Qun Yu Pavilion.

The night sky is full of stars.

The bright moonlight shines into the dim room through the cracks in the window, and then reflects on the faces of Bai Wen and Bai Shi, which looks particularly weird.

Their faces are solemn, and their eyebrows are full of sorrow. Under the moonlight, they look like villains who are planning something bad.

They are very distressed now.

After all, the nature of this matter is really serious.

When Bai Wen pretended to be Ning Guang before, she did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

After Bai Shi’s reminder, she finally realized the problem in this matter.

Bai Shi alone has easily recognized her identity. Although other people in Qun Yu Pavilion have not recognized it for the time being, if the other seven stars or Gan Yu come, they will definitely recognize her identity.

If it weren’t for Bai Shi’s reminder, I’m afraid Bai Wen is still immersed in the feeling of pretending to be Ning Guang.

"Bai Shi, what do you think we should do now? Otherwise... we will just make the best of it. Anyway, Lord Ningguang will be back soon..."

Bai Wen was silent for a long time, thinking about the solution to this matter, and this sentence came out of her mouth subconsciously.

In fact, she didn't know what to do.

For Bai Wen.

Now the only way seems to be to pretend to be brave, there is no other way.

"Let me think about it..."

Bai Shi only felt dizzy and painful, interrupting Bai Wen's words.

Her mind was a mess now, she never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

In fact, it's not her fault.

After all, this matter is too outrageous.

Whether it is Ningguang or Bai Wen, it is outrageous.

Bai Shi can't describe her feelings in words now. If it weren't for the fact that Bai Wen was wearing Ningguang's clothes, I'm afraid she would have punched Bai Wen long ago.

Seeing Bai Shi's current appearance.

Bai Wen did not dare to say anything. She silently picked up the jade pipe on the table, imitated Ning Guang's posture and took a puff, and began to look through the various documents on the table.

Even in this situation, her movements still imitated Ning Guang.

However, Bai Shi did not notice this detail. Her brows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed, and it was obvious that she was thinking about this matter.

After a long time.

Bai Shi finally digested all the messy information.

Then he looked at Bai Wen with a surprised look and said doubtfully: "You are still in the mood to deal with these documents. Don't you worry about the safety of Lord Ning Guang?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Bai Shi knew that he had done something stupid.

Even if he was worried, what's the use? The problem now is that Ning Guang can't be found at all.

Neither she nor Bai Wen, who pretended to be Ning Guang, could leave Qun Yu Pavilion.

If they were in Qun Yu Pavilion, they might be able to delay for a while. If they left Qun Yu Pavilion, then this matter would definitely be exposed.

"I have passed this information to Lord Ye Lan who is far away in Xumi. If Lord Ye Lan receives this information, he will definitely deal with this matter."

"Besides this, it seems that we have no better way..."

Bai Wen shook his head helplessly, picked up the jade pipe on the table again and took a puff, and told Bai Shi this information.

Hearing Bai Wen's words.

Bai Shi nodded thoughtfully, squinting his eyes and said: "It seems that this is the only way now. I just hope that Lord Ningguang can come back soon, otherwise if we are discovered, then we will be in big trouble..."

She was telling the truth.

Now no one comes. If Keqing Ganyu and others come, it will definitely be exposed.

Bai Shi, who has thought about all this, has long stopped worrying about Bai Wen, and is thinking about helping Bai Wen conceal this matter.

At least it should be concealed before Ningguang comes back, or before she is about to come back.


"Bai Shi, don't think about these things first, let's finish these files first, there are many I don't know how to deal with........."

Bai Wen blinked, pointed to the files on the table, and said anxiously.

In the past, Ningguang would finish the files of the day, but now these files have been piled up for nearly three days. Bai Wen has no way to deal with them alone, or she doesn't know how to deal with them.

After all, these important files were handled by Ningguang in the past, and even some of the files, as personal secretaries, they couldn't see the specific content.

This also led to the current situation.The situation happened, they didn't know how to deal with these files at all.

Now that Bai Shi is back, Bai Wen is relieved, after all, someone can help her deal with these files.

Faced with such a situation.

Bai Shi has no other way but to help Bai Wen deal with these complicated files.

Apart from this, there is no other way.


Outside Xumi City.

Although it is late at night, Ning Guang is still on the road.

She is dressed in casual clothes, driving the violent and thick rock elements, and moving rapidly in the deep jungle.

All the creatures that dared to stop her along the way were blasted into debris by the violent rock elements.

I don't know why.

Since Ning Guang left the Qun Yu Pavilion, she has no worries about messy affairs, and she has become very relaxed.

Originally, she didn't understand why the Rock King wanted to fake his death, but now she seems to understand it a little.

After all, such a life is too...comfortable.

Although she said so, Ningguang didn't like such an easy and comfortable life.

If she only experienced it occasionally, it might give her a good feeling. If it continued like this for a long time, Ningguang would never accept it.

"I don't know if Baiwen has handled the things I asked him to do. It really makes me feel a little worried..."

Ningguang stood there, looking up at the bright moonlight, and sighed faintly.

Although it was very easy now, she missed the days in Qun Yu Pavilion.


It should be said that she was worried about whether Baiwen would handle these messy things.

But the worry was unnecessary, after all, she had no way to rush back.

