Wanmin Hall.

Bai Ye was lying on the bed, looking at the snow-white ceiling, and fell into deep thought.

The situation in Liyue is getting more and more complicated now.

The mission of Wanmin Hall has not been completed yet, and the Queen of Winter has come to Liyue again.

In fact, Bai Ye is not worried that the Queen of Winter will do anything bad to him.

After all, this is Liyue's territory. If the Queen of Winter makes a rash move, Zhongli will definitely not sit idly by.

What worries Bai Ye the most is the feeling of being spied on all the time. After all, the unknown is the most terrifying.

Recently, Liyue has been full of forces from all sides.

Da Da Da——!

A burst of hurried footsteps sounded, pulling Bai Ye back to reality from his meditation.

Bai Ye turned his head and looked.

Shen He walked towards him slowly with an elegant step, holding a plate of food.

"Here, these are all we have in the kitchen. You can make do with them."

Shen He put a few dishes next to Bai Ye and spoke softly.

The aroma of the food soon filled the room.

Bai Ye was already hungry, and now he swallowed subconsciously when he smelled the aroma.


He got up from the bed, sat at the table, picked up the chopsticks and put a bite of food into his mouth.

"Hey, this shouldn't be... made by Xiangling?"

Bai Ye frowned slightly, thinking that the taste was a little wrong, and turned to look at Shen He.

"Xiangling and the others went out to collect ingredients today. Are these dishes... not delicious?"

Bai Ye blinked and asked in confusion: "It tastes good, but I want to know who made it?"

He was a little excited.

Since Xiangling is not here, the only people who can cook in the entire Wanmin Hall are General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying.

Now the dishes they cook are normal and can be swallowed.

Doesn't that mean that his mission is completed, but why is there no system prompt?

Shen He smiled embarrassedly, raised his finger and pointed at himself and said, "I did it."

Bai Ye's mouth twitched.

Is this fair?

General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying.

They followed Xiang Ling to collect ingredients and learn cooking every day, but they didn't learn anything.

The dishes they made were still as hard to swallow as before, and they might even kill people.

Guo Ba has not recovered since he ate the food they made last time, leaving a deep psychological shadow.

Now when he sees General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying, he has to walk around them. You can imagine how much damage they have caused to Guo Ba.

Bai Ye never expected it.

Shen He didn't do it himself, but just watched in the kitchen every day, and he had learned some basics.

Although not as good as Xiang Ling, it has exceeded the level of most ordinary people.

After all, Shen He watched the actual operation of Xiang Ling, the first chef of Liyue.

"As expected of a disciple of an immortal, he is really fast at learning these simple things, at least much faster than those two..."

Thinking of this, Bai Ye gave a thumbs up and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Thank you, then...eat slowly...I suddenly remembered..."

"I haven't cleaned the kitchen yet. Just put the dishes in the room after you finish eating. I'll come and get them after I clean up."

Shen He scratched his head embarrassedly, a flash of panic in his eyes, and ran out in a hurry, leaving Bai Ye with a flustered back.

She has lived in Aozang Mountain for many years. If she has a breakthrough in cultivation, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun will just tell her not to be proud.

She has never heard such praise from Bai Ye.

Bai Ye squinted his eyes, looking at Shen He's hurriedly leaving back, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If Shen He were put in the present, he would definitely be a good wife and mother.

The most important thing is that she still has strong strength and can stand up for you at critical moments.

If this is not a good wife and a good mother, then what can be called a good wife and a good mother?


Liyue, Liyue Port.

"Liyue has changed a lot in the past 500 years."

"Morax, you are worthy of being able to build Liyue into such a country."

The Queen of Winter stood quietly in Liyue Port, looking at the endless stream of people, the endless stream of trade ships from various countries, and the vendors shouting and selling along the street, and couldn't help sighing.

She just felt that time passed so quickly.

In just five hundred years, the entire Liyue has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Queen of Winter's understanding of Liyue still existed 500 years ago, and the Fatui.In the information sent back by the Liyue branch.


The Queen of Winter sneered and turned away.


Not far away.

Keqing was holding a pile of information in her hand and was rushing to the General Affairs Office. She just passed by the Queen of Winter who was leaving.


Keqing frowned slightly, suddenly stopped, and turned her head to look behind her.

The Queen of Winter had disappeared long ago.

Keqing frowned even more tightly.

She just smelled a hint of danger from this woman.

She hasn't had this feeling for many years. The last time she felt this feeling was at the Invitation to the Immortal Ceremony.

At the same time, the feeling of danger also disappeared.

"Is this... an illusion? Anyway, let's go to the General Affairs Office first, don't let them wait too long."

Keqing raised her hand and pressed her temple, and continued to go to the General Affairs Office.

During this period of time, she was busy with land affairs and was too tired. She was exhausted physically and mentally.

She attributed the palpitations just now to her own illusion.

After all, this feeling is fleeting.

You should know that a few years ago, the feeling caused by Emperor Yan Wang at the Xiandian Ceremony lasted until the end of the entire ceremony.


PS: The author apologizes for what he said yesterday. Today, the main storyline of Xumi is all over. Except that the level of the first chapter is not what the author expected, the other chapters show the level of Mi Huyou. Well, here I refer to the story of the knife man.

A friend of mine lied to me that there is no knife in the story of Xumi and it is very happy. I went to one side with this idea, and then I was stabbed.

Mi Huyou, you are extremely evil (╥╯﹏╰╥)ง

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