General Lei Dian was very sure.

Bai Ye's room was definitely not just for him, there must be other people, and they were women.

This was confirmed when she entered the room.

Her sense of smell was not very sensitive.

She was just very familiar with Bai Ye's smell.

It was no exaggeration.

Even if Bai Ye turned into ashes, she could still tell whether it was Bai Ye by the smell.

It was because she was very familiar with Bai Ye's smell that she noticed the smell of other people.

Thinking of this.

General Lei Dian's steps towards the closet became more determined.

She was very sure that the person was hiding in the closet in the corner.

When Bai Ye saw General Lei Dian heading towards the closet, his heart tightened a little.

Even though he had been through many battles, when facing such fried noodles, his palms secreted a little sweat.

After all, this was the first time he encountered such a situation. Even when he played Cheng Ge on campus, he had never encountered such a situation.

"General, there shouldn't be anyone else in my room, right?"

Bai Ye called General Lei Dian just as she walked to the closet.

That's right.

Bai Ye is panicking now.

He is very afraid that the Eightfold God in the closet will cause trouble.

After all, according to the character of this scumbag fox, she can really do such a thing.

The reason why Bai Ye called General Lei Dian.

First, to remind the Eightfold God in the closet not to have any idea of ​​causing trouble.

Second, to interrupt General Lei Dian's rhythm and give himself some buffer time. If the Eightfold God did something, he would have enough time to rush out.

"Whether there are other people, you should know it best. If I'm not mistaken, the person should be hiding in the closet now."

General Lei Dian stood in front of the closet, hugged his chest with both hands, and snorted coldly.


Without waiting for Bai Ye's response, she put her hand on the handle of the closet and pulled it hard.


The closet door was opened.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye quietly moved to the door, his hand already quietly placed on the door handle.

If there was any disturbance, Bai Ye would run away without hesitation.

What a joke.

This is a life-threatening thing.

If you don't run now, when will you run?

General Lei Dian snorted and looked confidently into the closet.

When she saw the scene in the closet, she froze in place, and the confident expression on her face disappeared without a trace.

She opened her mouth involuntarily, her eyes full of disbelief.

The closet was empty, with only a few scattered clothes, and there was no sign of anyone.

But even so.

General Lei Dian still smelled a smell in the closet that did not belong to Bai Ye.

She still firmly believed that there were other people in Bai Ye's room.

"Although no one else was found in the room, there must be someone else in your room."

General Lei Dian coughed, raised his hand to touch his chin to hide his embarrassment, and spoke in a panic.

She didn't even know what she was saying.

Now her mind was blank, so she just talked nonsense.

Bai Ye: "???"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and his face was speechless.


He was stunned by what General Lei Dian said.

Although this gentleman didn't find anyone, it was obvious that he was going to rely on himself.

"General, why do you think there are other people in the room...?"

Bai Ye spread his hands helplessly and spoke helplessly.

Although he knew that there was indeed the Eightfold Son of God in the room, he still wanted to know how General Lei Dian found out.

After all, this matter was really outrageous for Bai Ye.

"Because there is a smell that doesn't belong to you."

General Lei Dian looked normal and spoke confidently.

She was telling the truth. The smell in the room did not belong to Bai Ye, so she naturally thought that there was someone else in the room.

"General, this is not my room. This is a hotel. Isn't it normal to have the smell of someone else...?"

Bai Ye was silent for a moment and asked General Lei Dian a soul-searching question.

Hearing these words from Bai Ye.

General Lei Dian was silent.

No matter from which angle she thought about it, she felt that Bai Ye's words made a lot of sense.

But even so, she still felt that something was wrong, but if you asked her to say it, she would definitely not be able to say it.Seeing General Lei Dian's expression, Bai Ye's mouth corners rose unnoticeably.

He knew in his heart that this trouble was solved.

Knock, knock, knock——!

Just when Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief, the rapid knock on the door sounded again.

Bai Ye's face changed slightly, and his heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition came to his mind again.

Could it be that just after solving this trouble, another trouble came?

