"Giratina, dragon type and ghost type, resistance Pokémon

Level: Lv.125

Characteristics: Sense of oppression

Hidden characteristics: Telepathy

Skills: Shadow sneak attack, misfortunes never come singly, shadow sneak attack, primitive power...

The Xicui area has been passed down since ancient times There is a saying: Strong light creates shadows. Shadow refers to this mythical Pokémon."


What's going on? It's only level 125?

Fang Ye was stunned.

His Cresselia is already level 120. As one of the mythical Pokémon, Giratina shouldn't be among the first level gods. The mythical/super-god realm...

However, Fang Ye is not surprised when he thinks that the Xicui area has an origin form setting.

The origin state is Giratina's final form.

It is estimated that in this form, it can Only a true mythical Pokémon can fully master the priesthood and power of antimatter.


Dialga is the divine beast of time, and Palkia is the divine beast of space.

Then Giratina is the divine beast of antimatter!

And, normally Generally speaking, Giratina was expelled by Arceus and could only stay in the destroyed world.

However, in the main stage story of the Emerald Area in"Legend of Arceus",

Giratina ended up in a seaside cave. Captured by players, Giratina appears in this area. He is mysterious in every sense of the word, and his combat power is also mysterious.

"It has no origin form, so it can't defeat Shadow?"

"It can be inferred from this"

"I can't beat the Emperor."

"But if you get the big white gold and jade"

"Is it enough for Giratina to evolve into the mythical/supergod form to defeat the throne of Sky Island?"

Fang Ye held his chin, pondering the strengths and weaknesses of Analyzer and Giratina.

Raikage, as the only remaining demon in the Inazuma Sea, is the ruling monarch of a region.

Giratina is a mythical Pokémon that has mastered Destruction, anti-517 material power.

The strange thing is... why did Giratina never try to use power and the power of the handle during the resistance?

Simply using Pokémon moves and skills, even exclusive ultimate moves, but It is also equivalent to being restricted to the regular combat power circle below the gods.

The battle between gods and beasts.

Shouldn't the victory be determined by the strength of power and divine handle?

Fang Ye decided to ask the victim and arrested him. Master Ball:

"Giratina, I know you can hear me"

"Why can you be so weak?"

In the space inside the Master Ball, Giratina, who had been stabbed by Wu Xiang in front and behind, rolled his eyes when he heard this.

It has telepathic properties.

Moreover, Fang Ye communicated with super powers.

Giratina understood. Fang Ye's words even heard his subtext:

There is something wrong with you.

You can't be a mythical Pokémon.

How can a mythical being be so weak?

Giratina roared angrily:


"If it weren't for Arceus……"

Although it is angry, it still has reason:

"If I use the power of destruction and antimatter in Xicui, Arceus will banish me again."

Fang Ye is not surprised that Giratina is so afraid of Arceus.

In a sense,

Arceus is the strict father who created them.

However, Giratina has never been welcomed by the strict father.

You know Both Dialga and Palkia have relevant written records in the Water Vein Library and in the Sinnoh legends spread out around the world.

Only Giratina's existence information is very secret and has almost been completely forgotten by the world.

No. Any stone inscriptions related to Giratina that have survived to modern times

"That's it, being specially monitored by strict father"

"So even if you die, you don't dare to use your power?"(cdad) Fang Ye's thoughts suddenly changed.

What if it was not the multiverse monitored by Arceus, but a foreign continent like Teyvat?

However, Giratina's power is too dangerous!

Fang Yeyao Shaking his head.

If Giratina is allowed to release his power in Teyvat, the throne of Sky Island will definitely come down and fight for his life. The reason why the throne is silent so far is that on the one hand, it was frightened by Arceus when the ecological zone was formed.

On the other hand, It's because the Elf Era seems harmless for the time being, and some places are not like the ancient country of Kanreia that challenged her bottom line...

Then the question arises.

How did the former Kanreia challenge the red line of heaven...

This Ying is a witness and can answer the question.

Fang Ye immediately asked the question.

Ying was stunned for a moment, then inhaled gently:

"That thing……"

She didn't say anything further and stared seriously into Fang Ye's eyes:

"If... if it were you, you could definitely save everyone. If it were you, you would definitely save the world."

Fang Ye:???

That's why I said, the Riddler must die!

What could that thing be?

Could it be imaginary numbers, Honkai energy, and Honkai creatures!

It's a conspiracy!

At this time , inside the elf ball, Giratina roared angrily again:


"It is absolutely impossible for me to obey your orders!"

"I will never surrender to you!"

Fang Ye said directly.

Giratina, also known as Pluto Dragon, is quite handsome.

However, if Giratina is not in its origin form, it is not the complete body of the myth. Combat power cannot be compared with class and personality. The gap.

And its destructive and anti-matter power is too powerful to attract hatred, and it will attract the attention of Arceus at every turn.

It is simply a worthless myth like a hot potato. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Didn't you see that it didn't dare to use its power, and it couldn't survive being slashed by the shadow twice? The combat power it showed was not even as good as the two ruling demon gods of Teyvat.

