Late at night.

Liyue, research institute campus.

The picnic cloth was spread on the lawn, and Wendy returned to Mondwind for a rare occasion and brought back the dandelion wine he had buried for hundreds of years.

Mr. Zhongli was in front of a barbecue pit, watching Fang Ye busy grilling meat, looking quite interested.

Ying was sitting in front of a low table with a picnic cloth, a cup of tea in his hand. not far away.

It’s the orchid mantis and the sticky dragon taking turns educating the frightened deer baby.


Orchid mandarin flower is serious, she is the image of a strict mother


Nian Meilong is a loving mother with a smile.

The baby frightened deer stood blankly between the two temporary mothers.

After thinking about it, Ying took out the illustrated book, clicked a photo and uploaded it to the group chat:

Baby Flash found a new mom.

Ning Guang:? ? My metal monster was just brought back from the research institute two days ago. No, after this conference, I will continue to keep the metal monster in the research institute.

Qin: So does my Eevee!

Yae Kamiko:...Hey, there is actually a pet boarding service? It’s so convenient!

As you know, the palace secretary is very busy every day, so she really doesn’t have time to cultivate Pokémon bit by bit.

Arataki Ichito: Yae Kamiko, if I hadn’t lost the ramen competition with you last time, I would have almost believed you!

Yora: Hey, I received the notification of tomorrow’s matchup arrangements, yeah~ It’s me in the first match of"713"!

Ye Lan: I received it too.

Zhongli: Me too.

Kamisato Ayaka: Tomorrow will definitely be another lively day~~ (looks of anticipation.jpg)


The next day, it was just dawn.

When Fang Ye came downstairs from the living area of ​​the research institute, he saw Ying already feeding the baby deer milk.

He said hello:

"Ah, good morning movie"

"Breakfast Cresselia is ready, you can go and eat it"

"I'll go release some Liyue Immortals first. You, Zhongli and Wendy can go directly to the venue later."

After saying that, Fang Ye asked Jirachi and Meloetta to take him straight up into the sky.

Ying looked up at Fang Ye's trace disappearing into the clouds and mist in the sky.

"Starry sky?"

She murmured, and then looked away, looking at the baby deer that was licking her palm after drinking milk, with a look of doting and an aunt's smile.


It's so cute.

In the starry sky, in the forbidden land.

Three There were only two immortals in Jueyunjian, almost right next to each other.

The only illustrated book was being held by Liuyun crane. Her crane wings were operated from time to time, crossing the screen.

The two immortals who could not operate were a little anxious.

Peiyue:"Liuyun, keep watching the video just now!"

Lishan:" Shit! I want to watch the previous one, that video is interesting!"

It turned out that the picture book screen showed the Teyvat Cheers interface.

The immortals stayed in the starry sky for almost two days, relying on the sand sculpture videos on the Cheers to relieve their boredom and have fun.

But unknowingly, they also fell in love with Teyvat. The feeling of elves surfing the Internet.

A leisurely voice sounded behind the immortals:

"Ah, three immortal masters"

"Does it disturb your elegance?"

Hearing this, Fairy Liuyunhe, who was moving her wings across the pictures in the illustrated book, said without raising her head:

"You finally came"

"But can you help me get rid of these two irritable bugs next to me?"

Zie Yue said angrily:

"Liuyun, you are too presumptuous!"

Lishan was also shocked and angry:

"Ah, yes, yes"

"Sent us away"

"You can monopolize the only picture book device!"

The Deer Immortal and the male Immortal with black and gray fur and red-crowned crane looked at each other and said in unison:

"Don’t even think about enjoying the illustrated book!"

Fang Ye shook his head speechlessly when he saw this scene.

It was funny and sighing.

It seems that he underestimated the erosion of elven technology and Internet culture on Teyvat.

The dignified Liyue Immortal has been cultivating immortality in Jueyun all year round, regardless of the world of mortals. The state of mind is otherworldly enough.

But just two days after using the illustrated book to contact the elf network, it was like being addicted to the Internet.

For the right to use an illustrated book, the boat of friendship was about to overturn, and each other had to blow their brains out.

Just The funny thing about riding a horse


"three immortal masters"

"As for you, you are the immortals who protect Liyue after all."

"There was a misunderstanding about what happened between us before. You must have received a dream from the emperor last night, right?"

Speaking of the emperor's dream, including Fairy Liuyunhe who was addicted to the Internet, they all raised their heads and were surprised:

"It seems that you have also attracted the attention of the emperor."

"That's right, the emperor had a dream"

"In the dream, the emperor said that he had given up his ancient body and wanted to be a mortal."

Fang Ye is not surprised.

In the original work, Zhongli relied on this hand to appease Mandrill and the immortals. Otherwise, how could the relationship between the immortals and Liyue Qixing be eased so easily.

Of course, in the original work, the immortals were temporarily"imprisoned" by Fang Ye After that, Zhongli added another dream.

There was a hint of hurrying to rescue his old subordinates.

Fang Ye asked Jirachi and Meloetta to open the blockade of the different space:

"Three immortal masters, you can leave now."

"Here are the other two illustrated books"

"In addition, are the three immortal masters interested in coming to the virtual arena to watch today’s super match?"

