The lady licked her tempting red lips, thinking about this in her heart.

A fascinating smile rose on her flawless face, and her eyes were full of fanatical excitement, as if she had encountered something that made her extremely excited.

Alecino rubbed her hands excitedly and subconsciously tightened her weapon in her hand.

Ever since she saw Bai Ye's strength in the forest last time, she had long wanted to fight Bai Ye with real swords and guns.

But due to the relationship between time and place, she had never had the opportunity to speak up.

Now is also a good opportunity.

As long as the Order of the Church can't deal with Bai Ye, she will take action personally.

Of course.

This is also the order of the Queen of Winter. If the Order of the Church has problems, they will need to help solve this matter.

In this case, Alecino really wants to serve.

She wanted to know what strength Bai Ye had, who killed the scattered soldiers and crippled the young master, but there was one detail she didn't know, that was that Bai Ye and the Queen of Winter were evenly matched when they fought.

If Alecino knew this, she probably wouldn't have such a stupid idea in her mind.

After all, the strength between her and the Queen of Winter was like a natural chasm, and she was a little self-aware of this.

"Lift it higher, raise it higher, just a little higher..."

The puppet looked at the puppet under him angrily, waving his slender and white jade hands in the air, and commanding his puppet fiercely.

That's right.

Due to her height, she couldn't see the situation at the door of the hotel clearly, but she was very curious, so she could only let her puppet lift her higher.

Although the puppet usually gave people a very quiet feeling, she was actually a person who liked to watch the excitement very much.

It was so lively down there, the puppet naturally couldn't miss it, not to mention that she wanted to know what happened next, which made her even more anxious.

In contrast.

The girl was very calm.

There was no expression on her face, she hummed a sad tune, and she looked indifferent to everything around her.

Even if the world was about to be destroyed, the girl probably wouldn't have too much emotional ups and downs.

Her purpose was not to come for the mission of the Queen of Winter.

She came to pursue the familiar breath, and helping the Queen of Winter to complete some tasks was just a matter of convenience for her.

In short.

As the only descendant of the First Throne, she was particularly sensitive to certain breaths, which was why she came to Xumi and came to this hotel.

Because she could feel that the person or thing she was looking for was near this hotel.

Now these executives all had their own ulterior motives.

Although their purposes were different, they all had the same idea, that is, these people should fight quickly.

As long as the group of people below fight.

These executives can get what they want.

Although they said so, they still followed the orders of the Queen of Winter.


"It's so boring. You guys stay here for a while. I'll go out for a breath of fresh air and stretch my muscles..."

The lady licked her lips with her tongue, stretched lazily, and her curvy figure was in full view. She spoke carelessly.


She turned slowly, walked with a fascinating pace, and disappeared in the business of everyone.

However, no one else noticed this detail. They just heard what the lady said and nodded subconsciously.

After all, their focus is not on the lady now. Their focus is all on the situation outside the hotel.

As for the lady's little actions, they don't want to care and are not in the mood to care.


Outside the hotel.

A dark corner that no one pays attention to.

Ningguang hid in an unnoticed corner, observing the situation outside the inn.

She skillfully took out a fake jade pipe from her bosom, put it to her red lips and took a deep puff, and the curling green smoke came out from her seductive red lips and went straight up to the sky.

Ningguang was not in the mood to get involved in these messy things.

She just wanted to observe what happened in Xumi City.

She came here just for this matter.

She planned to observe what happened for a while, and then she was ready to return to the Qun Yu Pavilion. After all, she thought that Bai Wen could not delay for too long, and there was a risk of being exposed at any time.

Ningguang didn't want toI had already made up my mind to cause these inexplicable troubles.

It's just a pity that plans can never keep up with changes.

Ningguang originally looked at this matter with the idea of ​​watching a show, but something unexpected happened.

Because her eyes were always on the door of the hotel, after all, she wanted to know what these guys from the Order Institute wanted to do.

But the next second.

The door of the hotel opened, and a familiar figure walked out of the hotel.

That's right.

This person is Bai Ye.

Ningguang is very familiar with Bai Ye. After all, she often deals with Bai Ye in Liyue, and Bai Ye even has news about the Rock King Emperor.

According to common sense.

It is also normal for Bai Ye to appear in Xumi, but the problem now is that Bai Ye seems to have become the target of the Order Institute's encirclement and suppression.

This is completely incredible for Ningguang, and it also makes her deeply confused.

After this incident, she found that no matter where Bai Ye goes, he always seems to be able to... do some weird things.

In Mondstadt, he saved Amber and Keqing.

In Inazuma, he killed a stragglers, one of the Fatui executive officers, single-handedly, and also made General Raiden lift the national isolation order and the Eye Hunting Order.

In Liyue, he held a grand auction, and there was news about the Rock King and the handwriting of the Rock King.

If the above are all coincidences, then it is definitely not a coincidence now.

After all, Ningguang knows it in her heart.

Bai Ye has just been in Xumi for a few days, and he has been wanted by the whole city of the Order, and he has been surrounded.

Ningguang wants to know now.

What kind of big thing did Bai Ye do that could make the entire Order be surrounded? This is like a fairy tale to Ningguang.

She has lived for so many years, and she has never met such a person who can make trouble.

It’s okay to make trouble.

