Seeing Bai Ye's frustrated expression.

The smile on Lisa's face became more and more intense.

I don't know why.

Lisa always felt that Bai Ye was a particularly easy target to tease. Every time she teased Bai Ye, her body and mind would feel happy.

Originally, she wanted to ask about Nashida this time.

But when she saw Bai Ye's expression, she couldn't help but feel teasing in her heart.

"Is Aniya here...?"

Lisa coughed, cleared her throat, and her face became serious, and she spoke lightly.

Although she wanted to tease Bai Ye, she did not forget her business.

After all, finding Aniya is her ultimate goal.

As long as she confirmed Aniya's whereabouts, she would be able to rest assured and tease the little brother in front of her without scruples.

"Of course."

"Aniya is in the next room now, and it seems that she is with Yoel now."

Bai Ye nodded and spoke lightly.

From the moment he saw Lisa, he knew that Lisa came for Anya.

It was just that Bai Ye didn't want to appear too smart, so he took the initiative to wait for Lisa to ask.

Facing a witch like Lisa, he must not show himself too much. After all, he still needs Lisa's help in the next plan.

Hearing Bai Ye's words.

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief. The biggest trouble at the moment had been solved, and her tense nerves relaxed.

If Anya's trace had not been found, she would probably be crazy now.


Lisa just reacted.

Bai Ye mentioned Joel's name just now.

In Lisa's cognition, Joel should be her acting leader in Mond, how could he come to Mond?

"You said Joel also came to Xumi?"

Lisa pursed her lips, frowned slightly, and looked up at Bai Ye standing beside her.

She really couldn't figure it out.

Why did Joel appear in Xumi.

According to the current situation, Joel should be inseparable from Mond.

"Yes, her room is next door. Is there anything wrong with this? Why do I feel that your expression is so strange..."

Bai Ye looked at Lisa with a strange look. She didn't understand why Lisa asked such a question.

But she also heard another meaning from Lisa.

That is, Lisa may be familiar with Joel, otherwise how could she ask such a question.


"Then it should be that Jean has returned. Before Jean went out to perform a mission, she entrusted the Knights of Favonius to Joel, which means that Joel is now the acting leader of the Knights of Favonius."

Lisa folded her arms across her chest, her face full of contemplation, and told Bai Ye the whole story of this matter.


Bai Ye showed a trace of surprise on his face.

He was a little confused.

How did Joel become the acting leader of the Knights of Favonius in such a short time?

You know.

He has been in Mond for so long, but he only got the title of "Honorary Knight".

This guy Joel actually became the acting leader.

Bai Ye couldn't accept this.

But Bai Ye thought about the intensity of the work of the Knights of Favonius, and he felt relieved.

"So that's the case."

"But the situation is a bit complicated now. There is a little problem with Aniya."

Bai Ye blinked, pondered for a moment, and spoke softly.

"What's the problem?"

Lisa bit her lip and asked in confusion.

She really couldn't imagine what trouble Aniya would get into.

After all, during the time Aniya had been with her, she had always given her the impression of a good girl and a genius girl.

"Actually, there is no big problem, just a little problem..."

Bai Ye smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, pretending to be shy, and opened his mouth to speak but stopped.

"It's okay, I'll take care of this."

"Tell me, what did Aniya do?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Lisa smiled faintly and spoke calmly.

No matter what she thought in her heart, she didn't think Aniya would cause any big trouble.

At most, she just broke something and messed up something accidentally, which was no big deal.

After all, she has been studying in Xumi for many years, and she can easily solve these small things.

Bai Ye covered his mouth and coughed, with a sly smile on his lips, pretending to think and said: "Aniya sneaked into the Church Order Court and accidentally broke the Church Order Court..."

"Small matter."

"This matterI'll take care of it."

Lisa covered her mouth and chuckled, clapped her hands gently, and interrupted Bai Ye before he finished speaking.

It was just the things of the Order House that were broken.

In Lisa's eyes, it was not a big deal. She even wanted to cheer, after all, she didn't like the Order House very much.

It was a good thing that she didn't tear down the Order House. This matter was not a big deal.

"Listen to me."

"Ania broke the container that imprisoned the little auspicious grass king Nashida. The entire Order House is searching for Nashida and Ania. Now Nashida lives in the same room with Ania. "

Bai Ye's smile grew thicker and thicker, without giving Lisa any chance to react, he told her the whole story.


Her mind was completely blank now.

What the hell?

Didn't you say it was a small matter?

Why did you release the imprisoned Nashida? Is this really reasonable?

"You heard it right."

"Sister Lisa, this is the case. Only you can solve Anya's problem. "

Bai Ye sighed quietly, a solemn expression appeared on his face, and he spoke with sorrow.

What he had to do now was very simple, that was to drag Lisa into the water.

No matter how strong Lisa was, one more person would give her more confidence, not to mention that Lisa's title of Mond Sweeper Monk was not for nothing.

Hearing Bai Ye's words.

Lisa suddenly realized.

No wonder she had just entered the city.

The city was full of guards from the Order Court. At that time, she was still curious about what had happened in Xumi City, which was worthy of such a big battle by the Order Court. It turned out to be because of this matter.

"Little brother, what do you want to do now?"

Lisa smiled, calmed down her excitement, and hooked her finger at Bai Ye.

She felt that this was not a big deal.

