Castle tower, pure land of one heart.

Bai Ye was lying on the ground in a big letter shape.

Ying floated cross-legged in the air, frowning slightly, falling into the same distress as General Raiden.

She not only felt the existence of "One Heart of Dream" in Bai Ye, but also smelled the scent of God's Heart.

As a result, she searched Bai Ye's body from head to toe, but found nothing.

In desperation.

Ying sat cross-legged in front of Bai Ye, staring at Bai Ye.

She kept thinking in her mind, how can she find her knife.


It took an unknown amount of time.

Bai Ye's fingers moved slightly, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Are you awake?"

Before Bai Ye could take a good look at his current situation.

A pleasant voice sounded in his ears.

Bai Ye turned his head and looked, and a familiar and beautiful face appeared in front of him.


Bai Ye's mouth twitched, and he secretly said in his heart that it was bad.

"Since you recognize me, how dare you steal my knife?"

Ying's face turned a little surprised when she heard Bai Ye calling her name.

"Steal a knife? What knife?"

Faced with the real owner's question, Bai Ye touched his nose awkwardly.

"I just pulled it out on my chest, and it automatically came to my hand."

Bai Ye said, and gestured on his chest a few times.

"Then where is my knife?"

Ying looked at Bai Ye curiously.

She wanted to know where Bai Ye hid the knife, and she couldn't find it after searching for so long.

As for Bai Ye's explanation of pulling out the knife, she naturally didn't believe it.

Bai Ye smiled awkwardly and raised his hand to open the dimensional backpack.

It was filled with various items.

For example, Saber's "Sword of Promised Victory", the "Key of Nothingness" of the Herrscher of the Void, and the "Golden Experience Requiem" skill card in the JOJO world...

Especially in the corner of the dimensional backpack, there is also a shining nuclear bomb...

The items are so dazzling that it's hard to take them all in.

But now because of the restrictions of the reincarnation world, all of them are disabled.

These items, without exception.

All of them were robbed or cheated by Bai Ye in other worlds.

Yes, Bai Ye is the legendary dimensional robber and dimensional liar.

(ps: These items are to tell the world that the protagonist has experienced before, and they will not be easily taken out to collapse the combat power or destroy the balance. To quote Dada Duck's words: Everything has a price~)

Bai Ye searched in the backpack for a long time and finally found "Dream One Heart".

Then he took it out and returned the knife to Ying.

Ying took "Dream One Heart" and breathed a sigh of relief.

She stretched out her delicate hand and gently stroked the blade, her eyes revealing a look of reminiscence.

When Bai Ye saw Ying's appearance, he guessed what she was thinking.

She must have thought of her sister, Raiden Zhen.

Naturally, he didn't dare to say a word, for fear that she would cut him with the knife if she was unhappy.

After a long time.

"I'll let you go for now, and I won't do it again next time. Go."

Ying put away the knife and set his eyes on Bai Ye.

"So how did I get in?"

Bai Ye looked around and didn't find a way out. He hesitated for a moment and asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

"General Raiden threw you in."

"Then how should I get out?"

Ying raised his hand, and a crack leading to the castle tower appeared in front of Bai Ye.

"When will I get my 1.5 billion Mora bounty?"

Bai Ye stood in front of the crack leading to the castle tower and spread his hands helplessly.

Ying was startled when he heard the words.

Bai Ye was the first human she had seen in hundreds of years, and she had no intention of making things difficult for him.

She had never thought that this guy would not only steal her knife, but also dare to come back and ask for Mora.

Ying was furious when she thought of this.

"By the way, didn't you say that you would satisfy a small request of the person who found the knife?"

"As the ruler of a country like Inazuma, it doesn't count if you can't keep your word...ah!"

Bai Ye stood there and talked to himself, not noticing the change in Ying's expression.

Ying slowly stood up and arrived in front of Bai Ye in a flash.

He kicked Bai Ye's ass hard.



The next second, Bai Ye lay down in the castle tower.

"General, good evening."

Bai Ye got up from the ground and smiled, raised his hand and greeted General Raiden who was sitting on the throne.

General Raiden turned his head and looked out the window after hearing this.

I saw the sun shining brightly outside the window, the scorching sun hanging in the sky.Go up.

Then he looked at Bai Ye coldly: "If there is nothing, leave."

Bai Ye was embarrassed on the spot.


Then I can't just leave.

"General, see you next time."

Bai Ye waved his hand and pushed open the door of the castle tower.

General Raiden ignored Bai Ye and slowly closed his eyes.


Kujo Takayuki stood respectfully outside the castle tower. He had important things to report to the general.

In the past, he only needed to say a word and General Raiden would let him in.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time this time, he still didn't wait for the general's summons.

Could it be that General Raiden was meeting some important guests?

Kujo Takayuki thought so in his heart.


At this moment.

The door of the castle tower was pushed open, and Bai Ye walked out of it swaggeringly.

Seeing Bai Ye's figure, Kujo Takayuki was startled.

How did this man walk out of the castle tower alive after stealing the general's sword?

"How did you get out alive?!"

Kujo Takayuki put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and pointed at Bai Ye.

Because he failed to get 1.5 billion Mora, he was kicked by Ying.

Bai Ye was very upset and said casually: "I drank a cup of tea and came out."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional.

Bai Ye's words aroused a shocking wave in Kujo Takayuki's heart.

Kujo Takayuki was stunned.

Thinking of the series of abnormal behaviors of General Raiden before, he automatically imagined a great ethical drama in his mind.

The rebellious son ran away from home, and the old mother searched for him in vain.

One day, the rebellious son returned home.

The old mother thought that the rebellious son had turned over a new leaf, and she was very relieved.

Unexpectedly, the rebellious son returned home just to steal the old mother's sword.

After stealing the saber, he ran away from home again.

He was eventually caught and now, after being educated by his mother, he has come to his senses and become a good son.


If Bai Ye knew his thoughts, he would definitely sigh: It's a pity that this brain hole doesn't become a screenwriter.

That's right.


Otherwise, how could he come out intact and still use the power of the general.


Isn't the person in front of him Inazuma's little general, Inazuma's future general?

Thinking of this, Kujo Takayuki's eyes looking at Bai Ye gradually became hot.

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