"Baiwen has been with me for so long, this little thing should be easy to handle, not to mention that Baishi should be going back soon, and the two of them will be much more relaxed..."

Thinking of this, Ningguang had no other choice but to sigh, and could only comfort herself with such words.


Ningguang took out a map from her sleeve and compared her current location with the location on the map.

Then she put the map away, with a flash of excitement in her eyes.

Because she was about to arrive at Xumi City, this was her first time to travel far away since she became one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, and she was coming to Xumi, which was known as the country of ‘wisdom’.

If she said she was not excited, it would be a lie.

People are always full of expectations for curious things, and Ningguang is no exception.

Although she was in a good mood, Baiwen and Baishi, who were far away in the Qunyu Pavilion, were overwhelmed.

At least half of these piled-up documents were not handled by them, and the key problem was to reply to them on time, which forced them to bite the bullet.

In comparison.

Ningguang was much more relaxed.

While enjoying the scenery of Xumi, she was walking slowly.

Although her speed was very happy for ordinary people, it was very slow for Ningguang.


Xumeru City.

After Bai Ye left Shen He's room, he went straight to the rooftop of the hotel without stopping.

Although he said he didn't care about the situation outside, and even crushed the people outside in terms of strength, he still had to understand the specific situation.

If he could find a way to kill without bloodshed, it would be really great.

Bai Ye was thinking about these messy things in his mind, and in a blink of an eye he had reached the rooftop.

When he looked down from above, he took a breath of cold air.

The current situation is like a zombie siege. The hotel is densely packed with people from the Order Institute on all sides.

Their faces are firm, their eyes are full of murderous intent, and they all hold their weapons tightly, as if they will attack as soon as the leader gives an order.

When Bai Ye looked out of the window, he was not so shocked.

Now looking down from the rooftop, he felt a little shocked.

It's not because Bai Ye feels that he can't deal with these people.

The reason is very simple.

That is the Church of the Lords... Why are there so many people!!!


The girl lowered her eyes and hummed a sad tune. Everything around her was different from her.It has nothing to do with it.

The puppet observed the hotel for a long time, but did not observe any abnormal situation. He simply leaned on the puppet and closed his eyes to rest.

Only the lady looked at the situation of the Church and Bai Ye attentively.

She subconsciously clenched her fists, hoping that the Church would launch an attack as soon as possible.

But after a long time, there was still no movement.

Even the lady who was full of fighting spirit could not help but feel a little depressed.

"So you are hiding here..."

Just as the lady was thinking, a familiar voice sounded behind her.

She turned her head and looked behind her.

I saw Alecino standing quietly in the same place, and they were smiling.

"Why are you here?"

The lady's face changed slightly, and she asked in confusion.

She was very confused about Alecino's appearance here.

According to common sense.

Alechino should be on a mission in Fontaine or Nata now. Now that she suddenly appears here, it is inevitable that people will have wild thoughts.

"Can't I be here?"

"I personally reported the information about Nashida and Bai Ye to the Queen..."

Alechino crossed her arms and snorted coldly. The meaning of her words was self-evident.

After she revealed the location of Bai Ye and his group to the Queen of Winter.

Alechino quietly slipped away under the cover of the night.

But as soon as she slipped out, she felt a familiar breath and followed it.


Xumeru City, outside the hotel.

The white paper cranes in the hands of the great sage's confidants exuded a dazzling light.

Seeing this white paper crane.

The people around couldn't help but become excited.

Those who have been in the Order for a long time will know that this is the way Nashida conveys messages.

Now that the white paper cranes have arrived, it means that the order of the Little Auspicious Grass King has arrived.

Of course.

All this was disguised by the Great Sage.

Only other sages and the Great Sage's confidants know the truth of this matter.

Since Nashida was placed under house arrest, the Great Sage often used paper cranes to convey messages to other people in the Order Institute, and claimed that this was the oracle of the Little Auspicious Grass King.

Over time.

Everyone thought that the white paper cranes were the symbol of the Little Auspicious Grass King Nashida.

This is also the most brilliant part of the Great Sage.

Although he has almost controlled the entire Xumi, he still acts in the name of Nashida.


ps: It's the third day of the countdown to discharge from the hospital. I will soon be out of the sea of ​​suffering, and the New Year is coming soon. The speed of typing has also increased sharply. It really is in line with the old saying that people are refreshed when they are happy.

The key problem is that the hospital environment is too noisy, and the food in the hospital is terrible. You can't go out to eat, so you can only lie alone in the hospital.

If it were usual, I would often be complained about the sound of typing on the keyboard, whether it was day or night. Of course, the author of the scumbag would not type on the keyboard at night.

This also caused the nurse sister to keep an eye on me every day, but now the person next door has been discharged, and I am the only one left in this ward.

After the infusion every day, I would take out my notebook and keyboard to type a little.

This incident caused my typing speed to rise sharply. Today, it only took four hours to type all these words, which was very easy.

I believe that if I am discharged from the hospital, I can return to the normal typing speed, and even keep some drafts on the basis of maintaining normal updates.

By the way, I would like to ask quietly, does anyone have any good way to relieve constipation?


It is definitely not the author of the scumbag, but a friend of the author of the scumbag asked me to ask everyone...

Yes, that's right, this is the case.

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