Hearing the girl in front of her say her name.

Ania blinked and whispered: "Nasida? Such a tongue-twisting name..."

It is indeed a tongue-twisting name for Ania.

Although Nashida's name is only three characters, she just feels tongue-twisting.

Nashida's ears moved, and it was obvious that she heard the muttering in Ania's mouth, but she didn't say anything, just stared at Ania quietly.

She is still in a state of confusion and has no idea of ​​the current situation.

After all, she has been imprisoned in the Jingshan Palace. Although she has escaped now, she is still a little unable to adapt for a while.

"Hello, Nashida, my name is Ania, from the Mondstadt Knights of Favonius."

Ania tilted her head, a kind smile appeared on her face, and she stretched out her soft little hand to Nashida, and began to introduce herself.

She originally wanted to say the address of her original world, but considering it inappropriate, she simply said that she was from Mondstadt.

After all, saying a name that does not belong to this world always feels a bit strange.

Nashida stretched out her little hand, held Anya's little hand, and said: "Anya, nice to meet you."

She was a little at a loss, and could only make the most correct choice based on the knowledge in her mind. As for what is the right choice, such as shaking hands with Anya and saying hello, it is the right choice.

After the Great Compassion Tree King disappeared.

The sages found the still weak Nashida and imprisoned her in the Jingshan Palace until Anya accidentally rescued her.

During this period.

She frantically learned all kinds of knowledge, wanting to become a qualified god as soon as possible.

When she was in the container, she especially wanted to see the countless gods of Xumi with her own eyes, but unfortunately she had no way to do it, and could only watch the colorful scene in her dreams.

In the pure land in her heart, accompanied by the breeze, making friends with humans and animals, she poured all her best yearnings into dreams.

No matter how beautiful the night is, she will return to silence when the day comes.

She has never seen anyone else except the sages.

In a sense, Aniya is the only person Nashida has seen who has good intentions towards her.


The most important thing is that her height looks about the same as that of her peers.


Aniya gives her a very comfortable feeling.

Seeing Nashida's thoughtful look, Aniya scratched her head in confusion and subconsciously used mind reading on her.


Aniya found something wrong.

The mind reading that used to work all the time did not work on Nashida, and no information could be obtained.

This is a very incredible thing for Aniya.

The last time this happened, it was on Bai Ye, and she could not get any effective information.

Now that this happened again, Aniya could not help but doubt Nashida's identity.

She didn't know anything else.

Anyway, her mind reading can't read Nashida's thoughts, which means that Nashida's identity is definitely not simple.

"Nashida, I'm also very happy to meet you, but I have a question that has been bothering me for a long time. I don't know whether I should ask it?"

Ania covered her mouth and chuckled, raised her head and looked at Nashida calmly. After struggling in her heart, she asked softly.

Faced with such a bizarre and strange situation, she didn't know what to do.

Ania thought for a long time and decided to ask the person in person.

After all, the white-haired girl in front of her looked very kind, and she didn't express any malice.

"Just ask."

Nashida tilted her head. She was a little more sober now, and she didn't have the feeling of being confused when she just escaped from Jingshan Palace.

To be precise.

Nashida still had a good impression of Aniya.

Not only because Aniya rescued her, but also because Aniya's height was similar to hers.

If it was a tall and strong man, Nashida would have been full of vigilance.

"Who are you? Why did those people imprison you...?"

Ania stood there hesitating for a long time, and finally asked the question she wanted to ask.

She wanted to ask directly why her mind reading didn't work on Nashida, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was inappropriate to ask like this.

What's more, asking like this would also expose her superpowers.

Even though she had a good impression of Nashida, she couldn't let her superpowers be exposed.

In this world, only BaiYe knew that she had the superpower of mind reading, and even Joel knew nothing about it.

"Me." Nashida blinked, pondered for a moment, and said: "I don't know what my identity is, but they all call me the Little King of Auspicious Grass."

Hearing what Nashida said.

Aniya's face changed slightly, she always felt that this name was very familiar.

She pondered for a moment in her heart, and finally remembered that she had seen this name in the library of the Knights of Favonius.

If she remembered correctly, this title was one of the seven rulers of the world, that is, the god of Xumi.


The Order Court.

Since the change in the Pure Palace.

The entire Order Court has become a mess.

Whether it is the sage who was responsible for the imprisonment or the lady who was brewing the plan, they are like ants on a hot pot, turning around anxiously.

They searched the entire Order Court, but did not find Nashida.

This gave them a bad premonition.

Among them, the Great Sage was the most anxious. Nashida was, in a sense, the terminal of the Void System. Now that she had disappeared, the Void System had become unstable.

The current energy could still support the operation of the Void System, but if Nashida had not been found, the Void System would stop running.

Although it sounds like a very simple thing, if the Void System stopped running, it would probably cause panic among the people of Xumi.

This was also what the Great Sage did not want to see the most.

What's more, if the fact that they had imprisoned Nashida was exposed, it would be the most fatal blow to them.

The lady was naturally the same.

It was just that she and the Great Sage were worried about different things.

The Great Sage was worried about the fact that the matter was exposed, while she was worried about affecting the execution of the mission.

After all, the message she sent to the Queen of Winter at that time was a guarantee that everything in Xumi was under control.

Now that things have completely lost control, Nashida has disappeared, which also means that all their original plans have been invalidated, and all the efforts of the lady in Xumi have been wasted.

This matter made the lady very distressed, but now that things have developed to this point, she has no other choice but to try to remedy the situation.

But it is not easy to remedy such a thing. The one who escaped was not a cat or a dog, but the Little Auspicious Grass King, one of the Seven Rulers of the World.

The lady is different from Tartaglia. Tartaglia will go up and fight with the opponent no matter what opponent she faces.

After the incident with Inazuma, the lady is still arrogant, but at least she has a rough idea in her mind.

She knows it in her heart.

She has no chance of winning against the Little Auspicious Grass King, even if she is in a weak state.

The most critical issue now is to find the trace of the Little Auspicious Grass King before the arrival of the Queen of Winter, which can be regarded as making up for the mistake.

As for the next thing, it can only be solved by the Queen of Winter.


Qunyu Pavilion.

Ningguang's face was full of sorrow.

She stood on the observation deck of the Qunyu Pavilion, looking in the direction of Xumi.

She already knew about the changes in Xumi, not because she was well-informed, but because the noise was too loud.

Even though she was deep in Liyue, she could still feel the energy fluctuations in the Order Institute.

Because she had come into contact with the power of the Rock King Emperor, she knew clearly that this breath belonged to the gods.

The breath of the gods came from the direction of Xumi, which naturally belonged to the Little Auspicious Grass King.

Although Ningguang didn't know what happened in Xumi, she knew in her heart that this matter must be not simple, and at the same time, she also had a bad premonition in her heart.

There have been too many strange things recently, and it seems that the seven rulers of the mortal world have become active.

First, the emperor pretended to die and avoided the world, then Inazuma lifted the blockade and the Queen of Winter came to Liyue, and now Xumi has happened again.

All these things reveal an uneasy atmosphere.

Mortals like them have no way to intervene in the affairs between gods.

This is what makes Ningguang most distressed.

Even though she was standing on Liyue's most powerful weapon, she was still very uneasy.

Ningguang was now eager to find the trace of the Rock King.

She was not trying to meet the Rock King, but was afraid that an unpredictable disaster would happen in Teyvat, and no one would be able to help Liyue overcome the difficulties.

If a disaster of the level she imagined really happened, Liyue would beSeven Stars can't handle it.

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