Liyue Harbor.

The night sky is full of stars.

After Bai Ye told Alecino that he was lost.

The surroundings became extremely quiet in an instant, and even the air flowing around him condensed at this moment.

Alecino's face was full of confusion.

At this moment, she was looking at Bai Ye with a surprised look and a little doubtful eyes.

She was a little confused about this man's magical brain circuit.

"Isn't it a nervous thing to suddenly see a white-haired beautiful girl on the street in the middle of the night...?"

Bai Ye looked normal and spoke confidently.

He was not affected by Alecino, but began to ask Alecino back.

"If you say so, this is indeed a very nervous thing."

Alecino nodded subconsciously. She was now completely confused by Bai Ye.

She ignored the most critical point.

That is, she came from the Kingdom of Winter, and getting lost in Liyue is a very normal thing, but the man in front of her is different.

According to his description, he should be a native of Liyue, how could he get lost?

This matter is a very unreasonable thing no matter how you think about it.


Alechino did not think about this aspect, but looked at Bai Ye with a worried expression, and said softly: "Then what should we do?"

"No way."

Bai Ye said without hesitation.


"Do we have to stay here until dawn, wait for pedestrians on the street, and then ask Wanmin Hall how to get there...?"

Alechino's face was full of confusion, and it seemed that he had not yet accepted this helpless reality.

"You should know that getting lost is a very normal thing, and this kind of thing should not be blamed on me, even you can get lost..."

Bai Ye pretended to sigh, spread his hands helplessly, and showed an innocent expression.

Although his face was full of regret, in fact, when he saw Alechino's somewhat dazed expression, he had already been secretly happy in his heart.

I don't know why, maybe it might be Bai Ye's illusion.

Bai Ye always felt that the Fatui in front of him was easier to deal with than Tartaglia and the scattered soldiers.

After all, what Alechino showed now was only cuteness and directionlessness.

Bai Ye really couldn't imagine what Alechino would look like in battle.

He was not afraid of powerful enemies, but was a little afraid of enemies who were smart and almost demonic.

No matter how strong she was, there would always be a way to defeat her, but if her intelligence was online, then this matter would become very troublesome.

Of course.

It was just troublesome to deal with it. Bai Ye happened to be a person who hated trouble very much and preferred a clean and neat battle.

No doubt.

Alechino was Bai Ye's favorite opponent.

"Yes, getting lost is a very normal thing. I get lost often, too. It's okay..."

After hearing what Bai Ye said, Arlechino nodded subconsciously and began to comfort Bai Ye.

For some reason, she actually felt that Bai Ye's words made sense.

Although Bai Ye's reasons and excuses were very lame, Arlechino did not consider being deceived at all, but believed in Bai Ye's words without a doubt.

After hearing what Arlechino said, Bai Ye was stunned on the spot.

He did think Arlechino was easy to deceive, but he never expected that Arlechino would be so easy to deceive.

Bai Ye thought Arlechino would resist a little, but he didn't expect that he would just accept his fate and start.

This also made Bai Ye's perfect plan in his mind fall into a deadlock.

This sudden change disrupted all of Bai Ye's plans, and at the same time made Bai Ye not know how to answer Arlechino for a while.

"If my feeling is correct, you should be Bai Ye."

Alechino coughed lightly, tilted his head slightly to face Bai Ye, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and the blank expression on his face disappeared without a trace, replaced by a cold face.

"What are you talking about? What Bai Ye?"

Hearing Alechino's words, Bai Ye's pupils suddenly shrank, but soon recovered as usual, pretending to be confused and spoke.

"How long do you plan to play this boring trick?"

"I didn't expect that at this time, you are still stubborn. It turns out that as the information says, you have extraordinary psychological quality......"

Alechino tidied up her messy hair and looked at Bai Ye with a playful expression.

Her tone and posture were exactly the same as those of the Queen of Winter. They looked like they were made from the same mold.

"So you were just pretending. I have to say that Lord Alechino's acting skills are really good."

Bai Ye spread his hands helplessly. After confirming that his identity was exposed, he removed his harmless disguise of being a road idiot.

"In fact, I didn't know at first. I just thought you were an ordinary passerby, but everything you showed later made me start to doubt you. "

A trace of coldness rose in the corners of Alechino's mouth, his eyes were full of murderous intent, his slender white fingers touched his red lips, and he spoke lightly.



Clouds rose and the wind fell, and the yellow sand blew.

Along with the gusts of yellow sand, a fiery red sedan appeared in the desert.

The fiery red sedan trembled vigorously step by step, and the golden tassels fell around. These details seemed to indicate that the owner of the sedan was extraordinary.

If such a means of transportation could appear in such a vast desert, it would really be a miracle. It is something that makes people believe.

Such behavior makes people more certain of one thing, that is, the owner of the sedan chair is definitely a person who cannot be provoked.

After all, normal people will not come to the desert in a sedan chair unless she is mentally damaged.


The owner of the sedan chair is more like the former, not the latter.

That's right.

The visitors are the Queen of Winter and her most loyal puppet.

After a long journey for a period of time.

The Queen of Winter and her most loyal puppet finally stepped into the territory of Xumi.

"My Queen, we have entered the territory of Xumi now. Do we need to inform the lady that we have arrived...?" "

The puppet stretched, jumped off the puppet's shoulder, turned his head to look at the sedan behind him, and spoke respectfully.

After that.

Before Queen Zhidong responded, she looked around vigilantly.

She did this for two reasons.

One was to check if there was anything unusual around, and the other was that she was curious.

After all, this was her first time leaving Zhidong and coming to other countries.

After staying in Zhidong, which was extremely cold and snowy for many years, she suddenly changed to a different environment, which made her very curious about everything in Xumi.

"No need."

"The lady should be busy executing that plan now, so we don't need to bother her, let's continue on our way."

Queen Zhidong frowned, not knowing what she was thinking of, with a hint of displeasure on her face, and waved her hand impatiently.

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