Xumi City.

Under the encouragement of the great sage's confidants.

The fear in everyone's heart disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by a burning fighting spirit.

Their ideas were also very simple.

Bai Ye's current calm appearance was completely pretended. In fact, he had already been at the end of his strength.

They had the advantage in numbers.


It should be the right time, right place, and right people.

With the human wave tactics, Bai Ye could definitely be taken down.

After thinking about this clearly.

The eyes of these elites of the Order Institute were full of fighting spirit, and they subconsciously tightened their weapons in their hands. Some people even couldn't bear it anymore and attacked Bai Ye with their weapons.

As the saying goes, if there is one, there will be two, and if there are two, there will be three.

Under the leadership of these people, everyone attacked Bai Ye almost at the same time.


Seven kinds of violent elemental auras permeated in front of the hotel. These elements intersected and merged with each other, forming an extremely terrifying elemental force field.

Faced with such a terrifying scene.

Bai Ye remained indifferent. He stood coldly in the same place, quietly watching the elites of the Order Academy attacking him.

He was too lazy to move, he didn't want to move, and there was no need to move.

This level of attack was not worth wasting his energy at all, not to mention doing some unnecessary movements.

He had been controlling his strength before.

He was completely afraid that because of his terrifying strength, the guys of the Order Academy would lose their fighting spirit and miss the opportunity to collect the Heart of God, but... the situation is completely different now.

The people of the Order Academy have all attacked without reservation.

Bai Ye has no need to hide his strength.

The right answer is to finish the fight early and go back to sleep early.

Although Bai Ye thought so, Bai Ye's appearance in the eyes of others was a completely different thing.

They thought Bai Ye had been frightened silly, otherwise why would he stand there motionless?

This level of terror attack, even if it was replaced by the sages of the six major schools, would be pale in the face.

With the arrival of this terrifying energy and countless weapons flashing with cold light.

Bai Ye's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing an indescribable smile on his face, and then he stood there and closed his eyes.

This sudden change made everyone present dumbfounded, and the movements of his hands slowed down a bit.

They didn't quite understand in their hearts.

Bai Ye, who just had the momentum of looking down on the world.

Why did he close his eyes on the spot, and there was a faint smile on his face.

Is it because he knew that he was going to die, so he gave up struggling and accepted his fate?


Now they can't afford to think too much, now Bai Ye is in front of them, they don't want to miss this opportunity to kill Bai Ye.

The next second.

They discovered a terrifying thing.

Bai Ye, who was standing in the same place, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

This is not the key point.

The key point is that no one present noticed how Bai Ye escaped.

He seemed to disappear from the same place out of thin air, which made everyone confused, and the thunder-like offensive in his hands also stopped.

"Is this the strength of the Order Academy?"

"I think you still need to go back and practice more. If you only have this, it's not enough........."

Just when everyone in the Order Academy was confused, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind them.

Everyone's face changed slightly, and they turned their heads to look behind them.

I saw Bai Ye standing in the air like a fallen immortal, with a faint smile on his face.

That's it.

Bai Ye was too lazy to continue pretending.

He wanted to finish the work early. He really didn't want to continue with this unchallenging thing.

"Boy, stop doing these useless things and surrender yourself."

"Yes, it's not too late for you to surrender now. Stop being so mysterious. We may still spare your life."

"Let's stop talking nonsense with this bastard. Let's take him down together and complete the task assigned to us by the sage..."

The elites of the Order Institute started to curse. At this time, they did not realize the seriousness of the problem and only cared about the momentary verbal pleasure.

At this point, they still thought that Bai Ye was a spent force.

After all, for them, Bai Ye was just playing a trick to avoid their attack.

"Since you say so, then I will..." Bai Ye smiled at the elites of the Order Institute and saidHe turned and said, "Then I won't be polite."

After saying that.

Bai Ye's legs kicked in the air, and the whole person shot towards the crowd like a cannonball.


Countless air explosions were heard in the air.

The faces of the elite members of the Order Institute changed slightly, and a bad premonition came to their hearts.


Xumeru City.

A commanding height with a wide view.

Sandone and Alechino stood on the commanding height, concentrating on observing the battle situation on the field.

In their eyes.

This battle is over.

Because the breath that Bai Ye is exuding now makes their bodies feel instinctive fear.

I don't know if it's their illusion.

They always feel that the breath that Bai Ye is exuding now is even more terrifying than... the Queen of Winter.

Of course.

This is just their feeling, and the real situation can only be seen in the battle.

"Alechino, do you feel...?"

Sandonie frowned and spoke a little anxiously.

Then she waved her slender white hand gently in the air, controlling the puppet to turn her body to where Alechino was.

After observing for half the night, she felt a little tired.

Both physically and mentally, she felt uncomfortable, so she could only let the puppet help her.

The reason was very simple.

