Xumi City.

Seeing Bai Ye's expression and actions.

The Great Sage's confidant was stunned.

His mind was blank, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Bai Ye with some confusion.

In his heart.

The script is not written like this.

No matter what, the man in front of him will kill him with lightning speed.

But what is going on now? There must be something wrong.

When Bai Ye saw the confusion on the face of the Great Sage's confidant, he chuckled and said lightly: "As long as you cooperate with me, I won't hurt you."

Bai Ye had a kind smile on his face and looked at the Great Sage's confidant with a smile.

He is now like a kind teacher, teaching his students step by step.

"How do you want me to...cooperate with you, or how should I cooperate with you...?"

The Great Sage's confidant's eyes flashed with cunning, smacked his lips, and said after a moment of silence.

He was very conflicted now.

He didn't want to betray the Great Sage, nor did he want to lose his life.

He wanted to see first.

What exactly did Bai Ye want to do.

"What's your name?"

Bai Ye's mouth corners slightly raised, and he spoke lightly.

He saw all the little movements of the Great Sage's confidant in front of him, but he was too lazy to point it out.

Now Bai Ye wanted to find out where the Great Sage was.

After all, the Great Sage was Bai Ye's primary target.


Faced with Bai Ye's question.

Izagu was very confused in his heart. Although he didn't understand Bai Ye's meaning, he still answered honestly.

"Very good, Izagu."

"You should know the current situation. There are only two ways in front of you."

Bai Ye clapped his hands, and the smile on his face became more and more intense. He said with a smile.

"You tell me."

Izagu said coldly with a blank expression.

He was extremely nervous now, and could only pretend to be calm and pretend that he was fine.

Although he looked as steady as an old dog, he was actually very panicked.

"You should be very clear about your current situation. One way is death, and the other way is to take me to find the Great Sage..."

Bai Ye crossed his arms, looked at Izagu calmly, and said lightly.

"I refuse."

"You can kill me or cut me up, it's up to you."

Izagu almost didn't think about it, and he flatly rejected the deal proposed by Bai Ye.

The Great Sage had done him a favor.

No matter what, he would never betray the Great Sage.

Even if he died, he would never betray the Great Sage.

Izagu's answer surprised Bai Ye.

He didn't expect that the guy in front of him would be hard to pry open.

In a sense.

Izagu, the confidant of the Great Sage, is much better than Bai Riminglei, the fence-sitter.

Bai Ye believes it very much.

If Bai Riminglei faces such a choice, he will definitely choose the latter without hesitation.

Izagu looked at Bai Ye a little nervously, and his hand holding the evil eye was a little uncertain.

Originally, he had made plans to use the evil eye in his hand to fight Bai Ye to the death.

But when this thing was about to happen, Izagu hesitated.

"Since you choose this, don't blame me for being rude."

Bai Ye sneered, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he spoke expressionlessly.

He was too lazy to talk some useless nonsense with Izagu, which was really a waste of time.

After all, Izagu's subconscious first choice was to reject him.

Bai Ye didn't want to waste time on such things. His main goal now was the Great Sage.

Hearing what Bai Ye said.

Izagu finally made up his mind and took out the evil eye filled with the breath of death from his arms.


Izagu looked crazy, put the evil eye into his mouth, and bit it hard.


The terrifying breath of death filled the air, and Izagu let out a painful roar.

In just less than a few seconds, this breath of death enveloped Izagu's entire body, and his painful roar turned into the roar of a ferocious beast.

Seeing this scene.

Bai Ye shook his head helplessly, and murmured to himself with a little regret: "Why is this necessary? Even if the evil eye is used, it can't be my opponent."


General Affairs Office.

Gan Yu simply sorted out the information and tried her best to restrain herself fromWant to think of some messy things.

But no matter what method she used to distract herself.

The scene of Liyue Port always flashed through her mind subconsciously, which made her very distressed.

The most critical problem is that this kind of thing cannot be verified by Zhongli, and the fact that Ningguang and Bai Ye went to Ningguang made her even more distressed.

She now really wants to go to Xumi to find out, but there is no way at all.

After all, the General Affairs Office has a lot of affairs.

If she didn't mediate in the middle, I'm afraid all departments in Liyue would be paralyzed.

"Forget it."

"Don't think about these messy things. Now the most urgent thing is to find out the current situation of Xumi."

"According to the usual habits, Ye Lan's information should be here soon."

Gan Yu shook her head heavily, threw away the messy thoughts in her mind, forced herself to focus on the documents in front of her, and muttered to herself.

She had no other way but to force herself to divert her attention.

This is also the best way at present, and also the most appropriate way.

Thinking of this.

Gan Yu took out a blank piece of letter paper, held a brush and wrote a few lines of beautiful small characters on the letter paper, and then stuffed the letter paper into the envelope.

She made two preparations.

If Ye Lan did not pass on the information in the past two days, she would take the initiative to send a letter to inquire about this matter.

In short.

She is now eager to figure out this matter.


Qun Yu Pavilion.

Bai Shi is sleeping soundly.

Bai Wen, wearing Ning Guang's clothes, is working late at night.

She has no sleepiness at all, and is writing furiously to process the documents that have not been processed yet.

Her idea is very simple.

Now she will process as much as she can, and she will also process important documents leisurely.

As for those insignificant documents, they will be put aside for the time being.

In this way, the workload of her and Bai Shi will be much lighter, at least until Ning Guang returns from Xumi.

If they keep working at this intensity, they might be exhausted before Ningguang comes back.


Xumeru City.

Bai Ye folded his arms across his chest, his face extremely calm, and looked coldly at Izagu who had taken the evil eye.

He did not take this opportunity to attack Izagu.

He wanted to see what kind of changes would happen to a normal person after taking the evil eye.

Before this.

He had only seen Tartaglia use the evil eye, but Tartaglia's reaction at that time was different from Izagu's.

Izagu was now wrapped in a black mist, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and his temperament had changed greatly.

Seeing this scene.

Bai Ye shook his head and sighed: "The evil eye is good in every way, but the only disadvantage is that it requires the price of vitality. Is it really worth it to exchange your life for power?"

As soon as the voice fell.

The black mist lingering on Izagu had dissipated.

I saw a suit of armor made entirely of black mist wrapped around Izagu, and he looked like a death knight.

The breath of death emanated from his body, and the murderous intent in his eyes was almost materialized.


ps: Today's second update is here. After working hard for a long time, I finally finished this chapter.

This chapter is about 3,000 words. Anyway, combined with the number of words in the previous chapter, it should have exceeded 8,000 words, close to 9,000 words.

I was indeed a bit busy writing today. The relatives at home left very late, but I also completed today's plan. I have been updating 8,000 words for 10 consecutive days, and now I have completed seven days. There are three days left before I can return to the normal rhythm of writing.

However, the author wants to challenge 12,000 or 16,000 words per day in the last three days to see where his limit is.

Although I don't know if I can succeed, I still want to push myself. After all, my highest record is only 10,000 words a day.

I will try to write to that level. If I can, it will be a wish of mine.

In the new year, the author will work harder!

By the way, during the New Year, I would like to ask for a free gift or a five-star review. Thank you very much for your support.

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