Hearing what Yoel said, Lisa's smile became more and more intense, and she couldn't help turning her head to look at Anya beside her.

She wanted to know what Anya's expression was now.

After all, this little girl has been making trouble for her recently.

It would be great if she could see Anya's frustrated expression.

The fact is just as Lisa expected, Anya really looked sad.

Anya stood there aggrieved, and she was about to cry. When she thought about going to the Xumi Church with Lisa, she couldn't help shaking.

After these few days of getting along.

Anya has completely understood Lisa's temper and came to a conclusion.

Lisa is definitely the most mysterious and terrifying woman in the entire Mondstadt...no one else.

She felt that even the legendary one, that is, Alice, Klee's mother, was not as scary as the strange aunt wearing a wizard hat in front of her.

"Mom. I don't want to go to the Xumi Church. I want to find my dad..."

When she thought of this, Anya trembled all over, and hurried to Yoel's side, pulling Yoel's clothes and shaking him constantly.

"No~~ Anya, you just stay with Aunt Lisa and learn more new things, so that you can find your dad."

Yol naturally couldn't agree to Anya's request.

Now she just hopes that Anya is as far away from her as possible. She wants to find Bai Ye, so she definitely can't take Anya with her. Putting her with Lisa seems to be the best choice.

During this time, she heard some rumors in Mond, and she took a look at the information in the Knights' Order and found that Lisa's strength might be the strongest in the entire Mond.

This is also the reason why she is relieved to leave Anya with Lisa.

Anya was silent after hearing this.

She knew that once Yoel made a decision, no matter what method he used, he couldn't be pulled back.

If you have to say it, then only the father who is still missing now... that is, Bai Ye, can dissuade Yoel.

She often heard the sound of fighting in Bai Ye and Youer's room at night, which could be described as snapping.

Whenever this sound was heard.

After Youer got up the next morning, he would always agree to some of Bai Ye's strange requests.

This incident left a deep impression on Anya, and at the same time, she admired Bai Ye even more.

It only took one night to subdue the mother code-named Princess Thorn. This was too amazing.

Anya was thinking about it in her mind, and she didn't notice that Lisa beside her was a little abnormal.

That's right.

Lisa heard "Aunt Lisa" from Youer's mouth, and the whole person stood there in a mess.

Speaking of it.

She hasn't heard the title of "Auntie" for a long time.

No, it should be said that... No one in Mond dared to use this title for Lisa, and anyone who used it would end up in a very miserable end.

"Captain Youer, don't worry, I will take good care of Anya."

Lisa smiled softly with her hands covering her mouth, and this smile was full of endless danger, and she spoke gently.

When Anya heard Lisa's laughter, she shuddered and a bad feeling came over her.

She had a premonition.

This trip to Xumi was probably going to be a hard one.

Anya wanted to shout for help and tell Joel everything, but her remaining rationality stopped her.

She couldn't change Joel's decision. Doing so would only make Joel think she was being unreasonable and might even cause Lisa's anger.

After weighing the pros and cons in her mind, Anya had to give up the idea. She forced a smile on her face and said, "Mom, don't worry. I will listen to Sister Lisa."

Joel frowned slightly, turned his head to look at Anya, and said, "Little kid, you are disrespectful. You should call Aunt Lisa."

Anya looked aggrieved, opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but stopped, and swallowed what she wanted to say.

"Lisa, Anya is not very familiar with these etiquettes yet, so I'll trouble you to take care of her during this period."

Yol coughed, turned his head to look at Lisa, and said with a smile.

"Captain Yoel, with me here, Anya won't get into any accidents."

Lisa had a faint smile on her face, and looked at Yoel calmly.

Anya's mouth twitched.

She really wanted to punch Lisa in the face now.

It's obviously because of you that the accident happened!

Of course, these are just her thoughts. Anya can't do anything now, and can only complain silently in her heart.


Liyue, Wanmin Hall.

There was a loud rumble in the sky, and heavy rain fell from the sky, washing the entire Liyue, adding a different charm to the originally spring-filled Liyue.

The pedestrians and vendors on the street were all shocked, packed up their things, and hurried home.

Unlike the hurried pedestrians on the road, the Queen of Winter was indifferent to the heavy rain, still lying leisurely on the recliner, as if everything happening outside had nothing to do with her.

Around her, an invisible protective shield rose, visibly isolating the heavy rain from the naked eye.

The Queen of Winter squinted her eyes, looking at the torrential rain, and seemed a little uneasy.

At the same time.

Bai Ye carried several plates and slowly came towards the Queen of Winter from the direction of the temporary kitchen.

Now he just wanted to send this gentleman from the Kingdom of Winter away quickly.

If she stayed in Wanmin Hall for one more second, Bai Ye would be in more danger.

Who knows what this gentleman has in mind? How can a person who can create an organization like the Fatui be a kind person?

No matter what happens, there will be a reason. The motive of the Queen of Winter is definitely not so simple.

Bai Ye can feel it in his heart.

The purpose of the Queen of Winter is definitely not as simple as coming to Wanmin Hall to taste boiled cabbage again.

Little did she know.

The main purpose of the Queen of Winter coming to Wanmin Hall is to taste boiled cabbage again. As for inviting Bai Ye to join the Fatui, it was all done by chance.


"My Queen, there is no cabbage in Wanmin Hall today, but these dishes are improved based on boiled cabbage. I wonder if they suit your taste?"

Bai Ye put the dishes in his hand next to the Queen of Winter and said with a smile.

When Queen Zhidong heard Bai Ye's words, her brows slightly frowned, and the expression on her face became a little cold. After all, she came here specifically for the boiled cabbage.

But when she smelled the smell of these dishes, her expression eased a lot.

She could feel that the taste of these dishes was similar to the boiled cabbage she had eaten at the beginning.

Since the taste was similar, it must not be bad.

"Queen, you take your time to taste it. I have something else to do..."

Bai Ye looked at Queen Zhidong with a smile, raised his hand to say hello, turned around and left, seemingly without giving Queen Zhidong a chance to react.

He just wanted to leave Queen Zhidong quickly and didn't want to have anything to do with her.


Drifting under the heavy rain.

In a dark corner somewhere in Wanmin Hall where no one noticed, two groups of black fog were quietly condensing.

"Captain, let's just keep hiding in the dark and observe. Now the seven rulers of the mortal world are in contact with His Highness. Could it be that they have also discovered His Highness's secret?"

The black shadow looked at the Queen of Winter who was tasting the food with doubt, and spoke cautiously.

"They should not be able to discover His Highness's identity for the time being. After all, His Highness has not reached that stage yet, but...calculating the time, it should be about time."

The captain touched his chin, his eyes flashed red, and his face was full of thoughtful expressions.

"Captain, what does the prophecy say?"

The black shadow sighed helplessly, as if he remembered something, and suddenly looked up at the captain.

"The prophecy says that His Highness will go to Xumi to regain his power, the glory of the abyss will shine on this world again, and the defeated demons will crawl under His Highness..."

When the captain thought of the content of the prophecy, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The prophecy made 500 years ago is now gradually being realized, and there has been no mistake so far. As long as Bai Ye reaches Xumi, the long-silent abyss will awaken and descend upon this world again.

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