Heihachi looked at Alfie, who was standing in the command position across from him. He was wearing a military uniform from the Protection Bureau, with a capable face and a solemn temperament.

Just by meeting his eyes, Heihachi's heart was trembling.

I'll hit your horse!


Tietie's shady background, this kind of elite arrangement is normal in the opening game.

But what’s abnormal is, why are labor and capital matched?

"Little eagle, lightning flashed!"

"W-what? Radha, get out of the way!"

A young eagle flew across the ground with its tip chirping. Although it was small in size, its talons were extremely sharp. It cut the floor and splashed sparks.

Lada is the evolved form of Little Dara. It has a race value of 413 and can Stable suppression of the little eaglet that has not yet evolved and only has a racial value of 350.

In terms of level, the two Pokémon are at the same level, both level 20.

But Heihachi has been frightened.

After the battle, he was not very focused.. Otherwise

, his Lada can attack first with lightning flash.

But now it is Alfie who uses the skill that his Lada also knows... to strike first!

On the opposite side.

Alfie, the captain of the Protection Bureau, looked slightly disappointed. :

As expected, can’t we have any expectations for the level of wild trainers?

"Little eagle, use Yan Hui!"

After being hit by the eagle's claws and flying far away, Lada got up and caught a glimpse of the afterimage of the eaglet quickly returning from behind. He was suddenly frightened and screamed!

Without waiting for the trainer's order, it I can only rely on experience to fight on my own.

Dodge on the spot. Who knows.

The little eagle flew past, but there was a hint of teasing in its eyes.

When Lada had finished dodging, his body became stiff.

"It's now!"Alfie also caught Lada's stiff fighter in time.

People and Pokémon actually reached a high degree of unity in their sense of combat.

At this moment, the little eagle suddenly swooped down and caught it accurately with its sharp claws. Lada was even bigger than it.


Two seconds passed.

Lada fell from a high altitude and hit the ground hard. He immediately lost his ability to fight!

Crushed from beginning to end!

The referee also counts as training Yousu, immediately beep the whistle

"Alfie, the little eaglet, wins! Tian

Tie swallowed his saliva and quickly explained:

"……Player Alfie is indeed an elite trainer of the Adventurers Association Protection Bureau and the Elf Guard to which Mondstadt belongs!"

The live arena with nearly 100,000 people was quiet for a brief moment before erupting into enthusiastic cheers.

Alfie's fierceness left a deep impression on the audience.

As the victor,

Alfie was wearing a Protection Bureau uniform. , facing the guest seat.

The key point is to face Fang Ye's position, bow deeply, and then step off the stage like a javelin.

Seleus, the branch president of the Mondstadt Adventurers Association, is also at the guest seat.

Seeing the former Mondstadt branch intelligence agent, his subordinate.

Now he has grown into an operator in the Protection Bureau.

Seleus was filled with emotion and jealousy:

"Manager Fang Nightclub"

"Your Environmental Protection Bureau is really a place to train people."

"Alfie has changed so much that I can no longer recognize him! Hearing this

, Sister Lan, the president of the Liyue Adventurers Association who was sitting next to her, was quite surprised:

"So this elite trainer named Alfie was once an operator of the Mondstadt Association?"

"He was assigned to the Conservation Bureau and patrolled the ecological zone day and night. It had only been a month, but he already had such momentum?"

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Fang Ye's mouth:

"Everyone probably knows"

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard me say it before, I can talk about it now"

"The reason why I created the Environmental Protection Bureau is simply to use the Adventurers Association's organizational power across seven countries to quickly build a transnational law enforcement team that can deal with vicious criminal cases in any region or in any Elf Alliance!"

"Probably, it can also be called the Transnational Crime Suppression Service...or, Interpol?"

"You have also seen that the officers must be carefully selected, and those who go up to the top are cadres, such as investigators, search officers, and inspectors general."

The guest room was silent for a moment.

This was the first time that Fang Ye spoke to explain the founding purpose of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Look at the confidence and calm aura on Fang Ye's face at this time.

Famous characters from the Mondstadt and Liyue areas, one by one, They were all impressed by it.

Is that so?

Zhongli couldn't help but be surprised.

Wendy was in the back row:"Hey, this guy's planning and layout are so profound that I think he has far surpassed the old emperor... Well, no, he surpassed you, old friend. ah!"

For the members of the Environmental Protection Bureau, this competition is also an internal screening.

In addition to the big cadres, middle and low-level cadres such as Alfie must try their best to strive for a high ranking in the first set of rules.

Enter the knockout round , merit points will be awarded in the bureau.

Ranking in the top ten.

There is even another set of unknown rewards, which will be given when you get promoted, and you can also exchange for many new things in the internal merit point store.


In the super-large arena built under the supervision of Keqing, the venue is divided into four small venues.

There are four groups of ABCD players, and four games are played at the same time to form one round.

That's what auditions are like.

Only when you reach the knockout round will you have your own exclusive stage.

The first round of fighting has not yet ended. The audience cheered loudly and followed the guidance of the commentator Tian Tiezui as they moved away from the scene.

It turned out to be venue B, and another operator from the Protection Bureau won the battle.


