up and he touched the pipe in his arms.

These gentlemen are finally here, so Liyue's plan can also be launched.


There was a loud noise in the sky, countless thunder elements began to gather, and General Lei Dian also appeared in front of Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's mouth twitched: "General, why are you here too?"

General Lei Dian sneered and said coldly: "You are so embarrassed to ask me? You sneaked out without saying hello to me?"


PS: I will go to the hospital to get the pathology report this afternoon. I hope it is not malignant, and try not to have surgery or anything, otherwise the author will really be unable to bear it.

If there are any special circumstances, I will inform everyone as soon as possible. According to the doctor, it should be fine, and the chance of malignancy is not too high.

The doctor said that the chance is not too high, which is 5%, which is even higher than the chance of drawing cards in Genshin Impact. The author is afraid that he will hit the target. I don’t want to be a dog at this time.

But as an author, I can’t help but have a big imagination, and I think about it every day (๑ŏ ﹏ ŏ๑)

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