Hearing this hurried knock on the door.

Bai Ye and Yae Shen Zi looked towards the door at the same time, with a hint of doubt in their eyes.

"Who would come to see the little guy so late at night? Am I here at the wrong time?"

Sitting on the soft big bed, Yae Shen Zi put away her legs and shook her feet, with a hint of excitement in her eyes.

As a fox with extremely serious curiosity, she has been looking forward to who the person at the door is.

Compared with the plan to seize the heart of God, she is still more curious about this matter.

This matter is uncontrollable for Yae Shen Zi, or perhaps it should be said that it is the nature of foxes.

"Sir Shen Zi, are you curious about the person behind the door?"

Looking at Yae Shen Zi's shaking little feet, Bai Ye said lightly.

He knows Yae Shen Zi very well.

When he saw Yae Shen Zi's actions, Bai Ye knew her tricks.

"Oh~~ I'm not curious about this kind of thing~~"

"Little guy, isn't it inappropriate for my sister to be here? It's late at night now, and a man and a woman are alone in the same room. Will it cause misunderstandings from others...?"

"How about this, I'll hide, and you send her away quickly."

A playful smile rose at the corner of Yae Shenzi's mouth, and she stared at Bai Ye with a slightly teasing look, and her pink furry ears trembled.

She likes to see such scenes the most.

After all, everyone likes to watch this scene in the Shura Field, but she doesn't like to be the protagonist of the Shura Field.


Yae Shenzi jumped down from the soft big bed and slowly came to Bai Ye.

"Why do you want to hide? We didn't do anything..."

Bai Ye's face was full of surprise, and he had a bad premonition inexplicably in his heart. He always felt that this scumbag fox in front of him wanted to make something happen.

In a sense, whenever he had such a feeling in his heart, it would come true accurately.

"How can you say that you can't do anything? Since we are a single man and a single woman in the same room, it will naturally cause misunderstandings from others."

The teasing on Yae Shenzi's face became more and more intense, and her face was almost close to Bai Ye's face. Bai Ye could even feel the hot air exhaled from Yae Shenzi's mouth and nose, and the strange fragrance emanating from her body.

After saying that.

Yae Shenzi's body shrank back sensitively, she was afraid that Bai Ye would do something strange to her.

After all, although she was the god of Inazuma, she couldn't stand it if it was real.

Before Bai Ye could respond.

The Eightfold God Child took a light step and entered the huge closet in the room. Before closing the closet door, she waved to Bai Ye and said, "Remember to make a quick decision. If it takes a little longer, I will be unable to breathe in the closet."

After saying this, the Eightfold God Child stretched out her white jade hand and closed the closet door, leaving Bai Ye standing there in a daze.

Bai Ye's mouth twitched, and he came to the closet angrily, just about to catch the Eightfold God Child in the closet.

After all, this matter is too strange, it's like stealing 0.

If it's really stealing 0, it's fine, but the problem is that he didn't do anything and hid in a panic. Is he too sensitive about this matter?

Dong Dong Dong——!

Just when Bai Ye wanted to catch the Eightfold God Child hiding in the closet, he heard a hurried knock on the door again.

As the knock on the door became more and more urgent, Bai Ye had to give up.

After all, if he kept delaying like this, it might arouse other people's suspicion.

Thinking of this.

Bai Ye helplessly spread his hands, loosened his hand holding the handle of the closet, turned his head and walked towards the door.

He had just left the range of the closet.

The Eightfold God in the closet quietly opened a small gap, revealing a cunning and cunning eye, staring at the direction of the door.

The Eightfold God originally wanted to hide under the bed, but if she looked out from under the bed, she just couldn't see the door.

The reason why she hid in the closet was because the closet happened to be facing the door, and she could see the situation at the door directly.

For the Eightfold God.

This feeling was very novel and made her feel very exciting.

After all, it was the first time for her to do such a thing, her cheeks were a little flushed, and her little heart had been beating wildly.

If people outside the door saw the Eightfold God now, they would definitely mistakenly think that Bai Ye and the Eightfold God had just done something unspeakable.

In short.

It was originally a very normal thing, but after being tossed around by the Eightfold God, the whole thing is turning into a strangeLocal development.

