Wanmin Hall.

Shen He sat cross-legged on the bed, her whole body trembling constantly.

Her emotions were becoming more and more unstable, and the negative emotions were almost swallowing her.

The red rope on her wrist used to bind the soul was almost broken, with only a few threads left to maintain the integrity of the red rope.

The red rope was shaky and looked like it might break at any time.

If it weren't for the Eightfold God Child using the Heart Purification Secret Technique of Mingshen Taisha, I'm afraid the red rope would have broken long ago, and Shen He would have been out of control long ago.

Shen He has excellent comprehension and roots, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is gifted.

Although his nominal master is Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, in fact, because of his unique talent, he is deeply loved by other immortals.

At the same time, because of this incident, he learned many immortal arts from other immortals.

It is no exaggeration to say.

In time, Shen He's strength will definitely surpass all immortals.

Even now, if the red rope on Shen He's wrist breaks, the strength she shows is amazing.

Even Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun dare not guarantee that he can absolutely control Shen He.

The red rope on Shen He's hand is like a limiter. Although it limits most of her strength, it also controls her murderous intention.

The hideous black "fairy" appeared in Shen He's mind out of thin air, and there was only Shen He's figure in her blood-red eyes.

At that moment, it was just like this moment.

The horrible memory of her childhood surged into her mind, and she subconsciously reached around, but this time... she did not touch the dagger.

The exorcism dagger that her mother gave her when she was dying.

The black "fairy" laughed wildly, opened its bloody mouth, and approached Shen He step by step.

The saliva like mucus flowed all over the ground, and under the illumination of a ray of light, it looked particularly creepy.

Shen He's mind went blank, and he almost lost the ability to think. He could only move backwards by instinct.

The black "fairy" seemed to enjoy the thrill of hunting. It did not rush to swallow Shen He, but stood there and kept looking at Shen He.



The red rope on Shen He's wrist made a crisp sound, and another thread broke.

Now the threads on the red rope can be counted with one hand.

If all the threads on the red rope are broken, it means that the trembling Shen He will break through the shackles of the red rope and reappear in this world.

By then.

I'm afraid no one can save the out-of-control Shen He.

Even the Rock King Emperor Zhongli can't save Shen He, he can only stop him.

Stopping requires a price, and this price is Shen He's life.


Qun Yu Pavilion.

Bai Ye lay in the chair calmly, looking at Ningguang who was processing the documents.

Of course, Bai Ye didn't want to see Ningguang, but there was nothing else to do except to see Ningguang.


Bai Ye felt a palpitation, and his face turned pale instantly.

The feeling of pain.

From the demon god's godhead to every corner of the body, it was as if something important was about to be lost.

At the same time.

Ningguang finished handling today's affairs, looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, and found that it was almost time for dinner. He said softly: "Mr. Bai, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. There are too many affairs piled up recently. Now it's time for dinner, why don't we..."

Before he finished speaking.

Ningguang saw Bai Ye's pale face, and was startled. He said: "Mr. Bai, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Ye waved his hand and said weakly: "I'm fine..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the system prompt sounded.

Bai Ye finally understood what the feeling was.

[Liyue mainline mission released]

[Save Shen He who is on the verge of losing control. This mission is mandatory and you cannot get any rewards]

[Please note that Shen He's life is currently permanently bound to you. You will feel all the pain she suffers. If Shen He dies, you will die with her]

[First player, your life is coming to an end. Perhaps suicide to reduce your own pain is more suitable for you~]


PS: Chapter 399 will be drawn tomorrow, and 20 friends will be drawn (30 people were drawn in Chapter 355, 20 of whom did not contact me, and there is a specific list in Chapter 393), 399 chapters and less than 100 chapter reviews, about one-fourth chance for each person to be drawn.

Let me explain in advance, if this draw draws a friend who has already received the prize, he will not continue to win, and will be re-drawn until a friend who has not been drawn is drawn, which is equivalent to a one-third chance.

I wanted to draw it today, but I was too tired from farm work today and was too lazy to bother with it. During the seven-day National Day holiday, everyone should have some entertainment and rest early. See you tomorrow~~

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