Dao Wife is different from Liyue.

There are no seven stars, only three principles.

They are the social practice, the Tianling practice and the determined practice.

Responsible for managing various affairs in Inazuma area.

Among them, Shefengxing has always been equal to the Kamisato family, responsible for sacrificial activities, celebrations, culture and entertainment.

So, there is a saying.

Social practice is the most deeply rooted among the people among the Inazuma three clans.

In today's society, the head of the Kamisato family is worshiped.

His name is Kamisato Ayato.

On the surface, Ayato Kamisato, a wealthy nobleman, is low-key, elegant and decent.


Under Kamari Ayato's flawless smile as warm as the spring breeze.

It is an extraordinary skill and extremely deep city!

What on earth is he planning?

Inazuma celebrities who know that Ayato Kamisato's chest contains beauty and universe.

Such as Yae Shenzi, Kujo Sanra, and Coral Palace Xinhai, they couldn't help but think about it when they saw his smile.

Kamisato Yashiki. today.

The head of the family, Kamisato Ayato, not only mobilized the secret force Terminal Ban, which is directly under the control of the society, to defend the family home.

He also asked his most trusted friend and housekeeping officer, Toma, to solemnly invite Xiaomiya from the Hanamizaka Fireworks Shop to his house overnight.

In fact, Xiao Gong and Miss Lihua are friends.

They often provide fireworks for community gatherings.

Back and forth.

Yonomiya has been to Kamisato Yashiki quite a few times.

""Nine-eight-seven." However, the standard of the reception this time was obviously different!

And you know, it is still late at night!

She was led by Thomas, all the way through the layers of blockades in the final episode, and arrived at the core of the house.

God Ayato's courtyard!

Tea room, study room, bedroom.

And the garden with dry landscapes!

The residence of this master of social practice is clean from the inside out...

However, just when Xiao Gong was thinking of this, he was led by Toma into the ventilation room. When I entered the study room with bamboo curtains,

I saw Kamisato Ayato sitting behind a messy desk.


The neat style of painting was completely shattered.

Books are spread out randomly or upside down on the table, and documents of different sizes are stacked haphazardly.

The used inkstone and ink were not put away, and there were chess pieces and cards scattered under the table.

However, Ayato Kamisato sat on the tatami filled with debris with a smile on his face and didn't feel any discomfort at all.

Obviously, the desk of this social minister usually looks like this, even if the servants clean it every day!

"Your noble son, a respected gentleman, actually has a sloppy side that no one knows about."

The thought of Xiaomiya went through her mind.

She and Kamisato Ayato didn't meet many times.

She only knew that he was busy with work and left early and returned home early, so no one in the Kamisato family could see the head of the family often.

"Hmm...a cheerful fireworks shop owner?"

"Can I call you Xiaogong?"

Kamizato Ayato's smile was as warm as the spring breeze.

Xiaomiya's eyebrows twitched. He thought to himself!

That's why I hate dealing with you rich and powerful people. They all use very fake and hypocritical smiles.

Hanamizaka is better. , even Arataki Ichito's barbell laughter is no longer so annoying!

It seems that he has read Xiaomiya's micro-expression.

The smile on Kamisato Ayato's face remains unchanged, but his tone becomes casual and everyday:

"Ah, the egg Ayaka bought from you a few days ago"

"Already hatched"

"She is breastfeeding. I will hold her over later."

After saying that,

Toma took a step forward and presented a certified illustrated book with an owner to Kamisato Ayato's hand.

This is Kamisato Ayaka's illustrated book.

"Listen to Ayaka"

"Is this something called the Elf Illustrated Book, or the Trainer Illustrated Book? An Elftech device?"

Xiao Gong had no intention of being hypocritical.

She took Beidou's Death Omen back to Inazuma.

During those days of boring sailing at sea, she had already thought out a careful evangelistic strategy.

Draw up a list of key personnel!

First, in the Eye of God The small circle is expanding.

And when it is expanding, once the other party gets on the boat, it will be as straight as thunder, straight to the point!

Because Xiao Gong knows very well.

Behind her is the founder of the era, the manager of Fang Night Club.

Moreover, preaching resources There is no need to worry at all, with all these conditions, when any Inazuma character wants to push the door open,

Xiao Gong only needs to push it with the force of thunder.

In Xiao Gong, I have generally heard about the function of the Elf Illustrated Book. and use.

The smile on Kamisato Ayato's face gradually faded away.

He began to look serious and scrutinize

"The most high-tech creation of Fontainebleau, the latest model of photo camera, I also asked someone to buy it"

"But the technological content is far inferior to this small and exquisite illustrated device."

Click, click, click... footsteps, and a slight doting laugh.

Kamisato Ayaka is here.

She holds a little beast that has just broken its egg in her arms.

This is a blue Pokémon with a head It is round, very cute, and very young.

There is a ribbon-like tentacle on the top of its head, hanging long.

The eyes are big and full of spirituality.

And above the eye sockets, there are two blue round ones. The mysterious pattern is connected to the two eyes by a thin black line.

On the chest, there is a red oval gem.

"Fury, oh, oh, nirvana~?"

Saw Xiao Palace.

The blue Pokémon's long ribbon antennae stood up immediately, showing the baby's happy mood at this time.

