Xiang Ling, Xing Qiu, Yan Fei, all the group members were also discussing Hu Tao's opponent.

There is nothing we can do.

This Ajiu is too small!

Toddler, this is it.

There is no age limit for registration, but all trainers who register will have the green light.

Fang Ye stared at this"Ajiu" and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Is it really him?"

"Fei Tuo, no, the incarnation of Ruo Tuo Dragon King!"


She is the girl near Fulongshu at the foot of Hulao Mountain in the original game.

Fang Ye browsed the list of players for the Super Tournament, and when he saw the other party's information, he already made a guess.

Unexpectedly, it was really the Fat Dragon King ah

"Now in this state of incarnation"

"Should I call him/her, Brother Tuozi, or Sister Tuozi?"

Fang Ye raised the corner of his mouth.

For a demon god who has been suppressed and sealed, and whose true spirit is almost worn out, Fang Ye has no intention of expelling him.

Fang Ye has this confidence, let's not talk about his lineup of mythical beasts.. How can we retire when Wendy and Zhongli are just decorations? These two are gods on earth! As long as the demon god does not destroy the event, he will not engage in any conspiracy. Embrace the great era of elves... change jobs and become a trainer or something, Fang Yeke It’s so welcome. The more this happens, the better it proves that he is doing a better job as a promoter. Fang Ye said softly:

"This is no limit rule, super match"

"Trainers and Pokémon fight together"

"Hutaotang is mainly not cautious, and the possibility of overturning is very high."

The group members who didn't see the mystery of Ajiu.

When Fang Ye said this, question marks appeared on their foreheads.



At this moment.


The intelligent voice of the 060 virtual venue said:

"After 3 seconds of countdown"

"The battle begins!"

"No limit on fighting methods, no limit on the number of elves"

"When one of the trainers loses consciousness, the battle ends!"

3, 2, 1... at the last second,

Hutao threw three elf balls at once

"Oh no!——"

The elf ball grew larger in mid-air and landed on the ground, filled with red light.

Fanged Land Shark, level 47.

Desert Dragonfly, level 50.

And Eggy, who has not yet evolved, is level 39.

If we judge Hutao's trainer rank based on the highest level Desert Dragonfly.

It has obviously reached the mid-elite level (50~59).

Elite trainer!

Even in the native elf world, he is considered a relatively powerful figure.

Enough to serve as a city's peace officer.

After all, upper-level elites/high-level elites (60~69) are only one step away from the status of the king.

Already belongs to the top of the league.

There are only a few heavenly kings in a region.

Fang Ye nodded secretly when she saw Hutao choose to throw 3 balls and release all her Pokémon.

When it comes to Sister Tuozi, your caution can save lives.

Walnut throwing a Poké Ball.

He has also taken out an inherited elemental weapon from the Rebirth Hall - the Staff of Homo!

In the history of old Liyue.

In that war-torn era, plagues occurred frequently and filth was everywhere.

The descendants of the Rebirth Hall hold this stick and ignite things contaminated with filth!

They are doctors.

But also a mourner.

Only unbridled fire can purify the filth of heaven and earth, raise red firewood, and drive away all evil spirits.

"Butterflies attract life!"


Hu Taojiao shouted, shaking the Humo Staff, and the phantom of the Flame Disk exploded behind her.

"The gun opens the road to Huangquan, and the butterfly leads to the bridge of the afterlife!"

The gun came out.

It merged with people.

It was like a fire dragon!

When Fang Ye saw this, he shouted"Cao Cao".

Starting hand, it's elemental combat skill + attack?

This Hutao Hall master is riding a horse... She won't open at least one level Right?!

When Hutao rushed out with a scroll of flames and a protective gun, the fang land shark growled at the desert dragonfly, as if commanding and urging.

(Little brother, it’s time!)

(Big sister head , I will sweep the formation for you!)

Although the level is higher, the desert dragonfly looks very respectful to the fang land shark.

There is no way, the bloodline suppresses it.

The desert dragonfly flutters its wings.

When Hutao chooses to take action first , and did not forget to give instructions to the elf:

"Desert dragonfly, screeching!"


Suddenly, a sound wave skill that could pierce the eardrum was emitted by the desert dragonfly.

Rumble... the audience area is protected by a light film.

But the rebroadcast signal released these sharp sounds, and many people covered their ears with uncomfortable expressions.

In the live broadcast room, ordinary people watching the super match were also speechless.

"If the desert dragonflies roared like this at us"

"We were stunned, like a group of sheep being slaughtered, right?"

At the same time, Yae Shenzi, who was also watching the live broadcast closely, noticed

Ajiu who was motionless during the terrifying sonic offensive.

"This player……"Yae Shenzi saw the camera zoom in, and there was a touch of sarcasm on Ajiu's childish face.

She couldn't help but froze for a moment.


Loud bang.

