A pure mind.

This strange space is the homestead where contemporary Inazuma retreats to contemplate eternal philosophy.

Yae Shenzi deliberately made grass-making remarks, and then got involved in the Pure Land.

This is the Eighth Palace Secretary.

For today's rice wife is in power.

They are already the only"relatives" left in the world.

Not just her family members, but also close relatives and friends who grew up together and became sensible and mature together. so.

Isshin Pure Land did not reject the visit of the Eightfold Divine Son.

In the pure land, a female demon god floating cross-legged in the air slowly opened her noble purple eyes.

Her real name is Balzeb.

However, after Dingding became the ruler of the seven kingdoms on earth.

The twin demons both prefer the names Raiden Shin and Raiden Movie.

Thunder and lightning, the god of thunder from the sky!

If the"loyal dog" Kujo Sura is here.

You will definitely find that the thunder general in this pure land is more agile and spiritual than the thunder general in the castle tower outside.

In other words, she is the real thunder movie, she has divinity and humanity.

I will think, reminisce, and be sad.

That is, after the disaster in Kanria five hundred years ago.

He lost his sister Raiden Makoto one after another, the former palace secretary Kosaigiya, plus Yuri Sasa and Chiyo Gogo.

Too many relatives and friends lost their lives.

I deeply feel that life is fading, and even the body of a demon cannot last forever.

From this, Lei Movie fell into the thought and entanglement of reversing the cycle of life and death.

"Son of God, what did you just say?"

Opening his eyes, after fluctuations appeared in his eyes, Lei Qianqian's face showed helplessness.

Yae Shenzi:"Oh~"

"Do you really need me to repeat it again? film?"

Ray Movie:"……" never mind.

That statement is too crude.

She was a little shocked when she heard it just now.

Get out of thinking retreat.

Lei Movie walked down from mid-air.

Yae Kamiko seemed to be visiting an old friend, but he did not continue chatting with Raikage at all.

Quickly take out the illustrated book and glance at the green signal display in the upper right corner.

Suddenly, Yae Shenzi was surprised and exclaimed:


"There is actually a signal in this strange space. It’s so amazing and amazing!"

Having said that, he quickly opened the event live broadcast room that had been temporarily closed before he was on his way.

When the screen appeared, the barrage passed by in pieces. The noisy sound of the scene came from the picture book.

Yae Shenzi was a little bored because of the interruption of the viewing experience. My mood immediately cleared up.

A smile of joy came from my heart.

Seeing the charming smile of the Son of God

"What's this"

"How can the Son of God be loved so much?"

Lei Keqing wondered. She knew Yae Shenzi just as Shenzi knew her.

This fun-loving Gongji liked novel and interesting things most in his life.

Lei Keqing came closer.

He found the illustrated book and said something on his lips.

On the screen.

A scene. The Pokémon tournament has just ended.

Seeing the movement of the mirror, the prosperity and bustle of the virtual space appeared.

Lei Movie's pupils shrank.

"This is?

Yae Shenzi said casually:"It's at the competition site.""

She cut the live broadcast room to a more spectacular regular season venue.

"Is this Liyue?"

Lei Movie was stunned.


La la la~

The head of Hutao Hall was in a good mood and wanted to compose one or two limericks from the Dark Alley School poets on the spot before ending up.

However, spatial intelligence predicted her poetry boom.

Boom - the ground cracked, and the walnut was quickly sunk by the lifting platform.


"……My ad!!"

"The Shengshengtang Blood Loss Discount Event has begun. During the Liyue Trainer Competition, all funeral expenses are discounted by 30%, blood horse fractures are at the same price, and group discounts are even available!"

Fang Ye:"……"

Guests and viewers:


It really allowed this Hutao Hall leader to take advantage of every opportunity and create a wave of blood horse advertisements!

Leave the venue and return to the guest seat with victory.

Hutao's footsteps are quite bold and high-spirited like a female general's triumphant victory.

"How about it, have you seen clearly the strength of this Hall Master?"

Flicking his twin ponytails, he stood with a golden knife akimbo.

The guest seats were all acquaintances in the group chat.

You looked at me.

I looked at you.

Dadalia was merciless:"I don't believe you didn't take the risk just now. Cold sweat"

"The car is about to overturn, are you panicking?"

Wutao hummed:

"What a panic!"

"You don’t understand my hall master’s tactics!"

"Desert dragonflies grazing, and even fanged land sharks are just disguises"

"My main C is always Dandan!"

"The leader of this hall will play dirty tricks and use hypnosis to determine the outcome. I just want to ask you if you are afraid?"

Hypnosis... mentions superpowers and spiritual skills.

A group of people suddenly felt a headache.

This type of skill is too threatening to be used directly against trainers in an unlimited super competition.

No matter how high the so-called martial arts is, Afraid of kitchen knives.

A peerless master can be knocked down with a brick.

That's the truth.

Skills like hypnosis, as long as there is a probability, its shock and effect cannot be denied!

At the same time, many people's eyes also reveal countermeasures and thinking

"In this case"

"Aren't super trainers invincible?"

"No, there is no invincible formula."

At this moment. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Suddenly a"ding dong" message came from the table.

Everyone gestured and looked at the sound.

