North Country Bank.

After Tartaglia blurted out these words.

The room was silent, and the atmosphere became very strange.

Only the bird that Tartaglia put in the cage for viewing kept chirping, and it seemed that it had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Lord Alechino should not do such a thing as getting lost... It is impossible no matter how you think about it..."

Hearing these words from Tartaglia, the Fatui intelligence officer was confused. He stood there and pondered for a long time, raised his hand and scratched his head in confusion.

The Fatui intelligence officer had thought of this possibility.

He also analyzed this possibility in his mind, but he quickly rejected it.

Alechino is the tenth seat of the Fatui executive.

Getting lost is impossible no matter how you think about it.

"Nothing is impossible. Alechino must have lost his way..."

Tartaglia poked the bird in the cage and said with great certainty.

Although he was the last among the Fatui executives, he still knew something about the other executives, especially Arachno.

From what the Fatui intelligence officer just said, he had a rough guess in his mind.

Arachno probably didn't find someone following her, but she got lost in Liyue City.

Although Tartaglia was the youngest among the executives, he still had a lot of gossip.

He heard a lot of gossips like girls liking to sing and rich people liking to swim naked in Zhidong, and sometimes he would send people to collect them secretly.

In Tartaglia's eyes.

These news were not groundless, and most of them were true.

After all, there is no smoke without fire, and whenever such gossip came out, it must have a basis.

After the Fatui intelligence officer's narration, he was more certain of a fact, that is, Arachno was really lost.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

"Should I tell others to help Lady Arachno find the way? It's not good to let her wander around in Liyue City all the time...?"

Hearing what Tartaglia said, the Fatui intelligence officer was shocked and asked anxiously.

This is a big deal for him.

The most important reason is that Arachno is not an ordinary person. If Arachno was an ordinary person, he would not be so anxious.

"No, let her learn this lesson well. As the saying goes, there is no growth without failure. This is her best opportunity for growth."

Tartaria's mouth corners slightly raised, a touch of pleasure flashed in his eyes, and he coughed lightly, speaking like an old senior.

He has been unhappy with Arachno for a long time.

Especially since Arachno had just come to his room to make some sarcasm.

He now hopes that Arachno will always get lost, not to mention helping her.

If there were no one around, Tartaglia would have laughed out loud on the spot.

"But if we do this... will there really be no problem... Lady Alechino has been hanging around outside..."

The Fatui intelligence officer's face changed slightly, and he stammered out his concerns.

"Am I your boss or is she your boss? Who pays you every month?"

Before the Fatui intelligence officer finished speaking, Tartaglia waved his hand impatiently and interrupted him.

"Of course it's Master."

The Fatui intelligence officer spoke very straightforwardly, and then shut up tactfully.

"That's it, just do everything I say, and if there's nothing else, you can continue to monitor her."

Tartaria snorted coldly and waved his hand indifferently.

"Yes, Master."

The Fatui intelligence officer bowed his head slightly, breathed a sigh of relief, and spoke respectfully.

"By the way." Tartaglia suddenly called the Fatui intelligence officer and said, "If she still hasn't found the way by daybreak, remember to help her. When you help her, tell her that I sent you to help her because I felt sorry for her."

"Yes, sir."

The Fatui intelligence officer was stunned and scratched his head in confusion. Although he didn't know what Tartaglia meant, he still responded.

After that.

He quickly pushed the door and left Tartaglia's room, fearing that he would make any weird requests again.

After the Fatui intelligence officer left.

"Alechino, I didn't expect you to have this day."

"Today, just take a good walk around Liyue City, just asThe price you paid for what you did today..."

A strange smile rose on Tartaglia's calm face, and he became visibly excited.

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and poked the bird in the cage, and then he lay down on the wheelchair, with an indescribable sense of comfort on his face.

Tartaria could finally understand what Zhongli did now.

After all, being a social loser who eats and drinks for free, you only need to drink tea, eat and play with birds every day.

This kind of life is really comfortable.

After Tartaglia accepted the fact that he was injured, he even... became a little addicted to this kind of life.

However, this thought was only short-lived, and he soon gave up the idea.

He silently swore in his heart that he would never become a social loser like Zhongli who eats and drinks for free.


Wanmin Hall.


"Why hasn't Bai Ye come back yet? ”

Since Bai Ye left, General Lei Dian has been staring at the door of Wanmin Hall, waiting anxiously.

“Yes, he has been out for so long, he should be back now...?”

“Do you think Bai Ye will have any problems, will he faint inside...?”

Originally, the others did not take it seriously.

After General Lei Dian’s reminder, they all realized that something was wrong and began to speculate in their minds.

After all, Bai Ye’s case was a bit strange.

It was just diarrhea, Bai Ye had been gone for too long.

It took so long, even if he gave birth, he would have given birth.

Thinking of this.

Everyone gradually became a little anxious, and they all began to get restless.

“Don’t worry, this is the side effect of the secret technique of Ming Shen Taisha. "

"Although the secret technique can effectively suppress his injuries, it also has serious side effects, that is, diarrhea. These are all normal. Don't be too nervous..."

Yajie Shenzi naturally saw the uneasiness of the crowd. She covered her mouth and coughed, a cunning flashed in her eyes, and she talked nonsense seriously.

This scumbag fox knew it in her heart.

Bai Ye definitely didn't run out because of a stomachache or something like that. It must be because of other things, so he found an excuse for a stomachache.

If it were usual, she would definitely speak up and add fuel to the fire.

But now she still has the seal left by Bai Ye on her body. She has no way, and now she can only help Bai Ye conceal these things.

"Although this is the case, but... Is it really okay to have diarrhea all the time?"

Yol's eyes flashed with a trace of worry, and he said restlessly.

"As long as you don't disturb him, there will be no problem. If you disturb him, it will be a big problem. "

The fluffy pink ears of the Eightfold God Child trembled, and she continued to talk nonsense.

Her purpose was simple, which was to delay everyone.

Although her answer was full of lameness and loopholes, everyone present just believed her words.


Liyue Harbor.

The night sky was full of stars.

The bright moonlight shone on the calm sea. At this time, a breeze happened to blow, and ripples appeared on the sea, like bright lights flashing.

After Bai Ye left the Hall of All People.

He followed the breath he sensed, and after a period of running, he finally came to the port of Liyue Harbor.


"It's really a bit strange. The location sensed by the Demon Godhead is right here. How can there be nothing...? "

Bai Ye stood on the harbor, looking at the sea in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, muttering to himself.


Bai Ye felt a terrifying breath appear behind him.

He turned his head and looked back.

I saw a white-haired lady in gorgeous clothes looking him up and down carefully.

There is no doubt.

This lady is the tenth seat of the Fatui executive who has been lost for a long time, the servant, Alechino.

Alechino's eyebrows are full of sorrow, and even the short white hair is a little messy, but there is a hint of surprise in his eyes when he looks at Bai Ye.

After all, it is late at night, and there are few pedestrians on the street. Almost no one is wandering on the street in the middle of the night.

In addition, AlechinoAfter wandering around in Liyue Harbor for so long, she had already felt extremely desperate.

She was naturally very happy to see a living person who could ask for directions when she was most desperate.

Now she didn't have to get lost any more.

For Alechino, this was a great thing.

She was now immersed in joy and didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all.

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