This thing is really deadly.

Not only Bai Ye, but even General Lei Dian's face flashed a trace of panic.

This is not a good thing for her either.

"General, I'll go open it..."

In order not to repeat the mistakes of the Eightfold God Son, Bai Ye spoke decisively.

But before he could say anything, he saw General Lei Dian crawl into the closet and close the door tightly.

Bai Ye was completely dumbfounded.

He couldn't understand why General Lei Dian wanted to hide. This was not a reasonable thing at all.

But now he had no choice but to let General Lei Dian do this. He could only open the door and quickly send the person standing at the door away.

General Lei Dian, who was hiding in the closet, had a blank mind.

She didn't know why she hid in the closet. This was completely a subconscious reaction of the body.

By the time she reacted, it was too late.

She could hear Bai Ye's footsteps heading towards the door.

If she walked out of the closet at this time, it would definitely arouse suspicion from others.

After thinking about it, she decided to stay in the closet for a while, and wait until Bai Ye sent the newcomer away before she returned to her room.


Xumeru City.

The night was getting darker, and the moonlight was like a song.

A dark cloud covered the sky, and it was already the second half of the night.

The guards of the Church of the Order, who were originally vigilant on the street, had already relaxed their guard, and some had even found a corner to fish.

After all, there is no abnormal situation in the city, and they all think that Nashida has already left the city.

If they were Nashida, they would have run away long ago, after all, Xumi City is the most dangerous place.

In fact, the most critical reason is that they searched every house in the city for a long time and did not find any trace of Nashida, which led them to have such an idea.

In short.

Now they don't have such ideas, and they relax and start to find corners to fish spontaneously.

"Nashida, it's almost done."

"I just went around the street, and there are no patrolling guards on the street. It seems that they are sleeping."

Ania tiptoed to Nashida and introduced the situation outside to Nashida with her hands and feet.

During the waiting period, she was already very anxious.

As soon as it was the second half of the night, Ania quietly slipped out to find out the situation.

For Ania, the most important thing now is to find Bai Ye and Yoel.

As long as she is with Joel and Bai Ye, she is not afraid of anything.


Maybe Bai Ye and Joel will protect Nashida.

If Bai Ye knew Aniya's thoughts, he would definitely praise her as a "good daughter".

Now Bai Ye is worried about how to find Nashida. If Aniya takes Nashida with her, it will be a great thing.

Hearing Aniya's words.

Nashida looked up at the sky, nodded and said: "It's almost time, let's go, help you find your parents first..."

After that.

Nashida slowly got up, grabbed Aniya's soft little hand, and dragged her to the street of Xumi.

Along the way.

Nashida used various exquisite means to bypass various guards, and finally successfully arrived in front of a luxurious hotel.

"If your parents are in Xumi City, they will definitely stay in this hotel."

Nashida pinched Aniya's little hand and said confidently.


Ania showed a hint of joy on her face.

"Of course, follow me."

Nashida snorted and said confidently.

After that.

She dragged Aniya to the hotel.

This hotel was the one that Bai Ye had booked.


Qun Yu Pavilion.

Ningguang still sat on the observation deck with a frown on her face.

Although Bai Wen had just persuaded her, she still did not go back to her room to rest..

She was seriously considering one thing, that is, whether to go to Xumi in person.

Of course.

She was not going as one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, but as an ordinary person.

If she could not figure out the specific situation of Xumi, she would not be able to rest assured.

After all, some things need to be done by herself.

If she just waited for Ye Lan's intelligence, it might be a big problem, but if she left Liyue, then Liyue's affairs would be a little difficult to handle.

This matter troubled her very much, and she was thinking of a way to have the best of both worlds.

"If it is possible, maybe Ganyu, the master of all knowledge, can take over for a while, just taking this opportunity to train all knowledge and knowledge."

Ningguang's slender white fingers tapped the back of the chair regularly, looking at the dim sky and muttering to herself.

After such a long time of thinking.

She has made her decision, that is, to go to Xumi in person.

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