Aradaki sect.

Bai Ye was lying on the recliner bored.

"Master, you must make me a general of the shogunate army."

"I will discipline the nine turtles for you..."

Aradaki Ichito was beside Bai Ye, fanning him with a fan and muttering to him.

Bai Ye had already automatically filtered out Aradaki Ichito's words in his mind.

At this moment, Bai Ye's stomach growled.

"Master, are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

Aradaki Ichito's eyes lit up, thinking that the opportunity had come.

Bai Ye was indeed hungry.

He could have enjoyed a roast pigeon, but it was snatched away by Yae God.

Bai Ye coughed dryly and said, "Is there anything to eat here?"

Aradaki Ichito pointed mysteriously at the big clock placed beside him.

Bai Ye's mouth twitched.

Good guy, the duel in front of the emperor hasn't started yet.

Are you sending me off to my grave?

Aratake Ito smiled mysteriously and opened the bell with force.

There were all kinds of snacks inside, all of which he had won from the children.

Aratake Ito grabbed a handful and stuffed it into Bai Ye's arms: "Master, I'll leave the matter of the general of the shogunate army to you."

Bai Ye's mouth twitched again.

How come this guy even knows how to bribe?

"This is my master's heirloom, keep it well, and throw it away if you encounter danger."

After all, Bai Ye opened the dimensional backpack.

He pulled out the garbage reward "I want your life·3000·Damaged version" he got last time and handed it to Aratake Ito.

(This is the key point, a big foreshadowing~)


"Little guy, sister has taken care of everything for you, you can go back to Inazuma Castle now."

A pleasant voice sounded in Bai Ye's ears, and the figure of Yae Shenzi appeared in front of Bai Ye out of thin air.

A flash of surprise flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, this scumbag fox is so efficient.

In a short while, all these things were solved.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but pat his forehead.

If I had known it was so simple, I would have looked for Yae Shenzi from the beginning.

But what Bai Ye didn't know was.

While he was surrounded by Inazuma residents, Yae Shenzi used the merit box to earn tens of millions of Mora.

The rumor that he was the son of General Raiden.

To a large extent, it was because Yae Shenzi secretly fueled the flames.


"Sister worked so hard for you, do you have anything to say?"

"Or, is there anything you want to do?"

Yae Shenzi showed a charming smile on her face, stretched out her slender jade finger and poked Bai Ye's chest.

Hearing Yae Shenzi's suggestive words.

Bai Ye was speechless, this fox was still as scumbag as ever.

This also reminded Bai Ye of a famous saying in his previous life: Can I use my tongue to count how many teeth you have?

Of course.

Bai Ye just thought about this in his mind and didn't dare to say it out loud.

"I can only do my best to win the duel in front of the emperor to repay the wise and beautiful Yae Shenzi."

Yae Shenzi nodded with satisfaction: "Then let's go, I'll take you back to Inazuma Castle."

Before Bai Ye could react.

Yae Shenzi grabbed Bai Ye's clothes and flew into the air, flying towards Inazuma Castle.

"I'm so excited!"

"Master, you must succeed."

"Whether I can become the general of the shogunate army depends on you."

Watching Bai Ye's figure flying away in the air, Ara Taki Ichito muttered with resentment on his face.


It was late at night when he returned to Tomato Hall.

Bai Ye lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

He hadn't felt this way for a long time, and he kept thinking in his mind how to defeat General Raiden.

It lasted until the early morning, and Bai Ye still had no sleep.

He got up and tidied up, then pushed open the door of Tomato Hall.

The sky just turned pale, and the first ray of sunlight shone on his face.

Bai Ye looked at the familiar scene around him and took a deep breath.

With a little effort on his feet, a breeze entangled under his body, and he rushed towards the direction of the castle tower.


After a while, Bai Ye's figure appeared in front of the castle tower.

Bai Ye's mind moved, and the magic knife Qianren appeared in his hand.

Seeing Bai Ye's figure, the guards of the castle tower naturally did not dare to stop him.

Everyone believed the rumor that Bai Ye was the son of General Lei Dian.

As a son, carrying a knife to find his old mother should be consideredIs it more reasonable?


Bai Ye pushed open the door of the castle tower and walked in with a swagger.

General Lei Dian opened his eyes, looked at Bai Ye and said, "What's the matter?"

Bai Ye's mouth twitched.

General Lei Dian was still as cold as ever.

"Three days later, I want to duel with you in front of the emperor."

Seeing the general's indifferent expression, Bai Ye felt a fierceness in his heart and said directly.

"In the duel in front of the emperor, if you lose, you will face divine punishment, and if you win, you can win a turnaround. Do you know?"

General Lei Dian was a little surprised. She didn't know where the courage of this kid in front of her came from.

"Of course I know, otherwise I wouldn't have come."

"Last time when "Dream One Heart" was lost, it was promised to give 1.5 billion Mora to the person who found the knife, and promised him a reasonable request."

"I can give up the reward of 1.5 billion Mora, but I want to make my request. "

Bai Ye appeared calm, but in fact, his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

He was afraid that General Lei Dian would rush over and chop him down if he was not satisfied.

Before General Lei Dian could say no.

Ying in the Pure Land of One Heart opened his eyes and said slowly: "Promise him."

General Lei Dian frowned slightly.

She heard something unusual in Ying's tone.

The man in front of her could make Ying stop thinking about eternity for a short time.

Just to help him say a word, then he is very likely to be the variable of eternity.

Although General Lei Dian is just a puppet, she was born for eternity, and eternity is the meaning of her existence.

No one can change this, not even her creator.

The unchanging constancy only reveals its essence of silence after cutting off the noise...

The variable of eternity must be erased.

In the heart of General Lei Dian, Bai Ye has been sentenced to death.

"I accept your duel in front of the emperor, now please tell me your request. "

General Lei Dian looked at Bai Ye with an increasingly cold gaze, and his purple pupils were filled with lightning.

Ying Dai in the Pure Land frowned slightly.

Her intuition told her that something was wrong with General Lei Dian now.

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