Ningguang stood on the observation deck of the Qunyu Pavilion, with no expression on her face, her brows sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed.

She was struggling with whether to go to Wanmin Hall.

Baiwen and Baishi always gave her a very unreliable feeling, and Ningguang always felt that Baiwen and Baishi would mess up this matter.

After all, there was a precedent last time, but she was afraid that the King of Rocks would know what she did, which made her heart very entangled.

Although she said so, once this idea came up in her mind, she would not stop.

Ningguang always felt that there was another self in her body, leaning over her ear, whispering a devil in a low voice, and kept urging her to find Bai Ye to ask clearly.

She shook her head, threw these messy thoughts behind her, looked up and looked into the distance, with a trace of struggle in her eyes.

That's right.

Ningguang was shaken.

Although she pretended to be indifferent, she really wanted to know about the King of Rocks.

This has always been her long-cherished wish.

"If Baiwen Baishi doesn't find out any reliable news, I will go there myself."

"Well, mainly to see how the reconstruction of Wanmin Hall is progressing, and by the way, ask about the news of the old man, Emperor Yan Wang."

"Actually, I just want to know how the Lord Emperor Yan Wang is doing. As for expecting him to come back to manage the entire Liyue, I guess... I'm dreaming."

Ningguang stood there thinking for a long time, and finally made this difficult decision, saying a lot of messy words to hypnotize herself.

However, this hypnotic words are indeed effective.

Ningguang has indeed hypnotized herself now.

She has made a decision in her heart.

If Baiwen Baishi doesn't find out any effective news, Ningguang decides to go out in person and must find out the news about Emperor Yan Wang.

After thinking this through.

The entanglement in Ningguang's heart disappeared without a trace, and the whole person became extremely comfortable.


She walked gracefully, left the observation deck of the Qun Yu Pavilion, and headed for her room.

Ningguang decided to have a good sleep first.

After waking up.

While handling various affairs of the Qun Yu Pavilion, she waited for the return of Baiwen and Baishi.

If Baiwen did not find the abnormality of Wanmin Hall, she would go out in person.

Ningguang had a strong premonition in her heart, she felt that Emperor Yanwang must be in Wanmin Hall.

Even if he was not in Wanmin Hall, he must have been to Wanmin Hall.

Since he had been in Wanmin Hall, there must be traces left, and these traces cannot be erased no matter what.


Wanmin Hall.

After the Eightfold God Son asked this question, the atmosphere in the originally peaceful hall suddenly dropped to the freezing point.

Lei Dianying and Shen He's faces changed, and they patted their foreheads helplessly.

This scumbag fox must be here to cause trouble!

He brought up all the issues.

Obviously, everything has been appeased, but you bring it up again.

Isn't this just looking for trouble?

Shen He and Lei Dianying only had this thought in their minds, and at the same time, a bad premonition came to their hearts.

They just saw General Lei Dian and Shen He quarreling with their own eyes. They didn't want to experience that scene again, but the current situation indicated that the second time was coming soon.

The key problem was that they didn't know what to say to interrupt these embarrassing topics.


Shen He turned her head and looked at Lei Dianying, opening her mouth to speak but stopping.

Of course.

Shen He didn't do this because she didn't know how to answer, but Lei Dianying patted her hand and shook his head at her.

Lei Dianying signaled Shen He not to act rashly, just wait and see.

If there is any problem, she will deal with it personally.

Faced with such a confident Lei Dianying, Shen He could only give up the idea of ​​persuading them, and sat quietly in his seat watching the tit-for-tat between Yoel and Yae Shenzi.

Although Shen He had no expression on his face and looked calm, he was actually very nervous and subconsciously clenched his fists.

She was most reluctant to see this situation.

Since she had lived in Aozang Mountain with Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun for a long time, she had lived a life of self-cultivation since she was a child. Facing such a quarrel, she really had no way to deal with it.

After all, she had no experience in dealing with such things, and she couldn't just go up and beat them up to make them shut up, so all she could do was watch.

"Bai Ye and I are husband and wife... um... the legal kind..."

Yol blinked and repeated what he had just said, and finally added that she and Bai Ye were legally married.

"Then what evidence do you have......."

Yaezamiko raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and said jokingly.

She is here to add fuel to the fire, and the bigger the fire, the better.

But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Yoel.

Yol waved his hand, signaling Yaezamiko not to continue, and said softly: "This is the marriage certificate between Bai Ye and me. If you don't believe it, you can wait until he wakes up. ", ask him face to face..."

Yol said this.

It can be said that all the words that Yaye Shenzi wanted to say were blocked.

Yae Shenzi frowned slightly, and realized that something was wrong in her heart, and she became anxious.

She didn't know how long it would take for the seal Bai Ye had imposed on her to become permanent, but she had to seize every moment to solve Bai Ye's troublesome matter.

Little did she know.

Her idea just fell into Bai Ye's trap.

Because the seal Bai Ye imposed on her began to fade with the passage of time. Loose.

If she moved a little slower, she would be able to detect the specific situation inside her body.

But Bai Ye took advantage of Yae God's psychology and made her mistakenly believe that if it was not removed within a certain period of time, it would really become a permanent seal, so he said that to her.

If that was the case, Yae God would not be anxious, but Bai Ye blurred the concept of time.

Yae God would naturally have wild thoughts and try his best to help Bai Ye solve these troubles.


That's right.

Bai Ye learned all these operations from the system, What time-limited tasks don't tell you how long the time limit is.

The biggest difference between Bai Ye and the system is -

What Bai Ye told Yae Shen Zi was false, and if it was not completed within the specified time, there would be no punishment.