It obviously had memories while in the egg and could observe the outside world.

He actually still remembers Yonomiya and knows that this human lady brought it to Inazuma and handed it over to Kamisato Ayaka.

Xiao Gong was a little confused when he saw this.

"Miss Ayaka, this Pokémon of yours is very spiritual."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Gong couldn't help but say

"I have seen many people in the group adopt babies or hatch eggs. The newly born elf babies are not as smart as yours!"

It was as if he understood Xiaogong's praise.

The long ribbon tentacles on the top of the blue Pokémon's head also started to swing:

"Fury, oh, oh, nirvana~!"

It chirped happily.

(Yes yo yes yo)

"Fury oh oh nir!!"

(This baby is so smart and cute)

Seeing this,

Xiao Gong's tooth ached!

Her second Pokémon also hatched. It was the egg that Fang Ye gave her in advance as preaching salary.

It hatched A Slowpoke!

As its name suggests,"Dai" means"slowpoke". It usually stays in a daze without doing anything.

It seems that being in a daze is also a kind of training for Slowpoke.

"Has your Pokémon been scanned and recorded in the Pokédex?"

"Can you share it with me?"

Xiao Gong asked Ayaka Kamisato earnestly.

"Ah, can I also scan the illustrated book?"

Kamizato Ayaka looked confused.

Xiao Gong:"……" never mind!

It seems that it is necessary to demonstrate it in person and strengthen education, so that it will be remembered deeply.

"Come on, your picture comes first."

Kamizato Ayaka's illustrated book has changed hands several times, from Toma, to Kamisato Ayato, and now to Yonomiya.

In front of Kamisato Ayaka's gaze, she gently clicked on the shortcut key on the notification bar of the illustrated book Scan function options:


"Fiona, water type, ocean Pokémon.

Level: Lv.1 (baby). Characteristics: Moist body. Skills: Water gun, bubble, water wave.……"

Late at night, in the bookstore deep in Kamisato's house.....

Suddenly the electronic mechanical sound of the illustration sounded.

"It can be seen floating near the coast during the season when the sea temperature rises. Its pale blue body color is similar to the color of sea water, which can protect it from natural enemies.……"

Illustrated information.

At first glance, it sounds unremarkable.

But Xiaogong stared closely at the illustration picture, his eyebrows furrowed into a rare"Sichuan" shape.


The water Pokémon’s illustrated frame must be the blue of the sea!


Now on the picture book screen, this Pokémon named Fiona... is actually displayed with a faint golden border?

What's going on? This is it!

Could it be that it is some kind of hiding?

However, after repeated reading of the illustrated data, there was nothing surprising.

Floating on the warm sea, no matter how far you drift, you will definitely return to the place where you were born.

The blue body color is similar to the color of the sea water... these descriptive words are also very bland.

Who can tell what's so special about this Pokémon?!

Xiao Gong was a little confused and at a loss

"It seems that I, a missionary and evangelist from the age of elves,"

"The elf knowledge reserve is far from up to standard!"

The Kamisato brothers and sisters were very interested in the introduction of the illustrated book and became more curious about such high-tech equipment.

Thomas noticed that Xiao Gong's mood suddenly dropped:

"What's wrong, Xiaogong?"

He stretched out his hand and shook it.

Xiaogong took in a breath gently, took back his depressed aura, and said to the brothers and sisters in Shenli, Kuairen said quickly:


"With my knowledge of elves, I still can’t tell you the origin, story and cultivation direction of Fiona in detail."

"But, someone can!"

"He is Club Manager Fang, the founder of the Elf Era, omniscient and omniscient!"

The brothers and sisters of the Kamisato family looked at each other:???

Xiaomiya suddenly glowed with the light and aura of a pious saint.

Hey, what's going on?

Shouldn't the one you believe in be the Lord of the Imperial Palace?

"Fang nightclub manager……"

Kamisato Ayato read out his name and smiled slightly:

"This founder of the era is in Liyue, right?"

"He is 0.5 miles away from our Inazuma sea area in the Far East. I don’t know how far away it is. It seems that I can only wait until I have the opportunity to ask him in person!

Xiao Gong:"No!"!"

After she apologized to Kamisato Ayaka, she grabbed the hand of the eldest lady of the Kamisato family and directly controlled her to operate the illustrated book.

Xiaomiya was intuitively sure.

Miss Ayaka's Fiona is absolutely The origin is amazing!

So, let’s not waste time explaining too much. I can’t wait and let Ayaka Kamisato apply to join a group chat.

Ding dong! The group leader (Fang Ye) has approved your application!

Welcome Ayaka Kamisato (Ina Wife/Princess Egret) joined the group chat...

Xiao Gong is excited.

Manager Fang Ye is online, I agree in seconds!

Kamisato Ayaka: Manager Fang Ye, can you give me permission? Manager? I am Xiao Gong, I want to borrow Miss Ayaka's illustrated book to start a live group chat meeting.

(Fiona illustrated book.jpg)

Miss Ayaka's elf egg hatched this Pokémon.

And... tomorrow is Liyue's training. On the day of the family competition, I think the timing is just right. If there is help from the Kamisato family and the community, the people of Inazuma tomorrow may be able to watch the live broadcast of the event!

So... please come forward!

(PS: Please vote for me) , flowers and fully booked!).

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