This is not a good thing for Bai Ye or Yae Shen Zi.


It may be a good thing for Yae Shen Zi, after all, it can be regarded as satisfying her curiosity.


Xumei City.

Night fell, and the moon and stars were sparse.

The streets of Xumi City were empty, and only the members of the Order Institute were wandering on the streets.

They received the death order of the sage, and they must find the trapped Nashida, so even in the middle of the night, they would wander on the streets of Xumi.

Although they said so, they did not think that Nashida was still in Xumi City.

After all, they had searched for nearly a day during the day.

Almost all the places that could be found in Xumi City were searched, and no trace of Nashida was found.

This also made them relax their vigilance and began to discuss what to eat after the patrol.

Little did they know.

Nashida and Aniya had already sneaked into Xumi City under the cover of night while they were off guard.

Originally, Nashida could have come in openly, but in order to avoid unnecessary disputes, she chose to sneak in secretly.

At this moment.

Aniya and Nashida were hiding in a hidden corner of Xumi City.

Since there were guards patrolling frequently in the city, they planned to take action in the second half of the night when the guards were relaxed.

"Nashida, where should we go to find my parents~~"

Aniya looked around vigilantly, and after seeing nothing unusual, she turned her head to look at Nashida who was resting with her eyes closed, and asked softly.

She was very excited now.

She had been secretly rubbing her hands and eager to try, and she only needed to wait until the second half of the night to start her own action.

Nashida opened her eyes, looked at Aniya calmly, and said with a smile: "If you go to a completely unfamiliar city, what is the first thing to do?"

Aniya tilted her head. She didn't understand what Nashida meant, and answered subconsciously: "Of course, find a place with delicious food to eat..."

She was telling the truth.

In the past, when Bai Ye took her out to play, the first thing they did when they arrived at the destination was to eat, so she answered Nashida's question like this.


The smile on Nashida's face disappeared without a trace, and she uttered a word gently.

She now extremely doubted whether Aniya's education was a bit problematic. When Aniya said "eat, eat, eat", she was a little caught off guard.

"What is that...?"

Aniya looked innocent and looked at Nashida in confusion.

"Of course, we are looking for a place to stay."

"As far as I know, there is only one hotel in Xumi City that is qualified to receive foreign guests. We can just go to that hotel later."

A smile rose at the corner of Nashida's mouth, and she spoke lightly.

As the god of wisdom among the seven rulers of the world, she had already made a thorough plan before entering the city.

"What if my parents are not here?"

Ania blinked and continued to speak innocently.

Nashida was speechless, raised her hand and pinched Ania's cheek, and said: "If they are not here, we can live in it, just in time to save hiding."

This scene is very funny.

After all, it is a white-haired little loli pinching a pink-haired little loli. If it is changed to a big sister's body to pinch Ania, everything will seem more normal.

Maybe one day.

It is possible that the white-haired little loli Nashida will become a white-haired queen.


Order House.

Even though it is late at night, the House of the Order is still brightly lit.

For the entire House of the Order.

Today is definitely an unforgettable day, and it is also a day that makes everyone distressed.

This is not a trivial matter. Nashida's escape may affect the status of the House of the Order and indirectly affect the situation in Xumi.

The sages have enjoyed such rights for many years. How could they tolerate the loss of power?

Anyone who has a vested interest in the House of the Order cannot see this happen.

This is also the reason why they work so hard.

It's just that they have been busy for a day and have already missed the golden time for remediation.

Now Xumi City has been searched all over, and no trace of Nashida has been found.

The sages concluded that Nashida is not in Xumi City nowInstead of fleeing to the outside of Xumi City, they planned to transfer all the guards to the outside of Xumi City to search for Nashida's trace.

"If we can't find the Little Grass God, I'm afraid we'll all be doomed."

"These are only secondary. If the Little Grass God reveals the truth of this matter, I'm afraid the whole Xumi will fall into turmoil."

"It's meaningless to discuss these now. What we have to do now is to find the Little Grass God as soon as possible. No matter what method is used, we must imprison her again. Only in this way can we protect our rights."

The sages looked serious, sitting in the solemn meeting room of the Church Order Institute, urgently discussing the solution to this matter.

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