Liyue City.

Chihuyan Street.

"My Lord, I suspect there is a traitor among us."

A Fatui hurriedly ran to Tartaglia, leaned over to his ear, and whispered.

"Traitor? What traitor?"

Tartaria frowned and asked in confusion.

"When all of us Fatui were dispatched, the Jade Pavilion also sent out the Thousand Rocks Army."

The Fatui intelligence officer's eyes flashed with fear, and he spoke nervously.

"The Jade Pavilion sends out the Thousand Rocks Army every day. What does it have to do with you? Why are you making a fuss..."

Tartaria rolled his eyes and said a little speechlessly.

"My Lord, that's not the case."

"When our Thousand Rocks Army was dispatched, they also dispatched, and their target was the same as ours, the Ten Thousand People's Hall!"

The Fatui intelligence officer touched his chest and said everything he wanted to say in one breath.

Tartaglia's face changed, his brows knitted, and a bad premonition came to his mind.

If this is true.

Then the problem is really big, and this problem is not ordinary big.

If it is really as he guessed, then the entire Liyue branch of the Fatui will be wiped out by the Qianyan Army today.

Although they can run away, the bureau they have worked hard to set up in Liyue for so many years will all be destroyed.

"My Lord, what should we do now? Now... should we retreat?"

The Fatui intelligence officer looked at Tartaglia cautiously and spoke softly.

"No need."

"Continue to execute according to the original plan. If there is a traitor among us, whether we retreat or not, the outcome will be the same, not to mention that they may not come to find us..."

Tartaria waved his hand and spoke thoughtfully.

If there really was a traitor, then the Fatui branch in Liyue would have been destroyed long ago, and it would have been impossible to wait until now.

Moreover, this plan was decided temporarily, and only he and the Queen of Winter knew about it at that time.

The news would definitely not be spread out at the first time, unless the Queen of Winter was a traitor.

Then this matter would be somewhat credible.


Shen He's consciousness space.

"Come on, boy, today I'll let you...ah..."

The ugly face of the black "fairy" showed a trace of cruelty, and it had already made plans to die with Bai Ye.

But before it finished speaking, it saw Bai Ye coming in front of it in an instant and punching it in the cheek.


It screamed, and its body retreated backwards like a cannonball.

"You are about to die, and you are still talking so much nonsense."

"Play with me first, it's better to make me completely excited..."

Bai Ye sneered and spoke madly.

If you could see Bai Ye's eyes at this moment, you would find that his eyes were full of madness.

As soon as the voice fell.

Bai Ye rushed forward.

Before the black "fairy" landed in the air, Bai Ye had instantly arrived in front of its landing point and was waiting.

At the moment when it was about to land, he punched it hard again.

Its face was distorted and it flew backwards again.


It roared in the air. Facing such a joke, it could no longer bear it.

It stopped suddenly in the air, turned over forcefully, and kicked hard with both feet in the air.

With a whoosh, it rushed towards Bai Ye at a high speed.

Bai Ye stood there without moving, as if he didn't notice it.

The black "fairy" was so angry that he didn't consider whether there was any trick.

Facts proved that there was no trick.

Even if its attack was right in front of him, Bai Ye didn't hide. In fact, he didn't need to hide.


Bai Ye took the blow head-on and punched it.


A mouthful of green blood gushed out of its mouth, and it felt like its internal organs were about to break.

But it knew it couldn't retreat, and it could only win this battle by getting rid of Bai Ye in one go.

Thinking of this.

The black "fairy" had a red light flash in its eyes, and it increased the speed of its hands, punching Bai Ye again and again.

Facing the swift attack of the black "fairy", Bai Ye still had no intention of dodging, and let its fists hit him.

Although he took its attack head-on, he would punch it back for every punch he received.

In the eyes of others, this was completely "killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred of your own."Fighting style.

It was fine at first.

As time went by, something went wrong.

The black "fairy" had a painful look on its face, and its whole body became a little scared under Bai Ye's attack.

Facing Bai Ye's rain-like dense attack, it was in great pain, and even had the idea of ​​begging for mercy in its heart.

On the other hand, Bai Ye became more and more excited as he fought, and a burst of crazy laughter came from his mouth from time to time.

Shen He saw this scene and had an idea in his mind.

Who of you two is the villain? !


PS: I do farm work during the day and write at night. I can't stand it physically and mentally.

I may need to take a day off to slow down, of course it's just a possibility, I will still update with a high probability.

Just get through these few days, finish the farm work, and go back. Because I happened to be back to my hometown during the National Day, I helped out at home for a few days, but I will be back soon. I will update steadily after I go back. Although I am updating steadily now, I am not satisfied with the quality of what I write. Long live understanding~~

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