Actually, it's not Baiwen Baishi's fault.

This is entirely because Ningguang is a riddler.

Ningguang is cold by nature, and her mind is full of problems about the development of Liyue. In addition, she has been single for more than 30 years.

Suddenly she is interested in a man, which is problematic.

"What should we do now?"

"Your last son-in-law plan didn't work either. You kept saying that it would definitely succeed, but it didn't work at all."

"The drug didn't work either. Is there any other way?"

Baishi heard Baiwen's words, and his anger surged in his heart. He remembered the previous son-in-law plan and couldn't help but complain.

Hearing Baishi's complaints.

Baiwen's face was full of embarrassment, and he raised his hand and touched his nose embarrassedly.

She didn't know why it failed.

It's clearly written in the book, why doesn't it work for Ningguang and Baiye?

"Don't be nervous, Baishi. I have prepared a perfect plan this time, which is guaranteed to be 10,000 times stronger than the son-in-law plan. Our plan will definitely succeed this time..."

Baiwen coughed and quickly spoke to comfort her.

Although she was not sure, she still had to say polite words. After all, she still needed Baishi. She must comfort Baishi and not let her affect the next plan.

"Okay, then I will trust you again."

Baishi saw Baiwen's confident expression and firm tone, and her guard was lowered.

She decided to trust Baiwen again.

Baiwen must have learned the lesson of the last failure, and this time it will definitely succeed.

Baishi thought so in her heart.


Wanmin Hall.

Baiye's room.

When Yoel and his group came to Baiye's room, Baiye made a decision in his heart.

He absolutely could not continue to pretend to be dead.

He had to go out in person. The fox of Yae Shenzi was not reliable at all.

In this situation where Makoto and Gokawa Shido are both in the same mind, he can only rely on himself to solve these troubles.


"Where am I...?"

"How long have I been unconscious...?"

"What's the situation now? Is the problem solved...?"

Bai Ye scratched his head in confusion, sat on the bed with sleepy eyes, and looked around pretending to know nothing.

To be honest.

It's a pity that Bai Ye doesn't become an actor.

This is because Yae Shenzi knew the specific situation of Bai Ye in advance, otherwise even Yae Shenzi would be fooled by Bai Ye's posture. It can only be said that Bai Ye's acting skills are really superb.

Seeing Bai Ye's ignorant look, Yae Shenzi twitched his mouth and his face was speechless.

"This is Wanmin Hall. You have been unconscious for a day. Everything should be solved."

Lei Dianying looked at Bai Ye with some worry. She didn't know Bai Ye's little thoughts and answered patiently.

"So that's how it is... Hey... Why are you here, Joel?"

Bai Ye showed an expression that it was so, and finally set his eyes on Joel, and spoke weakly.


ps: I'm finally home, and I haven't finished cleaning after a day of hard work.

I forgot to close the windows when I went home during the National Day holiday, so a lot of dust came in, and the bed and the floor were all covered with it.

It took me half a day just to clean up the dust, and I'm numb all over.

Now I have to wash the sheets, wash clothes, and wipe the cabinets.

I wrote these two chapters in a busy schedule. I feel sore all over my body, and my neck hurts when I move. It seems that there is something wrong with my body.

I was originally planning to change the previous problematic chapters, but it seems that I have to delay it for another day, so I can only change it tomorrow.

Woo woo woo~~~Seeing that the author is so pitiful, please give me a wave of free gifts and five-star reviews. The number of reviews is about to exceed 5,000~~~

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