Sister Lan, the president of the Liyue Adventurers Association, was stunned when she saw the young man in uniform clearly.

Seleus said hehey:

"What about our Mondstadt branch?"

"This Xiao Qian turns out to be a cadre under you, right?"

"Tsk tsk, his Arbo monster was cultivated so well. It is a bit bigger than its kind, and its body length is estimated to be seven meters.……"

Fang Ye also nodded secretly. From such a long distance, with his system permissions, he could easily obtain the Abo Monster's illustrated book.

There is actually level 35?

This is incredible!

This level is considered competitive in a customer group chat.

Of course, this is only for battles between Pokémon.

Not counting the Eye of God trainer.

Moreover, the attack + speed attribute of this Arbo monster is very high, which is not what it should be at this level. I guess there is some kind of chance? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Fang Ye asked the system to mark it.

This is a young cadre, a future investigator.

Xiao Qian's Arbor Snake didn't use any skills at all, so he quickly bullied it, entangled and strangled it with a very ordinary snake body, and tortured the opponent's armored rhinoceros to death.

Thus, in the first round, a total of four battles in four sub-venues also came to an end.

Fang Ye nodded secretly.

The"black box operation" of the system was recognized. no way.

On the first day, if it were completely random, the scene would probably be the insect-catching boy vs. the insect-catching boy.

And then it keeps looping!

That scene is so beautiful, and it will be okay later on. Such a cliffhanger on the first day will turn the Trainer Competition into a"Cooking King Competition"!

According to the background statistics of the illustrated book.

Don’t look at the 600,000+ contestants.

But the number of the first Pokémon, those of the insect type, such as green caterpillars, unicorn bugs, etc., accounted for about 66%.

And has a spiny tail that can evolve into hunting swallowtail butterflies.

And a fur ball that can evolve into a Moru Moth.

Among this group of insect players, they all belong to the noble and emperor level. at the same time.

For contestants with two Pokémon, the backend statistics are 19%.

In other words, out of 60+ people, less than one-fifth of the trainers have cultivated a second elf.

With three Pokémon... the statistics dropped sharply to less than 1% in an instant!

He has four Pokémon...

According to Fang Ye's accurate information, even if there are more than thirty famous characters in his customer group chat, only five or six people have four Pokémon.

When Fang Yehei looked at the player data in the background.

The second round of fighting also started.

Field A

"Baddie, paralysis powder!"

"Electric firefly, lightning flashes!!"


Venue B

"Giant sting wasp, use poisonous stings on me, it's disgusting to death!"

"Sorry, my Pokémon is Armored Bird, and the Steel type completely ignores your poison!"


C venue

"Charge straight at the bear, headbutt it, and try to kill it with one blow!"

"Flash sale? Haha, sure enough, Weng, use mirror reflection for me and let it see what god-level anti-armor and double damage return are... I'll kill myself in a second! clown.jpg"


This round, there are insect-type Saonian on the stage, but they impressively cultivated green caterpillars and unicorn worms to their final forms.

With such a progress in cultivation, among a group of insect-catching teenagers, they are quite elite.

But against the"seeded players" specially selected by the system, they still lost quickly.

Ratha, Arbor, and the eaglet.

050 Big butterfly, electric firefly, giant needle bee, armored bird.

Go straight to the bear, sure enough.

Trainer after trainer appeared with their Pokémon.

At the scene, there were hundreds of thousands of people inside and outside the venue. It was a joy to watch, and the cheers were enthusiastic.

These Pokémon are rare items on the streets of Liyue.

Because the higher the training level, the more powerful the trainer is, the more he spends the whole day in the wild and ecological areas, and has no time to go to the streets to show off his elves. at the same time.

For the people of Daozhi, who unexpectedly watched the Liyue Pokémon competition after a scandalous operation in Xiao Palace.

How to describe it.

Probably, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

I just feel like the worldview is shattered into pieces. ha?

In Teyvat continent, when did there exist creatures and monsters like Pokémon?


There must be a mistake in how to open it!

Narukami Taisha Shrine, under the sacred cherry tree.

Yae Shenzi gradually became dumbfounded:

"This basilisk is so long, some seven or eight meters long."

"And the armored bird, that’s what it’s called, like a life made of steel."

"No, it is completely different from those mechanical self-discipline machines in Kanria. They are a form of life in themselves, rather than being artificially given life!"

When I saw a Pokémon with super powers like Guo Ranweng.

It used the weird skill of mirror reflection.

With a backhand, I killed the giant bear that was charging straight away!

Yae Shenzi looked serious:

"The energy that just flashed on the screen"

"Definitely not any elemental power!"

The club is run by Kamisato Yashiki.

On the big screen in the square, the situation of each venue is cut.

I don't know when.

This place where all Kamisato's family members have gathered is already quiet.

Trainers, Pokémon.

Rich Types, dazzling skills.

Increasingly fierce confrontation.

Kamisato Ayato and Kamisato Ayaka were unable to maintain the calmness of the noble master and all the ladies. Their expressions followed each battle.

Each fierce attack and defense round.

Sometimes they were surprised. , sometimes confused, sometimes shocked.

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full subscription!).

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