The key is that every time he can make all kinds of messy and bizarre things.

"You are becoming more and more mysterious, and I can't see what kind of person you are."

"Forget it, forget it. I wanted to go back to the Jade Pavilion. Since you are in such trouble, I will wait and see. If you are in danger, I can consider helping you..."

Ningguang put the imitation jade pipe to her lips, took a puff, and looked at Bai Ye standing in front of the hotel with a smile through the curling green smoke, muttering to herself.

She is now more curious about Bai Ye.

Originally, she just thought Bai Ye was a little mysterious, but now it seems that Bai Ye can't be described as mysterious at all.

This also suppressed Ningguang's eagerness to go home. She wanted to know what Bai Ye was selling.

Anyway, the Jade Pavilion has Bai Wen watching now, so there shouldn't be any big problems.

Even if there is a problem, there is still Gan Yu to take care of it.

That's right.

Ningguang had already guessed that Ganyu had seen through Baiwen's identity, and Baiwen's identity being seen through by Ganyu was also part of Ningguang's plan.

She had already predicted what was happening in the Qunyu Pavilion, so she left the Qunyu Pavilion with such confidence.


She had forgotten all about the Qunyu Pavilion, and now she just wanted to see what kind of things Bai Ye would do.

Thinking of this.

Ningguang took another deep breath from the jade pipe, then put the pipe in her arms, and rushed out of the alley at lightning speed, heading closer to the hotel.

After all, it's not fun to watch a show from such a distance, and you can't see some specific plots.

Of course, watching a show is more interesting if you watch it up close.


General Affairs Office.

The lights were dim and swaying.

Ganyu was bent over the table, her eyebrows slightly frowned, flipping through the recent information about Xumi.

After she came back from the Qun Yu Pavilion, she sorted out all the information about Xumi, even some information from a year ago.

She analyzed it for a long time, but didn't figure it out.

Because these were all worthless information, just some summaries of the situation in Xumi.

The only thing that Ganyu was concerned about was the terrifying energy that erupted in Xumi City a few days ago.

Even though she didn't receive any information about this, she still felt it in Liyue.

At present, this is the only abnormality that can be detected.

Ganyu naturally recognized it as a matter of course.Ningguang left the Jade Pavilion to go to Xumi to find out about this matter.

She had no right to stop Ningguang's journey, but she had to find out what Ningguang was going there for.

Thinking of this.

Ganyu frowned even more tightly, and she flipped through the documents on her desk in a distracted manner.


A name that she was very familiar with appeared on a document.

That's right.

The name was Bai Ye.

What happened to Bai Ye at the door of the Hall of Rebirth before he went to Xumi was something Ganyu would never forget.


When she thought of this, her cheeks turned slightly red.

Although she had lived in Liyue for thousands of years, it was her first time to experience such a thing after all, so it was normal to be impressed, and she also felt a little confused.

During this period, she always saw various information about Bai Ye in the newspaper.

Whether it was Inazuma Mond or Xumi, there was information about Bai Ye.

The most critical issue is that every time Bai Ye arrives in a new country or city, something big always happens in that country or city.

Even if it is a coincidence, it is impossible for such a coincidence to happen so many times.

"If I meet Bai Ye again in the future, I must make sure to clarify these things."

Gan Yu pouted, raised her hand and pressed her temple, put away the information about Bai Ye, and put it in a cabinet alone.

If there were other people next to Gan Yu at this time, they would find that the cabinet was full of information about Bai Ye, and even some portraits of Bai Ye.



Outside the hotel.

Bai Ye stood quietly in place, smiling at the guards who were about to attack the Order Institute.

As for the system prompt sound coming from his ears, he had already noticed it, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. The key issue now is to deal with these guys in front of him.

When the guards of the Order Institute saw Bai Ye standing at the door, they became suspicious and doubtful.

Isn't this guy afraid?

In the face of so many people, he was able to stand still quietly, and the key was that he could still laugh.

"Stop talking nonsense."

"I don't care if you are the owner of this hotel, just surrender now and let us search thoroughly. If there is no problem, we will naturally let you go..."

The leading guard of the Order took a deep breath, subconsciously tightened his weapon in his hand, and spoke with courage.

He knew that this was his chance to show off, and he deliberately walked forward a few steps with his head held high.


ps: Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve in advance, and I wish you all good health and happiness in the Year of the Rabbit.

For the Tomato event, I have been writing except for eating recently, and I feel that I am not feeling well.

Although that's what I said, the author said that he was ready to win this reward, but it was a pity that he knew it a little late. If he knew it earlier, he could save some manuscripts, but now he has no manuscripts at all.

I can only type like crazy every day. The most important thing is that my keyboard is broken and my hands are so sore.

Originally I wanted to challenge myself to update for ten consecutive days, updating 10,000 words every day, but this challenge seems to be too difficult for me.

Last night I thought about it for a long time and decided to update 8,000 words for ten consecutive days.

This seems to be just within the tolerance of the author. Anyway, the author has made plans. If I can't stick to it in these ten days, I will treat it as a New Year's gift to everyone.

Considering the author's hard work in typing, can I ask for some free gifts and five-star reviews? It's really a bit miserable to still be generating electricity for love during the New Year. Woo woo woo~~~~!

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