
"Sir, the Wangshu Inn in Liyue is ahead. I may only be able to take you here."

Bingying Warlock walked in front to lead the way, and Bai Ye followed lazily behind her.


Bai Ye looked at Bingying Warlock with interest.

"According to the investigation of our Fatui intelligence department, all the inn industries in Liyue are under the control of Tianquan Ningguang."

"My sudden appearance in Wangshu Inn may have a bad impact on you, sir..."

Bingying Warlock said cautiously.

"You take me to Liyue City, and I guarantee your personal safety."

"Yes, sir."

Bingying Warlock's face was uncertain, but he still agreed.

"What's your name?"

Bai Ye yawned and asked inadvertently.

"Reporting to you, sir, I don't have a name..."

Bingying Warlock spoke in a very nervous voice, without stopping his pace, and dared not turn his head to look at Bai Ye.

Now she just wanted to send this evil star to Liyue City, and then run away quickly.

"Then I'll call you Little Bingying, wait a minute..."

Bai Ye stopped and called Bingying Warlock.

"My lord, do you need my help with anything?"

Bingying Warlock lowered her head, and on the surface she was calm, but her trembling hands betrayed her.

Bai Ye reached out and pulled the backpack on her body, and rummaged inside.

He took out a sword, and then a few bouncing bombs picked up in the confinement room, and then a knife full of cracks...

The more Bingying Warlock looked, the more frightened she became.

Would this man do something perverted to her?

She suddenly thought of the information she accidentally saw some time ago. At that time, the scattered soldiers were chopped into meat paste by her...

Even the Sixth Executive Officer of the Fatui died in her hands.

What can a little Bingying Warlock do?

The Ice Warlock took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

She wanted to run away.

There was still a glimmer of hope if she ran away, but if she didn't run away, she would be chopped into pieces.

Maybe he would do something to her...

But, could she really run away?

Bai Ye, squatting on the ground, was still flipping through his backpack.

She had no idea that she had already been labeled as "perverted" by the Ice Warlock in front of her.

"I remember you should be able to use the power of ice element."

While she was hesitating, Bai Ye walked up to the Ice Warlock with a bottle.

The Ice Warlock didn't dare to speak, but just nodded gently.

"Then help me cool this bottle of dumpling milk, do you want to drink it?"

Bai Ye handed the dumpling milk in his hand to the Ice Warlock, smiling.

The Ice Warlock shook his head, took the dumpling milk, and activated his own ice element power.

After a while.

The Ice-Emerging Warlock raised her head slightly and handed the dumpling milk to Bai Ye.

She just happened to see Bai Ye showing a harmless smile.

She was even more determined in her mind.

Send this pervert to Liyue City quickly, and then return to the lady.

Although the lady is a bit cruel.

But at least she can keep a complete body and enjoy the business of the Hall of Rebirth.

The Ice-Emerging Warlock comforted herself in this way.


Mondstadt, confinement room.

"Why did the bouncing bomb that Klee hid in the confinement room disappear?"

"That was made with the formula left by my mother, um..."

Klee searched everywhere in the confinement room, her face full of anxiety.

Amber rubbed Klee's head and comforted her: "Klee, you should have remembered the wrong place."

Amber didn't take it seriously.

In her impression, it was common for Klee to not find things.

"But that's the formula my mother left me. The improved bouncing bomb can increase its power 5,000 times."

"My mother will be angry if she knows I lost it."

Amber pouted, tears in her eyes.

"Kelly, what did you say just now?"

Amber was startled, she suspected that she had heard it wrong.

"Mom knows I lost it..."

Kelly glanced at Amber and muttered.

"Not this sentence, what was the previous sentence?"

Amber raised her hand to interrupt Kelly and asked again.

"The improved bouncing bomb can increase its power 5,000 times..."

Amber was stunned, and then her face changed drastically.

He quickly helped Kelly search in the confinement room.


The two of them searched the entire confinement room.The room was turned upside down, but Klee's bouncing bomb was not found.

Amber's heart sank, and she had a bad premonition.

The deeds of Klee's mother Alice emerged in her mind.

Then she carefully savored what Klee had just said.

"The formula left by Alice", "5000 times more powerful bouncing bomb".

These two keywords have been lingering in Amber's mind.

If this thing is taken away by someone with ulterior motives, it will be detonated.

Wouldn't the whole Mondstadt be doomed?

Thinking of this, Amber picked up Klee and walked towards the captain's office.

"What are you taking me to?"

Klee was confused in Amber's arms.

Amber forced a smile on her face: "I'll take you to see Captain Qin."

Klee was stunned, and the smile on her face was gradually disappearing.


Wangshu Inn.

Before Bai Ye had walked for long, he was surrounded by a group of Qianyan Army soldiers.

Originally, the General Affairs Department and Yue Haiting only asked them to monitor Bai Ye.

But when Qianyanjun saw Bai Ye was weak and followed by a Bingying magician,

they thought of capturing Bai Ye alive.

"Will you follow us obediently, or let us capture you?"

"Are you the rumored "super criminal" Bai Ye?"

"Why did you come to Liyue instead of staying in Mondstadt?"


Faced with the encirclement and questioning of Qianyanjun, Bai Ye was calm and not panicked at all.

He had seen many big scenes.

When Inazuma and Lei Shen dueled in front of him, he didn't even frown.

Not to mention this small scene.

The only concern in Bai Ye's heart was that he still had Lisa's mission.

If Qianyanjun was injured rashly, it might affect the progress of the mission.

What's more,

he was afraid that he would not be able to stop.

If Lisa's mission was not completed by then, he would really become Liyue's "super criminal".

Bai Ye sighed slightly and slightly activated the power of elements: "I don't want to hurt you."

Bingying Warlock looked at Bai Ye in surprise.

The Qianyan Army was shocked when they saw the four elemental powers flowing through Bai Ye, and they dared not act rashly at this moment.

They felt a little regretful.

Why did they want to capture Bai Ye alive?

Fortunately, they conveyed the news to Yuehai Pavilion and the General Affairs Department.

Now they just need to delay time and wait for their support to arrive.

Bai Ye and Qianyan Army have been in a stalemate.

"In terms of common sense, I believe this little brother is definitely not a super criminal."

A deep and magnetic voice reached everyone's ears.

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