For Ningguang.

The current situation in Xumi City is far from as simple as it seems on the surface.

Even the words of the guard of the Order Academy who is now lying unconscious at her feet are not worthy of trust.

As for the truth of this matter, Ningguang still needs to explore it herself.

Thinking of this.

The doubt on Ningguang's face has increased instead of decreasing.

She wants to know the truth of Xumi City and whether Emperor Yanwang is by Bai Ye's side.


Everything that is happening now makes her confused.

This is completely different from the information she saw in the Qunyu Pavilion.

"According to what this guy said, the Order Academy is looking for someone now, and the terrifying energy I felt in the Qunyu Pavilion should be caused by the person the Order Academy is looking for, but..."

Ningguang looked puzzled, and the bright moonlight shining on her face added a touch of mystery to her.

She raised her hand and pressed her temple, her tone paused slightly, and continued: "But this terrifying energy is not like what ordinary people can emit. Even the Rock King Emperor should not be much different from this."

She thought a lot in her heart, and had roughly considered the whole thing, and even thought of a terrible possibility.

Of course.

All this is just Ningguang's guess.

The next thing is relatively simple.

Just need to verify her own guess.

Ningguang stood in the dark and damp alley, and after thinking about all these things clearly, a trace of relief appeared on her face.


She sorted out her clothes, covered herself tightly, and under the cover of the night, she quietly slipped out of the alley.

What a coincidence.

As soon as she walked out of the alley, she saw a team of fully armed guards of the Order Academy, rushing forward.


Ningguang showed a trace of joy on her face.

She didn't know where to go, and now she happened to pass by a team of guards from the Order Court, which solved a lot of her troubles.


Ningguang followed them quietly without any hesitation and went to the destination with them.

With Ningguang's strength.

They didn't notice Ningguang at all, and didn't even notice a trace of abnormality.


Qunyu Pavilion.

The night is like a song, and the moonlight is like water.

The bright moonlight gently covers all the buildings in Qunyu Pavilion, adding a different kind of beauty to Qunyu Pavilion.

Ganyu stood in front of the door of Qunyu Pavilion, waiting for the maid's notification.

Her brows were furrowed, and the blue hair on her head drooped down, and she seemed to be worried about something.

The reason for Ganyu's distress was simple.

First, she wanted to find out what was wrong in Qunyu Pavilion.

Second, was it impolite to disturb Ningguang so late?

Actually, it's not Ganyu's fault.

She was too focused on handling the documents. When she finished, it was already midnight.

She originally wanted to come tomorrow morning, after all, considering Ningguang's rest.

But the situation revealed by the Qunyu Pavilion now made her feel uneasy. After thinking about it, she had to come at night.

If she didn't figure this out, Ganyu's heart might not be able to calm down.

After a long time.

A burst of hurried footsteps sounded in the Qunyu Pavilion.

The maid in the Qunyu Pavilion hurried to Ganyu and said breathlessly: "Lord Ganyu, please follow me, Lord Ningguang is waiting in the office..."

"Thank you."

Ganyu nodded and thanked softly.

Ganyu felt a little sorry for running over at such a late time to disturb others' rest.

"You're welcome."

"Master Ganyu, please follow me."

The maid scratched her head, smiled shyly, and raised her hand to make a gesture of invitation.


She ignored Ganyu and went to Ningguang's office on her own.

She would only look back from time to time to confirm Ganyu's location, as if she was afraid that Ganyu would get lost.

Ganyu didn't care about these details. She just wanted to find out what happened in the Qun Yu Pavilion. As for other things, she didn't care at all.

After a while.

The maid stopped, turned her head to look at Ganyu, and said softly: "Master Ganyu, we are here."

Before Ganyu could respond.

The maid raised her hand and knocked on the door gently, and said respectfully: "Master Ningguang,"People, Master Ganyu is here..."

"Come in."

Ningguang's slightly lazy voice and the sound of gently turning pages of a book were heard in the room.

Hearing Ningguang's words, the maid turned her eyes to Ganyu and continued, "Master Ganyu, please go in by yourself, I will leave first..."

Ganyu frowned slightly, with a thoughtful look on her face, and thanked softly, "Thank you, I really trouble you."

"Master Ganyu, you're welcome, these are what I should do. "

The maid smiled shyly and scratched her head in embarrassment.


She bowed to Ganyu and slowly left the door of Ningguang's office, leaving Ganyu standing in front of the door thoughtfully.

In fact.

Ganyu had already noticed something was wrong.

Although she hadn't seen Ningguang yet, she had heard something wrong in Ningguang's voice.

It was no different from the voice she usually heard, but there was still something wrong.

She had worked with Ningguang for so long.

If she couldn't even notice this abnormality, then her job as a secretary would be in vain.

Thinking of this.

Gan Gan Yu no longer hesitated and pushed the door into Ningguang's office.

As soon as she entered the door.

She saw something wrong.

Originally, she could see Ningguang's desk and Ningguang working on it directly when she entered the door, but now there is a gauze curtain in front of Ningguang's desk.

This also caused others to only see Ningguang's shadow, but not her true appearance.

This also made Gan Yu, who was a little confused, even more confused.

According to her understanding of Ningguang, Ningguang would definitely... not do these things for no reason.

"Ms. Gan Yu, you came to Qun Yu Pavilion so late, is there something important? "

A figure danced behind the gauze curtain, and Ningguang's calm voice reached Ganyu's ears.

