Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air was heard.

After a tremor, the giant sword emitting the element of ice shrank to its normal size.

The slender and tender white jade hand of the Queen of Winter grasped in the air, and the ice sword automatically flew into the hands of the Queen of Winter.

It happened in a split second.

Just as the Queen of Winter grasped the ice sword.

The violent and incomparable purple dazzling sword light, with its earth-shattering power, approached the Queen of Winter in the blink of an eye.

The space began to distort, and cracks appeared in the barrier. The shrill howling of an unknown creature suddenly sounded, echoing throughout the barrier.

Thunderclouds rolled above the sky, and the sword light suddenly appeared above the earth.

Bai Ye shouted angrily, and the dazzling sword light slashed towards the head of the Queen of Winter.

Bai Ye swung this sword with the intention of killing her.

In this situation, Bai Ye had no way to hold back.

After all, in a battle of this level, any distraction could cost one's life.

Not to mention this blatant letting go, which was almost the same as seeking death.

What's more.

Bai Ye felt that this knife might not be able to defeat the Queen of Winter.


It could even be said that this knife might not be able to... hurt the Queen of Winter.

Although he now had the power of the God of Thunder, he was still too tender for the Queen of Winter.

Sure enough, just as Bai Ye had expected, the Queen of Winter really caught this earth-shattering knife.

The Queen of Winter held the ice sword, used the same knife-swinging posture as Bai Ye, and swung the sword towards the brilliant knife energy that penetrated the long rainbow.

This knife was smooth and flowing, like an antelope hanging its horns.

The most important thing is that her and Bai Ye's sword-swinging postures are exactly the same, no matter the details or the strength, they are all carved out of the same mold.

The only difference is that the brilliant sword energy containing endless thunder elements has changed into sword energy containing ice elements.

"Even if the real Thunder God fights me, he dare not do this to me..."

"You are very brave, but that's it... so much."

The Queen of Winter snorted coldly, ice flames rose in her eyes, and raised her hand to swing the sword at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's face was expressionless, and his long lavender hair fluttered in the wind.

He held his dream in his hand, his body did not dodge, and he went straight to meet the Queen of Winter's amazing sword.

He couldn't retreat.

If he retreated at this time, it would mean that he had already lost.

In an instant.

The knife and the sword collided with each other, splashing out sparks.


A sound of metal clashing rang out, echoing throughout the barrier for a long time.

The purple blade light and the light blue sword light collided with each other, causing a wave of space fluctuations and ripples.

The light generated by the collision of swords and swords illuminated the cheeks of Bai Ye and Queen Zhidong.

Their faces were expressionless, and their eyes contained terrifying murderous intent.

Both of them wanted to defeat each other with one blow.

In a battle of this level, as long as you take the initiative, you will most likely win the battle.

Although this kind of thing is not absolute, it is always right to take the initiative.

When the purple blade light collided with the light blue sword light, the shock wave generated by the collision spread in all directions.

Even the two initiators of this incident could not withstand this impact, and they flew backwards like kites with broken strings.


A violent explosion sounded in the ice barrier, and dense spider-web-like patterns appeared on the barrier.

The ice barrier, which was originally as solid as a rock, has now become fragmented and shaky, as if it will collapse at any time.

The sacred cherry tree standing in the barrier also trembled uncontrollably.

The ice element and the thunder element in the barrier intertwined with each other and became more violent.

After being destroyed by the two elements, all the objects in the entire space gradually became lifeless.

From outside the barrier, you can see a huge mushroom cloud emerging from the barrier, just like a nuclear bomb explosion.

The mushroom cloud dissipated instantly.

A white ring with the barrier as the center is slowly spreading to the surroundings.

Even in Liyue City, dozens of miles away, you can clearly hear the violent explosion and see the slowly rising mushroom cloud.

The social loser who was drinking tea, playing with birds and eating cakes frowned slightly when he saw what was happening in front of him.


He raised his hand calmlyHe waved at the ice barrier and said softly, "Solid as a rock."

