Kuki Shinobu did not expect that the missionary network would develop so quickly.

She just made up her mind to buy an elf egg today, even though Arataki Yidou gave her a ride.

But now that she decided to get in the car and let Kuki Ren ignore this idiot Arataki Ito, she couldn't bear it.

"God's family, society's pursuit"

"In the shogunate of General Raiden, his status and power are second only to those of the general."

Kuki Shinobu stared at the group chat interface and murmured to himself.

In the entire Inazuma, the Hiiragi family, the Kamisato family and the Kujo family... except for the general himself, I am afraid that there is only the white one at Narukami Taisha Shrine. The fox witches of the Tatsu lineage can check and balance these super wealthy families.

When Kuki Shinobi suddenly thought of Narukami Taisha Shrine and Baichen Fox Girl, it was late at night in the study room of Kamisato's house.

After experiencing a panoramic meeting, from Li After returning to the main store of Moon Elf House

"Brother, have you decided?"Kamizato Ayaka looked serious.


Kamizato Ayato also looked serious.

"The more carefully I browsed the contents of the illustrated books, those apps, and the forum on the official website of the Age of Elves.……"

"The more urgent I feel, today's rice wife is too closed and backward!"

"The people of Mondstadt and Liyue have embraced the great era"

"Have you watched the videos and images on Teyvat Cheers?"

"What I saw was……"

"There are many ordinary people who are not favored by gods and do not have the eyes of gods."

"But because of cultivating Pokémon, they harnessed extraordinary power in another way!"

"Their lives and destiny are completely different from now on!"

To be honest, Ayato Kamisato is not one of those reformers who are determined to innovate.

On the contrary.

When he became an adult, he recognized a truth:

Inazuma exists because of the protection of the God of Thunder; only when Inazuma is stable, can the long-term prosperity of the family be guaranteed.

Kamisato Ayato is quite conservative.

But obviously, the age of elves is coming too fast and violently.

Inazuma's stability will soon cease to exist. Kamisato's family has been serving the God of Thunder for generations, but Kamisato Ayato doesn't want to When those stubborn conservatives were like a stone trying to block the torrent of the Elf Age.

Then they were washed to pieces by the torrent.

Just now he went to visit the main store in Liyue.

After he came back, he sat down with his sister and Thomas again, Scan the Internet messages on the illustrated book.

Ayato Kamisato has a second truth in his mind: The ancient branches of Kamisato's cypress are still there, and they have become new.

In the garden of the cypress, don't be sleepy in winter, the fragrance is refreshing in the cold.

Just like your mother The teachings I had given during my lifetime.

My mother said.

The people of Inazuma would offer leaves of some kind of cypress to the God of Thunder as a prayer.

Cypress is an evergreen tree, but the leaves are not needle-shaped.

Its leaves are large and have clear veins.

And even if they are new, A large leaf grows lushly, and the old leaves will not wither...

This is the principle of prosperity that his mother told him.


Kamisato Ayato suddenly feels that the situation is quite right.

The old leaves are the god of thunder, the shogunate, and them Gosanjia is the Narukami Grand Shrine on Kagemu Mountain.

But a new leaf is born.

Inazuma will be more prosperous, instead, the order will be overthrown, and the old will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, after thinking clearly about the relationship, Kamisato Ayato still has Why hesitate?

Just do it... do it!

Embrace the age of elves!

"Great, brother!"

Kamizato Ayaka is happy that her brother can figure it out.

It is different from Kamisato Ayato's silent observation of the current situation.

Kamisato Ayaka has a more urgent and enthusiastic heart, and is very reluctant to see Ina's wife, who is locked up by the country. The Eye Hunting Order suppressed all prosperity.

The era of elves... is undoubtedly an opportunity to resist the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order!

"No matter what you think or do, I will support you——"Thomas let out a sunny laugh.

Indeed, Toma is not a retainer to the Kamisato siblings.

It's friends, it's family.

Kamisato Ayato's eyes surged and he said decisively:

"Xiaogong has handed over the manager Fang Ye to her square screen"

"Give two of them to us"

"I plan to install it at the offices of Shefengxing and Shenlijia, and connect the signal. Everyone can watch the live broadcast of Liyue tomorrow!"

"Thomas, I will leave it to you to coordinate the final episode. You must defend the station and don't let anyone destroy the square screen! Ruined everyone’s viewing experience!"

After that,

Ayato Kamisato added in his mind, there is a second square screen...

He suddenly stood up from behind the desk.

"Brother you?"

Linghua was surprised to see her brother going out wearing stars and moonlight late at night.

"We must embrace the age of elves this time"

"One person’s support is indispensable"

"Now, I will send the second square screen over. With that adult’s character,"

"She is curious about everything new and interesting!"

"What's more, elves, Pokémon, and trainers who control extraordinary powers……"

"There are also mythical beasts with the power to move mountains and reclaim seas.……"

"These light novel-like settings and plots have evolved into reality, she must be shocked!"

Seeing my brother walking away under the moonlight.

Kamisato Ayaka turned around, and she and Toma looked at each other with smiles.

That adult... cough!

Isn't he the pink-furred fox who often disappears during celebrations, looking for fun everywhere? Lord Yaegouji?


The great shrine maiden of Narukami Taisha Shrine.

The continuation of the bloodline of Baichen Fox.

