The breaker looked up cautiously.

I saw Bai Ye holding a simple-looking thing with complicated patterns against his forehead.

The breaker's heart trembled, and the smile on his face disappeared without a trace.

Although he didn't know what the cold thing against his forehead was, his intuition told him that it was definitely not as simple as it looked.

He stood there and didn't dare to move at all. His face turned as pale as white paper, and his forehead was covered with dense sweat.

"You just asked me to hand over the valuable things on my body?"

"I thought about it for a while, and the most valuable thing on me should be this Ke Ke Di. Of course, I'm talking about the bullets inside."

Bai Ye held Ke Ke Di, with a mysterious expression on his face, and said with a smile.

Xiang Ling looked at the Ke Ke Di in Bai Ye's hand. She blinked subconsciously and frowned slightly.

She had been by Bai Ye's side all the time, and she didn't see Bai Ye take out Ke Ke Di like this.

She only felt a breeze brushing across her cheek, and then the scene she saw now.

In fact, it was not Xiangling's fault, not to mention that it was not Xiangling's fault at all. I am afraid that even if Lei Dianying came here in person, he might not be able to see Bai Ye's specific movements clearly.

Even Bai Ye almost didn't see his movements clearly, and he was a little bit unbelievable in his heart.

His current movements can be said to be as fast as lightning.

Bai Ye simply thought for a while, and then he knew the answer in his heart.

Before fusing the wind element and the thunder element of the God's Heart, he didn't have such speed.

I think these should be the enhanced abilities obtained after fusing the God's Heart.

Because his body was always in a state of fatigue, he didn't know much about these, and he was just wondering about the hearing and vision enhancement at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, it was the whole body that was enhanced, and the whole person seemed to have been transformed.

In short.

Now Bai Ye's strength has changed dramatically. If he faced the Queen of Winter who was outside Liyue City at that time, he was very confident that he could win.

After figuring out these things.

Bai Ye showed a kind smile to the Breaker, and said calmly: "Do you want to taste the bullet...?"

The Breaker would certainly not surrender, and he immediately took out his weapon to fight Bai Ye.

But soon he discovered a terrifying thing, that is, his body did not move at all, and the whole person was fixed in place.

A chill emerged from the soles of his feet and gradually surged throughout his body.

The Breaker showed a look of fear on his face, swallowed hard, and stammered: "I warn you, don't mess around, now there are our people around..."


His attitude now is completely different from what it was just now. Xiangling couldn't help laughing when she saw her like this.

Hearing this laughter, Bai Ye turned his head to look at Xiangling beside him.

Xiangling seemed to realize that something was wrong, pretended to cover her mouth and coughed, and returned to her original serious look.

"But they don't seem to notice this side."

"Didn't you just ask me to give you a good time? Then I'll give you a good time now..."

Bai Ye's slender finger was placed on the trigger of Ke Ke Di, and he looked at the Breaker with a smile and said lightly.

As long as Bai Ye's finger exerted a little force, the Breaker's head would explode on the spot.


The Breaker naturally didn't believe what Bai Ye said, and said with certainty.

"If you don't believe me, look."

Bai Ye raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the holy flower, and snapped his fingers lightly, and said with a smile.


The sound of the snapping fingers reached the Breaker's ears.

The Breaker was surprised to find that his neck could move, and immediately looked in the direction of Bai Ye's finger.

When he saw the picture in the direction of Bai Ye's finger, he realized that Bai Ye was telling the truth.

The Gilded Brigade gathered around the plant Xiangling had found, holding shovels and other things in their hands, and were obviously thinking about how to transplant the plant.

"Brother, let's talk it over, there's no need to do this..."

The Breaker's voice was trembling, and he had lost all his momentum.

Now the Gilded Brigade's attention was all on the 'holy flower' they were talking about, and they didn't pay any attention to the situation here.

In their eyes, the Breaker could easily deal with Bai Ye and Xiangling.

It's just that they didn't take Bai Ye's strength into consideration and misjudged the current situation.

"It's too late."

"Xiangling, remember to leave one alive when you do it."Bai Ye sneered and pulled the trigger hard.


A gunshot like thunder sounded, and the dense forest was immediately scattered.

The breaker didn't even react, and didn't even scream. He lost consciousness and fell to the ground with a plop.


Xiang Ling responded, and the Eye of God on her waist emitted a bright light, and an ordinary-looking spear appeared in her hand.

Holding the spear, she and Bai Ye went to the Gilded Brigade at lightning speed.


Xumeru City,

Teaching Order Court, Jingshan Palace.

Aniya sat in front of the huge container of Jingshan Palace, looking at the girl with her eyes closed in the container, her face full of helplessness.

Because this room is the location of the void terminal, no one usually comes in, only the great sage will occasionally come in to take a look at the situation.

This is also the reason why Aniya has not been discovered.

She has been here for nearly half a day.

During this period, she tried countless ways to help the girl in the container get out of trouble, but all failed.

Originally, she was thinking about solving this matter as soon as possible. After rescuing the girl in the container, she would hurry back to the hotel and not let Aunt Lisa worry.

But after several failed attempts to rescue the girl in the container, she had already forgotten about this matter.

That's right.

She and this container are fighting.

If she doesn't rescue the girl in the container, she will never go back.

Aniya also knows in her heart that she can't delay too much time here. If she is discovered, she will really die.


"How to get this thing open? It would be great if Dad was here...?"

Aniya scratched her head in confusion, her eyes full of confusion.

In this situation.

She subconsciously thought of Bai Ye's figure. In her eyes, Bai Ye is simply an omnipotent non-existent.

If Bai Ye is here, then this matter can be easily solved.

Unfortunately, Bai Ye was not here, so she could only rely on her own methods to rescue the girl in the container.

After a brief thought, Aniya came up with a bold idea.

Since conventional methods did not work, she could only use some unconventional methods, such as violence.

She was worried that using violence would alert the people in the Order Institute, but now she did not have time to worry about that.

She could only use violence to break the container in front of her, and if she failed, she would run away immediately.

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