Wanmin Hall.

Ningguang lay lazily on the chair.

Baiwen Baishi saw Ningguang's attitude and didn't dare to say anything more.

They could only help Shenhe to clean up the ingredients silently, and would secretly look at Shenhe from time to time.

Baiwen felt a sense of crisis in Shenhe.


It's not that they have a sense of crisis, but they feel a sense of crisis for Ningguang.

Shenhe in front of her looks and figure are not inferior to Shenhe, not to mention that she also feels an indescribable breath from Shenhe.

This breath is as ethereal as a fairy, which is completely different from Ningguang's elegant and graceful temperament.

I don't know why, Baiwen always feels...

If Baiye is asked to choose between Ningguang and Shenhe, Baiye will definitely choose Shenhe.

Little did he know.

If Baiye really let Baiye choose, Baiye would only say four words-I want them all.

"What's your name?"

"What are you doing in Wanmin Hall?"

"The weather is pretty good today. What are these ingredients?"

"Oh, what's your relationship with Bai Ye?"

Bai Wen's mouth was like a machine gun, asking Shen He all kinds of questions non-stop.

None of the previous questions were important. The most important one was the last one - what's your relationship with Bai Ye.

She wanted to find out Shen He's background for Ning Guang. She had already regarded Shen He as an imaginary enemy.

If Shen He was really an obstacle to Ning Guang's love.

Then Bai Wen would do her best to remove Shen He as an obstacle.

All this was for the happiness of Lord Ning Guang.

Thinking of this.

Bai Wen's expression became a little firm, and the whole person exuded a momentum of facing death.

"My name is Shen He. I clean the Wanmin Hall. Bai Ye is responsible for paying my salary."

Shen He's face was speechless. She just felt that the woman in front of her was a little boring, and she spoke impatiently.

Hearing Shen He's words, Bai Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Shen He said so, she must not be the enemy of Lord Ningguang.

But we can't take it lightly. As the saying goes, love grows over time.

If Shen He and Mr. Bai get along for a long time, and Shen He gets there first, it will be a big problem.

Bai Wen thought so in her heart, and processed the ingredients absent-mindedly.

After a while.

All the ingredients were processed.

"Thank you."

Shen He thanked coldly, picked up the prepared ingredients, and walked towards the kitchen with an elegant step.

Bai Wen looked at Shen He's back coldly, stretched out his hand and pulled Bai Shi to the corner.

"Hmm~~~Why are you pulling me?"

Bai Shi broke free from Bai Wen's hand and looked at Bai Wen angrily.

"We must pay close attention to this Shen He. I feel that she must be Ning Guang's biggest enemy in love."

Bai Wen snorted and spoke softly.

"Have you read too many novels? She doesn't look like she likes Mr. Bai at all."

Bai Shi laughed disdainfully.

"Just because she doesn't like him now doesn't mean she won't like him in the future. You don't want to see Lady Ning Guang crying all day, do you?"

"If Lady Ning Guang cries in bed every day and has no time to deal with Li Yue's affairs, will you be responsible for this?"

Bai Wen knocked on Bai Shi's head and said angrily.

Bai Shi remained silent after hearing this, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and then nodded heavily.


"Here~~These ingredients have been sorted."

Shen He came to Bai Ye with the sorted ingredients and said softly.

Before entering the kitchen.

Shen He also deliberately looked down at his chest. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he walked into the kitchen with confidence.

"Thank you."

Bai Ye looked at Shen He with a smile and thanked him softly.

Shen He blushed slightly.

As soon as she saw Bai Ye's smiling expression, she thought of the beautiful scene in her dream.

"Bai Ye, what are you going to cook today?"

Shen He took a deep breath, forced himself not to think about it, and changed the subject casually.

She waited for a long time.

There was no response from Bai Ye.

When she was confused, she looked up.

Bai Ye frowned and kept looking at the north.

"What's wrong with you?"

Shen He blinked and asked with some concern.

"An old friend is coming, I'm going to go greet her."

Bai Ye sneered, took out the Decade driver from his backpack, and strode out of the Wanmin Hall.


PS: I feel numb, and the more I write, the more confused I feel.

I want to take a day off in a few days to calm down, plan the following plot, and modify the unreasonable parts of the previous chapters.

My mind is in a mess. I can't write down the picture I have in mind when I start writing. It may be related to the outline of the new book I am writing. I will not write the outline and character design of the new book in the next few days, and concentrate on this original god.

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