Hearing this, the three Jueyunjian immortals headed by Fairy Liuyunhe said without even thinking:

"look! Why not watch it!"

"That’s outrageous!"

"You know, the latest hot topic on the elf network is that in just one night, ordinary tickets for the super game have been sold for one million molas!"

Oh, Fang Yeyile.

As expected of the Three Internet Addicted Immortals, he is more up-to-date with the information on the Elf Network than he is, the store manager.


Ten o'clock in the morning. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Liyue's Grand Arena quickly filled up with spectators.

The regular trainer competition outside is in progress.

Inside, the virtual venue reached after passing through a portal also started a new day of elimination and ranking competition.

Except for those from the Inazuma area, all the characters in the group came to watch the super match.

When Fang Ye and the three Jueyunjian immortals arrived.

Under Fang Ye's intentional control, the smart camera for the live event stayed on Jueyunjian Immortal for half a minute.

The seven stars in Liyue, headed by Ningguang, all greeted the three immortals.

The immortals in Jueyunjian were not as angry as the previous two days, and their attitude suddenly became friendly.

Live broadcast room audience of the Super Series.

Those with sharp eyes will notice that there is a corner of an illustrated book in a black shell peeking out from between the crane feathers of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng.

The barrage started with 6 hot discussions:

"Oh, immortals are quite fashionable too~"

"Nonsense, even the immortals cannot refuse this trend!"

"Indeed, who can resist Internet addiction? I played"Auto Chess" all night, and now I can watch the Super Series live broadcast seamlessly!"

"Brother upstairs, please take it easy, don't die suddenly!"

The three immortals, Xiyue, Lishan and Liuyun, found Mandrill and Grandma Ping.

Yanfei and Ganyu were also nearby.

This group of people was filled with immortality.

However, they saw Fang Ye walking towards Lei Movie.

Just now. The three Jueyunjian immortals who came back from the starry sky could not help but tremble.

"Hold the grass! Is this ruler here too?"

The immortals couldn't help but be shocked when they saw Fang Ye and Inazuma Lei Shen chatting happily and getting along harmoniously......

Mandrill's face was dull.

Yan Fei, Gan Yu and Grandma Ping looked at each other and smiled.

"General Thunder arrived in Liyue yesterday"

"It seems that the three immortals only got the illustrated book and an invitation to join the group chat."

"Therefore, it is impossible to know some secret information of the Elf Era."

Jueyunjian Immortal:???


Nani, is there a group chat?

Including Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, the mood suddenly became uncomfortable.

When others have it, I don’t have it.

When everyone else is in the group, I don’t join the group.

When others knew more about the highest-level intelligence and information first, I was still dumbfounded and shocked.

Isn't he a clown?

"We also want to join the group!"The Immortal from Jueyunjian said angrily.

At the same time... the first battle of the Super Tournament is over.

"The Mondstadt adventurer Duran was knocked down, and the Elf Spearow also lost the ability to fight."

"Contestant Yula wins!"

With the announcement of the smart referee, Yura put down her famous sword and heard the sound of Song Lai.

Her shining golden fire dinosaur stared with disdain at the Spearow that was scorched black by the fire.


The fire dinosaur turned back and roared at Yula.

(This opponent is too weak, find another one!)

Youla went up and patted the fire dinosaur's neck, muttering something else in her heart. Her flash fire dinosaur was already level 40, but it had no signs of evolving into a fire-breathing dragon.

It seems that the external pressure is not enough? boom!

The second battle.

Rotom is attached to the cannon barrel of the Ice Fatty, and the ice mist it sprays is actually even more ridiculous than the original version. Not only does it spread in a wider range, but the power of the freezing element is also stronger.

Yelan walked away quickly, and the water-colored rope in his hand wrapped around Fatty Bing.

She returned to where she was and clicked her fingers gently


The water element exploded.

The Rotom Ice Mist Cannon barrel was immediately aimed at Fatty Ice.

The next scene was very funny. The fool who is best at spraying ice mist from the barrel and freezing all the targets in front of him, Bing Fatty, actually Instead, he fell into a freezing reaction.

The corner of Ye Lan's mouth curled up, and he did not even try to break Freeze 5.0.

It was not until after five minutes of torture that the venue intelligence determined that the fool could not break free of the freezing reaction on his own, and then he belatedly announced:

"The fool Radomir has lost the ability to fight!"

"Player Ye Lan wins!"

It's worth mentioning that the Foolish Pokémon is a Vulpix. It's just a Vulpix in a normal form, with a normal fire attribute.

Seeing Yelan win.

Everyone in the group chat was not surprised.

Only Young Master Dadalia, her eyebrows twitched

"That Rotom"

"Even the elemental technological equipment of us fools can be possessed and transformed, Rotomized?"

The third battle.

When Zhongli, the guest of the Hall of Rebirth, came on stage.

His opponent was a mineral expert named Kunjun.

Fang Ye couldn't help showing a weird smile on the guest stage. Lei Movie caught a glimpse of his expression, A low voice said:

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, it was Morax and his old gay friend who collided head-on."

If he remembers correctly,

Kunjun is the incarnation of Ruoduo Dragon King's kindness and the real Ruotuo Dragon King.

This plot of old friends falling in love and killing each other makes the one-sided super match suddenly become interesting.

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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