If you want Fang Ye to comment, just two words , pull the crotch!

"It doesn't matter."

Fang Ye shrugged and showed Giratina the red chain and the Treasure of Time.

"Wait until I build an origin ball"

"Let's go play with Dialga"

"Hahaha, the priesthood and power of the Time Myth Pokémon can always be used at will, right?"

Giratina roared again, but this time the cry was a little hollow and confused:

"Human, why do you have full red chains?!"

"you guess"

"Human, why do you have the Treasure of Time that can suppress Dialga?!"

"Guess again."

Giratina was itching with hatred.

You're so mean.

If you let your grandfather out, he will definitely beat you until he is paralyzed!

Then he will drag you to the dimension outside of time and space, banishing and imprisoning you forever!

Inside the Poké Ball In space, Giratti drew a circle and cursed on the spot in anger.

"Feeling comfortable."

The corners of Fang Ye's mouth curled up slightly.

"No matter how much he pulls his hips, he is still Giratina, a mythical creature after all."

"Moreover, although Wang Luo took the opportunity to escape, without Giratina, the biggest villain in the Xicui region would have had his wings chopped off."

"Let me see how you make trouble."

Fang Ye was in a happy mood.

After he came to confirm the truth, he easily solved a wave of hidden dangers that would arise in the future when the people of Teyvat explored the Xicui area. Ying didn't know that Fang Ye and Giratina were facing each other through spiritual communication.

At the same time,

Uxie, who was blown away by Giratina's exclusive trick, also recovered.

"Thank you, humans."

Yukexi flew over, her voice full of fear.

Fang Ye smiled slightly:

"Just think of it as a little gift from you giving me the Gear of Time, no need to thank you"

"In addition, you also need to be careful about the traveling businessman named Wang Luo."

"Except for you, he has recovered from his injuries and will probably go to the other two beasts of the lake. I hope you can remind them, Yukoshi."

Uxie's Claw, Emrido's Wings, and Acrom's Fang.

This is a set of materials for making a red chain.

But Fang Ye has already obtained a complete red chain from the system lottery, and will draw it later It is not difficult to get to the second root.

Therefore, there is no need to take the idea of ​​the three gods of the lake.

Wouldn't it be nice to gain their friendship? In the future, when exploring the magnificent era of the Washui region, these mythical beasts can take good care of the people of Teyvat for him. Yes.

This is the divine beast network. They have a long lifespan and are almost immortal. Once a friendship is formed, it is equivalent to an eternal contract.

Fang Ye nodded secretly.

I may want to cosplay a wave of Manafei's social cow attributes.

After all, he has a wave guide. The power can also directly communicate with any Pokémon.

He declined Uxie's warm hospitality repeatedly.

However, when Fang Ye left, he still received a thank you gift from Uxie.

A few magic eggs.

Some evolutions. Treasures.

There are also treasures like curved spoons, and 2 pieces are given away at once

"Good stuff~"

Fang Ye, as a parent, naturally has a bowl of water.

The eldest sister Cresselia got the magic slate. These two treasures, which increase the power of super powers by 20%, were given to Jirachi and Meloetta. Got it

"whee~~"Jirachi hugged the spoon and was happy.

Meloetta, who has a serious personality, is also very careful when placing her spoons.


Another thing is to share Giratina's illustrated book in the group chat.

Finally"picked it up""A mythical Pokémon, different from ordinary legendary beasts.

If we don't advertise it widely in group chats and show off, what's the difference between us and salted fish?

Just open it up and expose it to the sun!

Fang Ye: (Giratina.jpg) Here comes the new illustrated book, welcome to collect it.

The group chat interface was dead silent for a while.

Hutao: What a handsome ghost dragon...wait, why is it a mythical beast? Hiss... no, it's a myth?

Zhongli: Strong light creates shadows... Based on common sense, this myth is very dangerous.

Wendy: Manager Fang Ye, let me put it bluntly for Zhongli. This kind of myth that breeds in the shadows and lives in the shadows may bring security threats to Liyue and Teyvat. I hope you will handle it with caution. baby!

Yae Shenzi: Manager Fang Ye, can the newcomers raise their hands to ask questions? I know that divine beasts have corresponding powers and handles. I would like to ask, what kind of power does this Giratina have? (Curious Baby.jpg)

Fang Ye: It represents destruction and holds the power and divine handle of antimatter.

When restored to its original form, it can travel through dimensions other than time and space at will.

Everyone: Origin form? ? ? (Confused.jpg)

Fang Ye dragged Ying to the celebration village and glanced at the master ball in his pocket.

I sighed in my heart.

He has conquered it, but for Giratina to be willing to fight for him with all his heart, he probably has to wait until he conquers Dialga before defeating him.

"It's okay~"

"There is no shortage of such a fighting force"

"It is excellent for collecting and replenishing illustrations. The point is, it is okay to get its body and occasionally take care of your kidneys but not your heart."

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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