If it really didn't work, just secretly transport Nashida and Anya out of Xumi City. There were so many things.

"Sister Lisa, I don't know what to do either. Everything is up to you. "

Bai Ye shook his head and continued to play dumb.

It was impossible for him to take the initiative to propose his plan.

He could only let Lisa speak in person, so that she would be considered willing.

If he brought up this matter himself, it would inevitably arouse Lisa's suspicion.

Bai Ye still had some brains.


"What the hell is going on? Why are there so many people from the Church of the Order outside? "

Bai Riminglei leaned against the door of the hotel, his face full of fear.

As a member of the Gilded Brigade, he instinctively felt fear for the people of the Order of the Church.

After all, the Order of the Church has organized countless waves of encirclement and suppression of the Gilded Brigade, and the current situation has also made him feel a sense of crisis.

He can clearly see.

These guys from the Order of the Church are not here to travel or go shopping. Just by the aura they exude, he realized that this matter is not simple.


How could these guys from the Order of the Church surround this hotel for no reason?

The matter here is definitely not simple, and they are definitely not here to find me. In all likelihood, they are here to find Bai Ye.

After understanding this point.

The fear on Bai Riminglei's face became even stronger.

He knew in his heart.

If Bai Ye can't handle this matter, then he will be finished with it.

"Now we must immediately notify Lord Bai Ye of this matter, otherwise there may really be problems. "

Bai Riminglei clapped his hands and made a prompt decision.

He knew that this matter could not be delayed, and he had to inform Bai Ye of the current situation so that Bai Ye could be prepared.

Bai Riminglei and Bai Ye were already on the same side, not to mention the time when they were facing a life-and-death crisis.

Now only Bai Ye could solve this matter.

According to the current situation, he alone would have absolutely no way to escape the encirclement of the Order Court.

He did not hesitate at all.

He ran towards the second floor at lightning speed.

He knew in his heart that if he informed Bai Ye of this matter earlier, he would have a little more chance of survival.


Order Court.

The lady stood at the door of the room where the Queen of Winter was, her face full of solemn doubts.

Her hand was suspended in the air, trying to push open the door of the room, but she was a little hesitant in her heart.

Although she followed the Queen of Winter's orders,The order was carried out, but she really didn't understand why the Queen of Winter made such a decision.

She clearly had the information and could have taken it first.

Thinking of this.

The lady sighed helplessly, and a wave appeared on her cold face.

She raised her hand and pushed open the door, and walked into the room with an elegant step.

"My Queen, I have done what you asked me to do. I don't know where we are going next..."

The lady stood in front of the Queen of Winter, put away her dissatisfaction, and spoke lightly.

Even if she was dissatisfied, she couldn't show it.

In her heart, she still believed in the decision of the Queen of Winter, but she didn't understand it.

"Since all the actors are in place, it's time for you to go on stage."

"This time, no one is allowed to take action without my order. Now we just need to wait and see..."

The Queen of Winter smiled and raised her hand to look at the three executives in front of her. She already had a detailed plan in her mind.

She could understand the feelings of the three executives in front of her.

After all, they had the same goal, and now that the goal was within reach, they would of course call for it.

If the Queen of Winter stood in their position, she would definitely have the same feelings as them, but now was not the time to tell them about this matter.

It all depends on their own understanding.

"Yes, Queen."

The three ladies and puppet girls answered in unison.



In Bai Ye's room.

Lisa sat on the soft bed, and Bai Ye stood quietly in front of her.

At first glance, it seemed like she was doing something strange, but it was actually just a matter of angle.

"I didn't expect you to be so obedient now, and you actually listened to my orders. If I remember correctly, you would still resist a little bit before."

When Lisa heard Bai Ye's words, a hint of teasing flashed in her eyes, and she spoke in a teasing tone.

"Sister Lisa, I can't handle these things, I can only rely on you."

Bai Ye pretended to sigh helplessly, revealing a trace of worry.

"Little brother actually still has to rely on his sister, anyway, take me to see Anya first, I want to understand the specific situation..."

Lisa blinked, her tone became a little serious, and she spoke lightly.

As soon as the voice fell.

A rapid knock on the door sounded in the ears of Lisa and Bai Ye, accompanied by a noisy exclamation: "Lord Bai Ye, something big happened, I have something very important to report..."

Bai Ye frowned slightly.

He recognized that this was the sound of Bai Riming Lei.


ps: I have to be hospitalized these days. The coughing in the ward next to me is fine, but I am not coughing and there is something wrong. I really can't accept it.

But fortunately I have a brain, I brought my notebook and keyboard to the hospital in advance, and I can still find time to write.

After all, I have set a flag.

If I am fine, I will continue to update until the book is finished.

I am a little scared now. I don’t think I will really be in trouble. After all, those who set flags have no good ending.

I hope I can be fine. I don’t want to be like the person next door. I am still a little scared.

However, my physical indicators are still quite normal at present. There is only a small problem with my lungs, but the problem is not big. I will be fine after a week of infusion.

It’s just that the author doesn’t like the environment here. I don’t feel like writing at all. I always write for a while and then rest for a while.

After repeating this, I finally finished today’s update.

The above PS word count does not account for the total word count of the chapter. Just regard it as the author’s complaint and report.

I don’t know what to say.

The author wishes everyone a happy new year in advance~

Of course, it would be best if you can give the author a five-star praise~~!

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