The system issued to Bai Ye was different, and if it was not completed within the specified time, it would really cause trouble.

Hearing what Yoel said, Yae Shen Zi was silent.

She really didn't know how to answer Yoel's question now, and it seemed that silence was the best choice.

"Ms. Shen Zi, I don't know why you... ask me these questions? "

Yol had already seen the hostility from Yae Shinto towards her, and pretended to be unaware.

Her purpose was simple, she just wanted to see what Yae Shinto wanted to do.

If she hadn't been concerned about the emotions of the people around her, she would have continued to follow Yae Shinto's words.

She knew very well that the guy next to her, General Lei Dian, had a very bad temper, while the guy opposite her, Lei Dianying, was indeed gentler.

The only thing that puzzled Yoel was that General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying looked exactly the same, but why... their personalities were so different?

"I'm just curious about these questions. "

Yaezawa touched her chin, coughed, and said with a smile.

"Since Miss Shenzi is so curious, why don't we go and see if Bai Ye is awake and ask these things in person..."

Yol chuckled, looked at Yaezawa calmly, and said softly.

After that.

Before Yaezawa responded.

Yol slowly got up, took an elegant step, and led the way to Bai Ye's room.

Yaezawa's face changed slightly, she was too late to stop him, not to mention that she couldn't stop him, so she could only follow behind Yoel.

When the others saw this scene, they put down their work and followed Yoel and Yaezawa.

They were not afraid that Bai Ye would have any problems, but they were afraid that the two would fight in Bai Ye's room.

What if A real fight would be a small matter, but if the unconscious Bai Ye was hurt, it would be a big deal.

They were all thinking about Bai Ye, but they didn't know that Bai Ye's coma was all fake.


Northern Bank.

Queen Zhidong changed into casual clothes and stood in front of the door of the Northern Bank, looking at the endless stream of people in front of her, feeling a lot of emotions in her heart.

She had been in Liyue for a while.

Originally, she planned to take the God's Heart from Bai Ye, and go to Xumi to get the God's Heart of the Little Auspicious Grass King, so that she would have almost mastered all the God's Hearts.

After all, the God's Hearts of Fontaine and Nata were already in her control.

As long as she wanted, she could get it at any time.

Queen Zhidong's calculations were clanging, but she neverThinking that this time when she came to Liyue, she not only did not get Lei Yingying's God's Heart, but also lost Barbatos's God's Heart.

This result made her unacceptable.

But it was okay.

After all, the God's Heart fell into Bai Ye's hands, which was a good thing for the Queen of Winter. She seemed to have vaguely guessed... Bai Ye's true identity.

She felt that Bai Ye was most likely from the Abyss or Kanreya, but he had not yet remembered this memory.

Of course.

These were just the Queen of Winter's guesses. As for whether this guess was true or false, it would take time to verify it in the future.

Originally, the Queen of Winter was going to find Bai Ye to find out the specific situation before leaving Liyue, but when she thought that there were people like Lei Yingying and General Lei Dian around Bai Ye, she gave up this idea.

The Queen of Winter was not afraid of them, but seeing them would make some things troublesome.

She didn't want to cause such trouble.

It was time for Xumi to close the net. She planned to get the God's Heart of the Little Grass God, and then turn to deal with Bai Ye, after all, Bai Ye now had two God's Hearts in his hands.

Whether it was Bai Ye's true identity or the God's Heart in his hand, these were very important to the Queen of Winter.

If Bai Ye's true identity was really as she guessed, it would be great.

After all, this meant that Bai Ye would definitely join her in dealing with the man on Sky Island.

If Bai Ye's true identity was different from what she expected, and Bai Ye was unwilling to join her camp, then she would have to get rid of Bai Ye, the potential threat.

"Bai Ye, I hope you won't let me down, remember those memories as soon as possible, and overthrow this dirty old world with me, I believe... that day is coming soon..."

The Queen of Winter turned her head to look at the North Country Bank behind her, and then looked at the Wanmin Hall in the distance, muttering to herself.


ps: Time flies so fast. Before I know it, it has reached 1 million words. This book has been serialized for more than seven months.

As you can see, this is a 4,000-word chapter.

As it is the key node of 1 million words, I will not divide it into chapters and upload it directly with 4,000 words.

If my memory is correct, this book was conceived in February and officially uploaded on March 6. It really feels like time flies. From the beginning to now, it feels like a blink of an eye.

Since it has come to this point, the author does not care whether it is for love or not. Let's try to give this book a good ending.

To be honest.

I don't know if it is because of illness or some other reason.

Anyway, the author has been writing for a long time recently. I often don't know what I am writing. Sometimes I don't even know what I am writing. If I look back at the previous chapters, I think it is really unbearable.

At present, I am updating while revising the previous chapters.

It's said to be changed, but there are no major changes. I just changed some modifiers and some ways of dialogue. The general plot has not changed and will not affect the subsequent viewing. You can rest assured about this.

In short.

The next goal is 1.2 million. It is estimated that when it reaches 1.2 million, it will be the end of this book.

I originally planned to write a longer one, but it is too tiring to generate electricity for love, so I can only reach about 1.2 million words. After all, the author still needs to eat.

The short complaint is over, let's see you tomorrow.

By the way.

I may need to take a leave recently, maybe one day, I really feel a little dizzy recently.

I dare not take too long leave. I will carry it if I don't stick to writing for a while, so I only take one day.

Originally, today was the day to go home, and I didn't plan to update, but after thinking for a long time, I still wrote this big chapter.

If you are reading this chapter, it is estimated that the author is on the way home after the quarantine is lifted.

Everyone must take good protection and pay attention to their health~~~~

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