Wanmin Hall.

There was a constant stream of pedestrians outside the door, and the sound of children playing was deafening.

The sound of vendors shouting and hawking was endless, as if it was a peaceful and prosperous era, but...

The inside of Wanmin Hall was very different from the bustling streets.

"What the hell?"

"Dating? Is it fake?"

Bai Ye's face was dark, and he leaned against the door frame weakly, muttering to himself.

He would never believe that the system would issue such an outrageous task.

In Bai Ye's impression.

The system has never issued such a strange task.

In the past, it was just simple and rough tasks such as kicking the widow's door at night and visiting the nunnery at night.

It was the first time that Bai Ye had experienced such a tedious and complicated date that tested his emotional intelligence.

The most important thing was that the target person of the date was not very familiar.

Of course, Bai Ye's not very familiar with him meant that he had not had much contact with Ningguang.

"What kind of weird mission is this? Why don't you let me raid Ningguang's bedroom at night? That way I'll be more motivated..."

Bai Ye frowned slightly, raised his hand to rub his eyes, and complained weakly.

He carefully looked at the task column in the system interface and the system notification panel.

After Bai Ye confirmed again and again.

He was sure that he was not mistaken. The mission just released was indeed to date Ningguang.

Bai Ye covered his face helplessly.

But it's okay.

I just made an appointment with Ningguang to have dinner together in Wanmin Hall today. I don't need to take the initiative, I just need to wait for her to come.

In this way, this mission is still relatively easy.

After thinking about these.

Bai Ye's heart was a little relieved, and he continued to lie on the recliner with his eyes squinting in the sun, and the whole person was very comfortable.


Shen He stretched lazily and walked out of the kitchen tiredly.

She had just cleaned all the hygiene of Wanmin Hall.

I don't know what happened today, Shen He felt that she was particularly tired today.

She took a tired step and found a seat to sit down.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or unintentional, but Shen He sat in a position where she could see Bai Ye.


Shen He whimpered and made an unclear sound.

Shen He held his chin with one hand, and his eyes were always fixed on Bai Ye who was lying in the sun at the door, with a thoughtful look on his face.

She saw all the changes in Bai Ye's expression when he received the task.

"Bai Ye, have you encountered any difficulties? Do you need... me to help you?"

Shen He blinked, bit his lip, got up and walked to Bai Ye, and said softly.

"It's okay."

Bai Ye opened his eyes and looked up at Shen He behind him.

It would have been better if he didn't look up, but when he looked up, he saw the turbulent Shen He.

"Too majestic."

Bai Ye swallowed his saliva and blurted out this sentence subconsciously.

"What is too majestic?"

Shen He frowned, his face full of doubts, and asked back in doubt.

"Ahem, I just had a dream, in the dream I saw a majestic..."

Bai Ye half-closed his eyes, still looking at the turbulent waves, and made up a reason casually.

After all, Shen He couldn't help with dating.

If he could help, Bai Ye would definitely tell Shen He about it without hesitation.

"Oh, so that's the case."

Shen He glanced at Bai Ye and responded with a doubtful voice.


The whole person turned back to the position just now, continued to hold his chin with one hand, and looked at Bai Ye infatuatedly.

If Bai Ye could see Shen He like this, I'm afraid only three words would appear in his mind-



The sun was high in the sky, and the sun was fierce.

The leisurely morning time passed quickly, and it was noon in the blink of an eye.

But even so, Bai Ye still had no intention of moving.

Shen He behind Bai Ye.

She still kept her chin on one hand, staring at Bai Ye.

The atmosphere in Wanmin Hall was always very strange.

Da Da Da——!

At the same time, a sound of footsteps rang out.

Several Qianyan soldiers marched in uniform steps and came to the door of Wanmin Hall.

"Excuse me, which one is Mr. Bai?"

The leading Qianyan soldier took a step forward, stood at the door of Wanmin Hall, and said in a shocking voice.

"It's me, what can I do for you?"

Bai Ye, who was lying on the recliner, raised his hand and said lazily.

"Mr. Bai, this is sent by Bai Wen Bai Shi, and I must hand it to you personally."

The leader of the Qianyan Army took a step forward and stood at the door of Wanmin Hall.He took out a card, bowed slightly, and handed it to Bai Ye.

"Thank you."

Bai Ye took the card doubtfully and thanked him softly.

"Since the things have been handed over to Mr. Bai, our mission has been completed. Let's go back to Qun Yu Pavilion first."

The leader of the Qianyan Army, who had completed the mission, breathed a sigh of relief and said softly.

As soon as the voice fell.

He turned around and left with the Qianyan Army behind him.

Bai Ye blinked and looked at the card, which was printed with Ningguang's mark and a huge number.

It was the 1 billion Mora that Bai Wen Bai Shi had promised to invest in him before.

Bai Ye suddenly became energetic.

Now that Ningguang's investment has been in place, the renovation of Wanmin Hall can start immediately.

Shen He behind him, after seeing Bai Ye's actions, withdrew his gaze from Bai Ye in panic, stood up and turned to the kitchen.


Liyue, Northland Bank.

"Sir, tell me about the current situation."

The Queen of Winter sat on Tartaglia's seat, crossed her legs, and said coldly.

"Yes, Queen."

"After the little princess came to Liyue, I kept her in the Northland Bank, but after receiving your message last time, I let her go, and she..."

Tartaria nodded, responded softly, and then slowly told the whole story.

"Stop, stop, stop, am I here to listen to you?"

The Queen of Winter frowned and opened her red lips to interrupt what Tartaglia wanted to say.

"Then what does the Queen want to hear?"

Tartaria looked up at the Queen of Winter and asked.

"The matter of Wanmin Hall."

The Queen of Winter said coldly with a blank expression.

"Some time ago, the little princess disappeared. I mobilized all the Fatui in Liyue to look for her. When I passed by the Hall of All People, I found that the gods of Mondstadt and Inazuma were all in the Hall of All People, and the plaque of the Hall of All People was made by Morax himself..."

Daddaria suddenly realized and told the whole story from beginning to end.

"These old guys are all gathered in the Hall of All People. It's really interesting."

The Queen of Winter frowned, with a thoughtful expression, and her white fingers gently tapped the table in front of her.

Daddaria stood quietly in front of the Queen of Winter, not daring to say a word, for fear of disturbing the Queen of Winter.

"My lord, get ready, take me to the Hall of All People these days, I want to see these old friends."

After an unknown amount of time, the Queen of Winter stopped her movements, a hint of coldness flashed in her eyes, and said coldly.

"Yes, Queen."

Daddaria nodded and responded.


Liyue, Wanmin Hall.

"These, these, and these, and the kitchen over there, all demolish them for me."

Bai Ye raised his hand and pointed at various objects in Wanmin Hall, and kept giving instructions.

Behind him, several Liyue craftsmen followed.

"Mr. Bai, if we demolish and rebuild everything, the cost will be too much..."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the old craftsman with gray hair couldn't sit still and reminded Bai Ye.

"It's okay, just do as I say. What I lack the least now is Mora."

Bai Ye's mouth corners slightly raised, and his face was full of confidence.

He was telling the truth.

He really didn't lack Mora the least.

Ningguang just sent 1 billion Mora, and Bai Ye still had nearly 110 billion Mora, so he was naturally arrogant when he spoke.

After hearing what Bai Ye said, the old craftsman stopped talking and took out a notebook from his pocket, writing down everything Bai Ye had just said.

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