A stone wall suddenly rose, blocking the camera.

He also blocked the leader of Walnut Hall who came out with the power of a gun-wielding fire dragon.

Wall of Rock Elements!

Many people saw it and stood up in shock. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"She manipulated the rock element!"

"But she clearly doesn't wear the Eye of God?!"

A wall blocked the heavy attack.

Hutao was slightly shocked, his attack was blocked, but he didn't forget that there were three of his Pokémon in the outer circle.

"Desert dragonfly, use earthquake!"

"Fanged land shark, meteor swarm!"


There was a slight pause in Hu Tao's conductor:

"Target the trainer on the opposite side and keep using hypnosis!"

On the sidelines, Liu Su, who acted as the commentator, was speechless and said:

"Player Hu (cdac) Tao's attack was blocked!"

"Hey, Ayuu blocked Kurumi's attack with his rock gun."


"Hutao issued the battle order and the battle was mobilized"

"All three of her Pokémon launched a general attack!"

After hearing the commentary lines Ye secretly sighed.

The training of these"commentators" is still too hasty.

In other words, they have watched less battle videos and games, and lack the experience to grasp the battle situation.

There is no way, regular competitions outside can still be Let’s fool around.

Let’s cook. The stove is big, so there’s no harm in competing for the Master of Cooking. Just have fun. But the Super Tournament is different.

What Fang Ye wants to create is the most valuable rules and event, so he reluctantly made a guest appearance temporarily. An on-the-spot commentator.

Or called a guest commentator.

In this virtual space, there is no need for a microphone to touch the mouth.

When he spoke, his voice spread throughout the audience:

"Player Hutao is really awesome."

"Have you seen it?"

"She regarded herself as the lead, the striker, to test Ajiu's strength and reaction first."

"If you can't hit it with one hit, it doesn't matter."

"Her intention is only to spy!"

"Then, the Walnut player chose to use Desert Dragonfly as a fast attacker, which was undoubtedly very correct."

"The main C position in her team is always the fang land shark with quasi-god potential!"

"did you see it?"

"The desert dragonfly has already approached Ajiu player, while the fang land shark has jumped into the sky"

"Brewing a dragon-type ultimate move……"

"Hiss, the dirtiest thing is that Dandan, the back-row DPS, is trying to use hypnosis to interfere with Ajiu's player!"


"did you see it?"

"This is the biggest difference between super matches and unruled matches, and regular seasons and regular competitions!!"

"Pokémon can also directly attack the trainer!"

When Fang Ye spoke quickly but clearly about the flash of lightning on the court, the desert dragonfly had already flown near Ajiu.

(I only have control!)

(Leave the K head to the elder sister!)

It's very clear. The Desert Dragonfly jungler positioned by his team erupted with strong impact power.

At least half of the football field was shaken by a major earthquake.

The ground shook!

Ajiu's small figure still stood firmly on the field.

She Layers of faint rock element shields appeared on the body surface. They were actually ignoring the big earthquake around them. When Fang Ye saw this, his expression became even more subtle. Gan! Isn't this Zhongli's E skill shield? Tuo Brother Zi, you and Prince Yan are indeed having an affair! Ajiu raised her head and looked at the sharp-toothed land shark leaping high. A group of meteorites was clearly reflected in her deep eyes!


Countless spectators were shocked.

This swarm of meteorites summoned and smashed down by the Sharp-toothed Land Shark using some kind of dragon power covered an entire area the size of a football field!

Powerful, terrifying!

The scene that appeared in that moment was like a comet hitting Teyvat.

Full of aura of destruction!



Inazuma Castle, Hanamizaka Street.

Breaking through many obstacles along the way, Kujo Sora led the 500 soldiers of Tian Ling to encircle the Arataki faction who were stubbornly resisting. In the middle of the encirclement, there were Kuki Nin and Arataki. A fight.

There were also people from Inazuma who were attracted by the event and could not move away before they had time to evacuate.


The world-destroying meteorite fell.Broadcast screen.

There seemed to be a strong smell of fire and sulfur.

Kujo Sora is heading forward to talk to Kuki-nin.

Hearing the sound, I couldn't help but look up at the giant screen and pictures above my head, and an uncontrollable look of horror suddenly appeared on my face.

"This is, what you said before, Pokémon, competing with Pokémon?"

Kujo Sora was stunned.

Seeing the meteorites falling down, the simulated scene of Tranquility Bay on the screen was immediately eroded.

Her voice was dry, and she lost the intention of asking guilt.

Kuki Shinobu could not control his heartbeat, and said in surprise and shock. :

"Me, I didn’t expect it either"

"A Pokémon that has not yet reached the top level can cause such a destructive scene."

"If it is a mythical beast elf in the top field,……"

"Wouldn't it be possible to destroy a city and a country with just one blow?"

After hearing this, Jiujo Sangluo couldn't say a word for a long time.

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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