Hearing Ningguang's voice.

Ganyu frowned even more.

She had already noticed the problem, but she didn't know where the problem was. Anyway, there was something wrong everywhere.


Xumeru City.

When Aniya saw the soldiers of the Order Academy outside, who were as densely packed as the zombie siege.

She couldn't help trembling all over, and her face became extremely pale.

"Sister Lisa, you said that these people outside...are all here to catch me?"

Aniya looked confused, took a deep breath, calmed down, and spoke in confusion.

She thought for a long time.

She felt that Lisa was just scaring herself. Just releasing one person, how could they make such a big fuss?


That's right.

This matter must be Lisa scaring herself.

"You must think I'm scaring you now, then do you know who you released? "

Lisa saw through Aniya's thoughts at a glance, and said jokingly with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

She decided to teach Aniya a lesson, otherwise she would never realize this mistake.

If she is not disciplined, things may become abnormal.

This kind of thing is okay once or twice, but if it happens too many times, it will be really troublesome.

Today, Nashida was released, and who knows what will be released tomorrow.


Aniya frowned slightly, blinked, and asked in confusion.

"One of the seven rulers of the world, the little auspicious grass king of Xumi, Nashida. "

Lisa's face was normal, and she casually told Nashida's true identity.

Ania's face changed drastically.

She finally realized how big a mistake she had made.

She had read about this in the Mond Library, and she was very familiar with the Seven Rulers of the World.

Now, after Lisa's reminder, she suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

After all, for Aniya, this was not a good thing, and it was even a little scary.


Qun Yu Pavilion.

Bai Wen is very nervous now.

After all, Gan Yu, the secretary of the General Affairs Office, is standing in front of her.

Although she was wearing Ningguang's clothes, imitating Ningguang's tone and posture, and there was a gauze curtain between them, she was still extremely nervous.

The same was true for Bai Shi behind her.

They were all facing such a situation for the first time, and they usually justStanding behind Ningguang and watching this scene.

Now that they are facing Ganyu in person, it would be a lie to say that they are not nervous.

It is a good thing that they can suppress their fear, after all, such things may be exposed at any time.


"I just feel that I haven't seen Lady Ningguang for many days, and I miss her a little, so I came to visit her specially."

Ganyu looked normal, quietly looking at the figure behind the gauze curtain, and spoke lightly.

She has noticed something wrong, but did not make it clear.

"So that's the case, I thought Miss Ganyu had something important."

Bai Wen, who was pretending to be Ningguang behind the gauze curtain, raised his hand and grabbed the jade pipe on the table, took a puff of it in the posture of Ningguang, and spoke in the tone of Ningguang.

Bai Wen had no other choice but to try his best to imitate Ningguang's movements and tone.

She had already made up her mind.

The current situation can only give it a try, after all, she has no other way.

"Are you Baiwen?"

"Where did Lord Ningguang go? Why are you pretending to be Lord Ningguang..."

Ganyu put one hand across her chest and touched her chin with the other hand. After a moment of silence, she spoke softly.

She realized that something was wrong as soon as she entered the door.

There were countless abnormal things, which also raised Ganyu's vigilance to the extreme.

She only distinguished from the voice that the person in the gauze curtain was not Ningguang herself, but she felt a little familiar.

Ganyu asked the question just to let Ningguang behind the gauze curtain say a few more words to let her confirm this matter.

As expected.

Things were just as she expected. Something happened in the Qunyu Pavilion, and it was a very serious one.

In short.

This discovery gave Ganyu a bad premonition.


Xumeru City.

Night fell, and dark clouds covered the moon.

Ningguang followed the guards of the Order House quietly under the cover of the night.

She looked relaxed and followed them slowly.

The guards of the Order House in the front did not notice that there was someone behind them, or they were very confident in the security of Xumi City.

In short.

Their faces were solemn, their eyes were full of determination, and their hands subconsciously clenched their weapons.

After all, the crusade organized by the Great Sage was about to begin.

They dared not relax at all.

I don’t know how long it took.

This team of guards of the Order House came to the front of the hotel, and then mixed into the team surrounding the hotel.

Ningguang stood not far behind them, staring at the situation in front of the hotel in amazement.

Her face was full of question marks, and her eyes were full of doubts.

She was a little confused about what these people from the Order House wanted to do, and they actually mobilized such a big battle.


ps: Today is the last day of infusion, and I have finished all the infusions and packed up all the things.

As long as I get the medicine tomorrow, I can complete the discharge procedures and go yo-yo.

Although it is a yo-yo, I still have to pack up again when I return to the rented house.

Bring the things I need to bring, return the house, return the deposit, etc., and then go back to my hometown.

Fortunately, it is relatively close, more than an hour or nearly two hours away, and I should be able to get home in the evening or afternoon.

Of course, if everything goes well, when I get up and pack up tomorrow morning, I will write a little first, write a little more in the car, and write a little more when I get home. There should be no problem with updating.

I didn’t expect that the Chinese New Year is still four days away. During this period, I will seriously save manuscripts, keep stable updates, and burst out on the first day of the Chinese New Year.

Anyway, it's boring to go home. Apart from eating and sleeping, I will focus on writing. On the basis of maintaining stable updates, I will update more every day, such as 6,000 to 8,000 words a day, and continue until the Lantern Festival.

Finally, I would like to ask for a wave of free gifts and five-star reviews~~!

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