A pale yellow, almost transparent barrier enveloped the ice barrier, isolating the extremely violent shock wave.

If Zhongli was not here.

I am afraid that this shock wave would gradually spread to Liyue City.

Although it seems to be very slow and the power is not strong at all, if it is really allowed to spread, it may cause incalculable consequences.

Now it can be regarded as a perfect solution to this matter.

I saw Zhongli cross his legs, leaning lazily on the back of the chair, holding hot tea and tasting cakes, as if he was hiding his merits and fame.

On the other side.

Lei Yingying covered her chest with lingering fear, and her eyes were always looking at the barrier in front of her.

She could feel that the dream in her body was taken out by Bai Ye.

This also means that the Queen of Winter is fighting fiercely with Bai Ye.

When she saw the crumbling ice barrier, she knew that the battle in the barrier had entered a fierce stage, and it would only take a moment to decide the final victory or defeat.

"Did he... take away Mengxiang Yixin?"

General Lei Dian turned his head to look at Lei Dianying, staring at her chest, and asked softly.

Lei Dianying did not speak, but just covered her chest and nodded gently.

"It seems that it will be over soon..."

General Lei Dian touched his chin and muttered to himself thoughtfully.

At the same time.

Shen He and Yae Shen Zi hurriedly came to Lei Dianying and General Lei Dian, and asked in unison: "What is the situation inside now..."

"Bai Ye and the Queen of Winter are in the barrier, and they should be fighting now..."

General Lei Dian spoke concisely without any nonsense.

"Is he okay?"

Shen He heard General Lei Dian's words, widened his eyes, and asked anxiously.

"Now no one can enter the barrier, but it seems safe for now."

General Lei Dian was stunned for a few seconds, thought about it and spoke.

When she said this, she was unsure.

Even if Bai Ye was replaced by herself and Lei Dian, she could not guarantee that she could get an advantage under the Queen of Winter.

In order to appease Shen He's emotions, she could only say this.

But after hearing General Lei Dian's words, Yae Shenzi quietly slipped to the other side of the barrier.

"Bai Ye really has the power of Thunder God... I always feel that it's not good..."

Ye Shenzi felt the violent ice element breath above the barrier, his eyes flickered a little, and he muttered to himself.

She originally just guessed that Bai Ye had mastered the Heart of God. Although she is sure of this now, she is worried instead.

In the cognition of Yae Shenzi.

It is not a good thing for an ordinary person to master the power of Thunder God, but there is no solution now. Everything can only wait until Bai Ye comes out of the barrier.


Qunyu Pavilion.

Ningguang had naturally noticed the strange phenomenon in Liyue a long time ago.

Now Ningguang has sent news to the other six of the Liyue Seven Stars, inviting them to the Qunyu Pavilion for a chat.

Now Ningguang is standing on the observation deck of the Qunyu Pavilion, looking at the abnormal place in the distance.

The sky in the distance is covered with dark clouds and thunder, and there are bursts of lightning and thunder from time to time.

This is not the key.

The key is that there is heavy snow in the sky, and the cold wind in the spring season is bone-chilling, as if winter is coming.

This is what ordinary people see.

People like Ningguang who have the eyes of God can clearly feel the violent ice element and thunder element.

The two elements are constantly blending and entangled, causing various strange phenomena in the world. If they are not stopped, it will definitely lead to a disaster.

Since Ningguang was born, she has never seen such a scene.

Not to mention Ganyu, even Ganyu has never seen an elemental reaction of this scale.

"We are so knowledgeable, let's not wait for the others."

"Go and summon the Qianyan Army with the Eye of God in Liyue City, and go with me to find out what's going on."

"After these things are done, you will wait for the other adults in the Qun Yu Pavilion. If they arrive, tell them that I have gone to the place where the abnormality occurred."

Although Ningguang had just issued the order to summon the other members of the Liyue Seven Stars not long ago, she saw the abnormality in the distance and finallyShe couldn't sit still any longer.

If it was just an ordinary abnormality, she could wait a while, or even not go, but the current situation was extremely urgent and could not be delayed at all.

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