Let alone the Great Sage.

I guess no one would have thought of this.

After all, it is already very difficult to sneak into the Order House.

It is even more difficult to sneak into the Order House and enter the Jingshan Palace where the Little Auspicious Grass King Nashida is imprisoned.

With her superpower of mind reading, Aniya pretended to be an internal staff of the Order House and walked in swaggeringly.

Even the Jingshan Palace, the most critical position of the entire Order House, she walked in swaggeringly, as if she was in an empty place, just like returning to her own home.

In response to the questions of the guards of the Order House, Aniya answered fluently with her mind reading.

The Great Sage imposed many powerful restrictions in the container where Nashida was imprisoned to prevent Nashida in the container from breaking the container and people outside the Order House from using special magic.

The only thing he did not consider was that the container was violently destroyed from the outside.

This is almost impossible for anyone.

Even if Bai Ye came to the Order House in person, he couldn't come in as easily as Aniya, not to mention using brute force to break the container that imprisoned Nashida.

In short.

In the eyes of the Great Sage, almost no one in the entire Xumi could do such a thing.

If he knew that the person who broke the container was a child who had no power at all, he would probably be angry to death on the spot.



The crisp sound of glass breaking continued to ring, echoing throughout the Jingshan Palace.

Countless spider-web-like cracks appeared on the container that imprisoned Nashida, and surging energy continued to flow out of the cracks.


"This should be considered a success...?"

Holding the small hammer she took from the blacksmith shop, Aniya looked at the container in front of her eagerly, muttering to herself.

Her heart was thumping.

This was the first time she did this kind of thing alone.

When Bai Ye was by her side before, Bai Ye would do this kind of thing himself.


Just as Aniya was thinking this in her heart, there was another sound of shattering from the container.

Aniya looked up.

I saw that the container was full of cracks, and the girl in the container also opened her eyes and was looking around in confusion.


She didn't know what was going on, and she was still in a daze.

"Hey, is there no way to get out now? Then I'll help you again..."

Aniya blinked, frowned slightly, and muttered to herself.

In her perspective.

Nashida still couldn't get out smoothly, so she decided to add fuel to the fire and save the girl in the container completely.

Thinking of this.

Aniya clenched the small hammer in her hand, raised her hand and exerted force, and hit the container heavily.



There was a loud bang.

The container, which had been broken into pieces and was about to collapse, was now shattered and fell to the ground.

The violent and surging power accumulated inside gushed out and surged throughout the room in an instant.

This hammer became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The look in Nashida's eyes became more and more confused.

She slowly landed in mid-air and landed next to Aniya.

Although she didn't understand what was happening now, she knew in her heart that the girl next to her was kind.

The moment Nashida landed.

The accumulated energy gushed out instantly, covering the entire Church Order Court.


The Church Order Court alarm sounded, and everyone entered a wartime state.

"Hey, it seems that we have been discovered."

"Let's go quickly, otherwise we will be caught again."

Hearing the alarm, Aniya's face changed slightly, turned his head to look at Nashida next to him, and spoke in panic.

"I'll take you out."

Nasida held Aniya's hand and whispered softly.

Then her mind moved slightly, and the two of them disappeared instantly.

If it weren't for the surging and violent energy and the messy container fragments on the ground, the others wouldn't even know what happened.


The Order House.

"It's almost time."

"The Queen and the others should be here soon, it's time to get ready."

The lady shook the red wine glass in her hand and sat lazily in front of the French window, feeling indescribably comfortable.

She calculated the time and felt that the Queen of Winter would almost arrive in Xumi.

As long as the Queen of Winter arrived in Xumi, the plan would be implemented immediately.

Ms.Being able to execute such a plan, she was in a very good mood.

After all, overthrowing this corrupt world was her long-cherished wish since she joined the Fatui.

Now that the goal was within reach, she was in a very good mood.

If she wasn't worried about affecting the plan, she would even want to get rid of those old guys in the House of the Order.

After all, these old guys would also be a big obstacle, but in order to smoothly execute the plan, the lady decided not to provoke such things, just hoping that no other variables would appear before the arrival of the Queen of Winter.

Thinking of this.

"Then take a nap."

The lady had an unspeakable smile on her lips, raised her hand to drink the red wine in the glass, and gently put the glass on the table.


She slowly got up, walked with an elegant step, and walked towards the soft big bed.

Before she reached the bed.


A deafening sound came into her ears, and a violent force instantly enveloped the House of the Order.

The lady's face changed slightly, and she lost all her sleepiness. She couldn't help but exclaimed: "This breath is... Little Grass God? Could it be that she has escaped?"

As soon as she thought of this possibility in her mind, she didn't care about other things. She casually put on the robe of the dean hanging beside her and hurried out.

As soon as she went out.

"Madam, something big has happened."

The lady saw the intelligence officer of the Fatui who was rushing over.

"Don't tell me that something happened in the Jingshan Palace."

The lady frowned, took a deep breath, and said with her red lips.

"Madam, something happened in the Jingshan Palace. I don't know who sneaked in and broke the container that imprisoned the Little Grass God. Now the Little Grass God has disappeared, and the void system has also had some more or less problems."

The intelligence officer of the Fatui was pale, with cold sweat on his forehead, and he told the whole story in one breath.

Hearing the words of the intelligence officer.

The lady's face changed greatly, and a strong murderous intent burst out in her eyes.

The thing she was most worried about happened.

Originally, she thought that everything would be peaceful and there would be no unexpected situation until the arrival of the Queen of Winter.

Now the Queen of Winter is about to arrive, and the accident has come with her.

Not only was the lady in a bad mood, but even the great sage who imprisoned Nashida was very panicked.

Nashida's escape was not a good thing for him, and it was even a disaster for the entire Church.

In short.

Now the entire Church has become a mess.



Northland Bank.

Tartaglia is still enjoying the life of a social waste who eats and drinks for free.

Although he has formulated a special training plan for the Fatui, he did not train them personally, but handed it over to the people below.

Tartaglia is very confident in his heart.

As long as his people train according to his plan, they will definitely become the elite among the elites.

If it really succeeds, then the injury he suffered is worth it.

"I wonder what the Queen's plan is like in Xumi. I really want to help the Queen do something."

Tadalia took a sip of hot tea, his face full of sorrow, and he muttered to himself.

If he hadn't been afraid of causing trouble to the Queen of Winter, Tartaglia would have gone to Xumi in a wheelchair long ago.

The Fatui special training plan originally distracted some of his attention, but now that the plan has been completed, he subconsciously thought of Xumi again.

"Anyway, it's meaningless to stay in the Northland Bank. I must find something to do..."

Tadalia knew where his problem was, but he didn't know how to solve it.

After thinking about it, a familiar figure appeared in his mind.

Thinking of this person.

Tartaglia raised his hand and patted the table, and he had already made his own decision in his heart.

Anyway, there was nothing to do during this period of time, so he went to this person to inquire about the information and ask for the life experience of the social waste.

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