Qunyu Pavilion.

"If this thing succeeds, we can be considered as matchmakers for Lord Ningguang, hehehe~~~"

Bai Wen hummed, and his aunt's smile appeared on his face again, and his voice was a little louder.

Bai Shi's face changed, and he took two steps at a time and raised his hand to cover Bai Wen's mouth.

"Wuwuwu~~ What are you doing~~~"

Bai Wen raised his hand and pulled Bai Shi's hand away, saying angrily.

"If Lord Ningguang hears it, we will be miserable..."

Bai Shi raised his hand and pointed to the next door, saying cautiously.

Bai Wen saw Bai Shi's action, his face changed drastically, and then he closed his mouth.

Because they had to wait for Ningguang's dispatch at any time, the room was specially chosen next to Ningguang, so that they could wait for Ningguang's various instructions.

Because the room was not soundproof, or perhaps Ningguang's hearing was too sensitive, their whispers were often heard by Ningguang.

Baiwen held his breath, put his ear to the wall, and after calming down, he whispered, "Master Ningguang seems to be sleeping. He should not have heard what we said, right?"


A sharp sound of the door opening sounded.

"What did you hear? You two are so brave. You dare to hide something from me..."

Ningguang raised her hand and pushed open the door. Her slender and tight legs walked in with elegant steps, looking at Baiwen and Baishi with interest.

"Ah... Master Ningguang... Nothing... Nothing..."

Baiwen's face changed, and he panicked and spoke incoherently.

"Master Ningguang, Baiwen was secretly reading the light novel sent by Inazuma just now. I was afraid that you would know..."

Baishi looked normal and explained confidently.

At this moment, Baishi was very calm. He only took a look at the light novel on the table and thought of a way to deal with it.

"I'm sorry, Lord Ningguang, I shouldn't have read the bad books sent by Inazuma..."

Bai Wen suddenly had an idea in his mind, and he followed Bai Shi's words to get out of the situation.

"The Domineering Prince Falls in Love with Me?"

"Bai Wen, it's okay, you can read this kind of light novel if you want, I won't tell you, don't read it so secretly in the future..."

Ningguang walked to the desk doubtfully, picked up the light novel on the table, his face became a little strange, and he murmured.

"Yes, Lord Ningguang."

Bai Wen breathed a sigh of relief and said respectfully.

Based on the current situation, at least his life is saved.

If Lord Ningguang knows about the "son-in-law" plan he made, it will be a big problem.

If he is found reading novels now, at most he will die socially.

If his "son-in-law" plan is discovered, it will not be as simple as social death.

"Then you continue reading. I'll leave first."

Ningguang flipped a few pages casually, glanced at it lightly, put it on the table, and said softly.

As soon as the voice fell.

Before Baiwen Baishi answered, Ningguang took a step and left the room.

Baiwen Baishi collapsed on the ground powerlessly, with a look of joy on his face after escaping the disaster.

"Huh~ You should say less of this kind of words in the future, at least before the plan succeeds, you can't continue to talk nonsense."

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise you would be miserable."

"Hehe, now we have to hurry up to make the next plan, and we must let Lord Ningguang take down Mr. Bai."

"For Lord Ningguang's happiness, the son-in-law plan must succeed."

Baiwen Baishi and the others whispered.

After this incident.

Not only did they not have the intention to retreat, but they also boosted their confidence.


Wanmin Hall.

The old craftsman led his men to dismantle the building in full swing.

It took only a blink of an eye.

The entire Wanmin Hall had been almost dismantled, leaving only the part that needed explosives.

"Old Third, are the explosives ready?"

The old craftsman looked at the burly man who had been fiddling with the explosives beside him and urged him impatiently.

"Don't worry, brother, it will be ready soon. Wait for me for a while."

The burly man waved his hand and said.

"Are you the second fastest man in Liyue?"

The old craftsman rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

When the burly man heard what the old craftsman said, he stopped talking and sped up his men.

"Sure enough, sometimes... provocation is the best."

Seeing the burly manSeeing the movement of Han's hands, the old craftsman's mouth corners slightly raised, and a smug look flashed in his eyes.

After a moment.

"Brother, it's done."

The burly man wiped his sweat, gave all the explosives he made to the old craftsman, and said breathlessly.


Outside Wanmin Hall.

Bai Ye and Shen He were still basking in the sun. They couldn't help the current situation of Wanmin Hall in the slightest.

Wait until they finish demolishing it before making new plans.


At the same time.

A loud earth-shaking sound came from Wanmin Hall.

The violent airflow rushed into the sky, and countless building debris floated in the air. The blazing fire almost engulfed the entire Wanmin Hall.

Bai Ye's face changed.

He jumped up from the recliner, circulated the seven elemental powers in his body, and controlled the spreading fire.


Liyue, in the wild.

"Wow~~ It seems that there was an explosion in Liyue City. Such thick smoke. Is there a fire somewhere?"

Xiangling squinted her eyes and looked at the flames in Liyue City. She was excited.

Lei Dianying frowned and said, "It seems that there is a fire near Wanmin Hall..."

General Lei Dian looked solemn. He raised his hand to touch his chin. After a moment of silence, he said, "It's not like, but there was an explosion near Wanmin Hall..."

"Then let's go back to Liyue City first."

Xiangling's face changed, and the smile on her face was gradually disappearing. She didn't care about continuing to collect ingredients, and hurried to Wanmin Hall.


PS: It turns out that everyone has started school. No wonder the recent data has taken a sharp turn for the worse. I apologize to everyone first. I promised to update you some time ago, but I was short of ideas and inspiration, so I haven't been able to write it. I will try to make up for what I promised everyone before the National Day...

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