That is, the strength shown by Bai Ye was suffocating.

Even though she had never really fought with Bai Ye, she still had an instinctive fear in her heart.

"Do you have that feeling too?"

"If that's the case, then this shouldn't be our illusion. Bai Ye's strength is definitely not inferior to that of the Queen..."

Alechino nodded with a serious expression, and a bad premonition rose in her heart, and she was a little annoyed at the same time.

The reason for her annoyance was very simple.

After all, she had been in contact with Bai Ye for a period of time before, but she didn't notice this key information.

If they had noticed it at the beginning, the situation would not be as passive as it is now.

Now facing such a situation, there is no good way, and they can only watch silently.

"Then do we still need to take action now?"

"If it is really as you and I feel, I am afraid that even if other executives come, they will not be his opponents."

Sandone sighed faintly and said with a little helplessness.

She was telling the truth.

With the strength shown by Bai Ye at present, even if there are more executives, they are still not his opponents.

"Let's wait and see for the time being."

"Now we go up and undoubtedly seek our own death. I don't know what these two guys, Columbia and Rosaline, are doing."

Alechino touched his chin, briefly analyzed the current situation, and said lightly.


She also found something strange.

That is, Rosaline and Columbia, who were originally with them, disappeared.

She was too lazy to think about such a problem, just mentioned it casually.

After all, the key to the matter now is Bai Ye, who is fighting with the Order of the Lords.


"Now we can only wait and see. The risk of acting rashly is too great."

Sandone responded, nodded gently, and spoke in agreement.

Alechino had the same idea as her, and was waiting and watching for the time being.

After all, there were too many uncertainties in this matter.

It was about the plan of the Queen of Winter. Before they figured out the matter, they could not and dared not act rashly.

Just when the two were confused and hesitant.

The terrifying ice element emerged beside them, and a familiar voice appeared in front of them.

That's right.

This figure was the Queen of Winter who had disappeared for a long time.

"My Lady Queen." X2

Alechino and Sandone showed a hint of joy on their faces, and spoke in unison.

They were worrying about what to do about this matter.

Unexpectedly, the Queen of Winter suddenly appeared beside them.

To some extent, it can be regarded as resolving the troubles they are facing now.

The current situation.

Neither Sandone nor Alecino dared to make a decision, and only the Queen of Winter could solve it in person.

"Don't ask such meaningless questions, what is the situation below now......?"

The Queen of Winter waved her hand, interrupting the greetings of Sandone and Alecino, and spoke coldly.

She just wanted to know the specific situation now.The situation of the body, rather than hearing these meaningless greetings.

Although she said so, she knew that the current situation was not optimistic.


In front of the hotel.

Bai Ye shuttled through the crowd of the Church Order Institute at lightning speed.

His purpose was very simple.

That is to collect all the God's Eyes of this group of people first.

After all, this is not a small number. If all the mobile phones are successful, it will be enough to upgrade his skills by several levels.

Anyway, this is Bai Ye's main purpose.

If he can use this to lead out the sages behind the Church Order Institute, it would be really great.

This will not only end this matter, but also save him the time to find these sages.

Thinking of this.

Bai Ye shuttled through the crowd, his mouth corners slightly raised, and an inexplicable smile rose on his face.


He casually took out a long knife from the dimensional backpack and accelerated the speed of his hands and feet.

Even so.

He also paid attention to the degree of his attack, and avoided their vital points with every strike, only temporarily making them lose the ability to move.


Screams and wails were heard, and gorgeous blood flowers exploded in the air.

In just a blink of an eye.

The entire front of the hotel was like purgatory, with scarlet blood flowing everywhere.

If there hadn't been this heavy rain, I'm afraid this scene would have been even more terrifying.


PS: This is the second chapter of today, about 4,000 words. If I remember correctly, the author should have been updating for four consecutive days.

In the past, I thought that even if there were no manuscripts saved, updating would be very easy, but after these six days of updating, the author is not feeling well.

If there was nothing to do during normal times, it would be fine, but the key is that it is now during the Chinese New Year.

Not only do you have to visit relatives and friends during the day, but there may also be guests coming back at home at night.

Faced with such a complicated situation, the author can't stay in the room all the time and can only go out to entertain guests.

Only after seeing off the guests can he go back to his room to write.

If he can go earlier, it will be fine, and he can still have extra time to write, but they usually leave very late, which also leads to writing until three or four in the middle of the night every day, or even five or six.

This also leads to the author's serious lack of sleep, and he has to visit relatives and friends during the day. Now it's hard to stand the vicious cycle.

If I hadn't written a day's update in advance, I'm afraid my update would be a problem, but I will try my best to finish the ten days.

By the way, I shamelessly ask for a wave of small gifts and five-star reviews. If you have the conditions, please send the author a free small gift. Thank you very much for your continued support~~!

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