The descendant and friend of the Thunder God.

Although she does not personally interfere with the political affairs of the shogunate, the three royal families cannot ignore this Lord. The influence.

She and Narukami Taisha are in a group of their own, and they are"hidden figures" that can directly affect the general's decision-making."!

"If I get the support of Yaeguji"

"Heavy rain in the age of elves……"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Rice wife will come to you in an instant!"

Kamizato Ayaka said to herself, Fiona in her arms had fallen into a deep sleep.

With an aunt's smile on her lips, she poked the inflatable crown on Fiona's head with her finger, and found that it felt really good..No wonder the manager Fang Ye tried to poke here before.

Manager Fang Ye really understands~

He knows Fiona’s cuteness


Late at night after early morning.

Shadow toward the mountain.

Narukami Taisha Shrine.

This is the largest and most sacred shrine in Inazuma, enshrining the Lord Gosho-sama, the god of the gods.

The sacred cherry tree, symbolizing the eternity of Inazuma, stands at the top of the shrine.

The sacred cherry tree is a sacred tree that favors Inazuma, and its branches are spread all over Inazuma's islands.

Kamisato Ayato climbed the mountain directly and found the miko who was on duty at night.

He originally thought that Yaegomiya would have to wait for a while before getting dressed and coming out to greet the guests. who knows.

Not a few minutes.

Kamisato Ayato was led by the miko to the small courtyard at the top of the shrine. The sacred cherry tree stood on the top of the cliff of Mt. Kage a few meters away.

The son of the Eightfold God, the pink-haired and purple-eyed Priest of the Grand Shrine.

At this moment, he was neatly dressed and sitting on a vermilion wooden bench, looking at the light novel booklet in his hand very attentively.

After seeing this booklet, Ayato Kami immediately understood.

Pink-furred fox...

No, Yaegomiyaji actually read his favorite light novel and stayed up all night to get excited.


Hearing the footsteps, Yae Kamiko raised his head and yawned lazily.

"As a socialite, it's very rude to disturb a lady's sleep late at night."

"I remember it’s still some time before the Summer Fireworks Festival."

"You came to me in such a hurry, what else could you do?"

Kamizato Ayato didn't talk nonsense.

After leaving his house, he ran to the fireworks shop in Hanamizaka. Xiangxiaogong specially purchased an extra elf egg, a blank illustrated book, and a space filled with rich cultivation resources. The backpack.

They were all taken out and placed in front of Yae Shenzi.

Yae Shenzi put down the light novel booklet: ???


Kamisato Ayato explained patiently.

He first bought it from his sister in Xiaomiya for two million Mora. Talking about a magical egg.

To this day, this egg has hatched an elf named Fiona.

It also talks about group chats and Fang Ye Club Manager.

Who knows, what attracts Yae Shenzi the most, making this"fun man""I am very interested in the various contents of the APP software on the illustrated book.

"Huh? Hey, hey, hey!!"

"Can all the people in Liyue and Mondstadt be allowed to surf freely in a place called the Internet?"

"And a site full of fun content like Teyvat Cheers? It’s too weird, but I like it!"


"Teach me how to register and authenticate this illustrated book!"

Kamizato Ayato followed the example of Yonomiya and guided him step by step.

He was even on the way here. He also carefully read through the various guides in the file library in the group chat.

Soon, he saw Yaegomiya addicted to the illustration app late at night. In the middle, the light of the picture reflected her delicate and ageless face.

At this time, Ayato Kamizato was in a subtle mood.

Well - from the Xiao Palace to him.

This kind of"elf preaching" relationship network preaches the divine religion.

It really makes everyone who has embraced the times be willing to be a missionary like running water.

At this point, Kamisato Ayato felt that it was time to quit.

Although tomorrow is the day of the Liyue Trainer Competition.

But one night.

It was enough for Yaeguji to catch a glimpse of the magnificent progress of the Elf Age!

He turned around and walked down the shadow mountain.

Kamisato Ayato looked towards the direction of Inazuma Castle in the night:

"Just, I don’t know what Yaegomiya will do with the third event plaza screen I gave her."

"Yonomiya's plan is... to have the Arataki faction be responsible for installing the first screen in her hands tomorrow, and quickly set up a square screen in Hanamizaka to organize the viewing of the game.……"

"But this plan will face a blow from Tianling!"

"It seems that I have to find a way to dispatch a group of capable ninjas from the final episode to try every means to delay Kujo Sora and the security patrol army and create enough time to watch the game.……"

As for the second screen in my hand.

Kamisato Ayato made up his mind to install it at the headquarters of the society.

He thought it through.

People who follow the society can see the magnificent era by watching the elf games.

There will be no criticism or obstruction from within the family towards the family leader's determination to embrace the times.

This is internal ideological construction work!

The elf competition is a manifesto, a propaganda team and a seeding machine.

"Let the heavy rain of this era flood the entire rice wife——!"

Ayato Kamisato's face rarely showed a heroic smile that was completely different from his character.


The night before the event.

In another place, there were three bad guys looking at each other in silence.

In the dark, dry starry sky without any breath of life.

The three immortals in Jueyunjian also lost their anger.

There's nothing you can do. Anyone who sits in this damn place for a whole day will panic.

(PS: Please give me monthly passes, flowers and full reservations!).

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