The traveler was stunned. , immediately opened the picture book and saw a battle notification message:

Player No. 96, please arrive at the Elf House Arena before 11:45 to participate in the first battle at 12 o'clock in the morning. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the event, please come as soon as possible Arrive at the venue to register and prepare.

Paimon's eyes widened and he shouted excitedly:

"Eh? It’s our turn next time, Ying!"

Qin:" Traveler, come on."

Wendy:"Hey, I believe you Traveler."

Hu Tao came up to impart his experience:

"I tell you, traveler"

"Be cautious and cautious again"

"Those who dare to sign up for the super competition are those who have the goods."

"Knowing that a lion fights a rabbit, he also uses all his strength to fight? Understand? If our leader hadn't used a dirty trick wisely just now, he probably wouldn't have been able to end the battle in one piece."

Ying and Hutao have a very good relationship.

After all, they teamed up with Hutao and added Xiangling.

A while ago, the team was in the ecological zone. Except for the overlord's territory, everything was lawless.

The desert dragonfly of Hutao was defeated and conquered by a few people. Of course, Ying and Xiangling also got what they wanted, and also tamed a Pokémon from the ecological zone.


A pure mind.

At this time, the corner of Yae Shenzi's mouth was twitching as he watched the game in Liyue Arena.

After a few rounds.

The auditions here are gradually starting to feel a bit like the"Master of Cooking Competition".

No matter how you operate in the dark.

It is impossible to arrange all elite and seeded players on the first day.

Therefore, external auditions inevitably involve the beautiful painting style of Zha Chong Sao Nian VS Zha Chong Sao Nian

"Green caterpillar, spinning silk! (full of energy)"

"Unicorn beetles, we also spin silk! (gnashing teeth)" turned into a silk-spinning battle.

Two worms came and went, and the competition and battle turned into a worm silk record war to see who had longer and more worm silk. The worm silk was just Control technique.

There is no damage at all. The green bugs and yellow bugs are menacing.

Trainers on both sides are glaring and roaring.

But there is something subtly wrong with the style of painting!

Yae Kamiko’s eyebrows twitched. He couldn’t stand it anymore and sighed.


"What does this mean, Son of God? Lei

Movie pointed at a barrage and asked doubtfully.

Yae Shenzi cut out the audition live broadcast room and answered with a twitching corner of his mouth:

"literal meaning"

"The battle between contestants is fun and interesting. Well, the dishes are full of flavor and the chefs are all very good at cooking, so they go well with rice."

Lei Movie tilted his head:

Well, I still can't understand.

Cut to the live broadcast room of the Super Game, and the barrage style is completely different.

Yae Shenzi felt like breathing fresh air, and his spirits were lifted.

"I just escaped from the auditions, the showdown between the strong ones over there is terrifying.~"

"Shock! What a breathtaking battle!"

"That's right, the duel during the Zhaichongsao years even wiped out the avenue.……"

"Forgive me and other mortals who have shallow eyesight and really can’t understand that kind of duel between high-ranking beings!"

There was a barrage of ridicule and jokes in the Super Tournament live broadcast room.

Who doesn't know that in today's elf world, the insect-catching boy belongs to the bottom of the contempt chain.

The little Lada players are more popular than your Chongchong.

Eight layers Shenzi felt the same way, and couldn't help but also typed out a barrage:

My eyes are hurt, escape +1!!

Lei Movie watched, becoming more and more interested:

"Son of God, I saw your operation"

"It turns out that the words crossed on the screen all represent a living audience?"


The Eightfold Divine Son suddenly raised his finger.

Because, the screen changed.

The match list was displayed:

Ying (Traveler) VS Wang Ping'an (Star Grabbing Chen Tianjun)


Inazuma is also a businessman from Mondstadt. Yae Kamiko is the editor-in-chief (of the king) of Yae Hall. The authors and editors under her will collect the latest materials.

Therefore, from these channels, Yae Kamiko heard about The story of the honorary knight of Mondstadt Zephyr

"This star grabs Chen Tianjun"

"It's very similar to the name of Immortal Liyue."

Eh! No way, no way?

Lei Movie was also surprised.

And when Dang Ying and Wang Pingan came on stage one after another, it was like a bomb was dropped in the live broadcast room, and many viewers were stunned.

This Wang Pingan was wearing a Yaksha style mask He came on stage.

He also held an immortal talisman in his hand.

Therefore, there was an ancient aura lingering around him.

The barrage began to discuss:

"Hold the grass!"

"Immortal Liyue? Protector Yaksha?"

"I'm such a good guy, even Yasha has become a glorious trainer? ?"

The guest group in the stands were also extremely surprised.

Of course, except for Mandrill, Zhongli and Wendy, they saw through Wang Ping'an's true identity at a glance.

Fang Ye's face was as weird as it seemed.

"Wangping County?"

"The one who pretended to be Mandrill, then corrected his evil ways, and built the Bronze Sparrow Temple?"

The last game was the incarnation of Brother Tuozi.

This time, he was a"liar".

Fang Ye was a little speechless.

It was obviously such a technical super game, why did it have the style of a group of demons dancing!

(PS: Please Monthly passes, flowers and fully booked!).

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