Thunder movies have long since ceased to need the Heart of God.

She has developed a technique to combat wear and tear.

As for the Eightfold God Son.

She is a monster, not a demon.

The Heart of God is not a high-status thing that she can get her hands on.

So, exchange it for an ultimate beast.

Do you still need to consider it?

"good!!" Yae Shenzi agreed quickly.

Fang Ye smiled:"Then, there is an additional condition."

"Please cooperate with me in any future experiments that require you and your paper sword."

"What a question!"

In exchange for a Thundergod's Heart of God, Fang Ye feels that this is not a loss. The

Heart of God must be a super-god-level resource.

However, the imprint of Sky Island on it is too deep, and Fang Ye cannot keep it for himself.

No. Are there any more Fools?

Fools are rich and have a lot of resources.

They want to gather the hearts of gods and come up with some plan to fight against the laws of heaven.

Let’s exchange for many god-level resources!

Soon, Fang Ye followed From the breeding room, a strange Pokémon that looked like a paper man was brought out.

It was about the same height as Meltan. It was flat and flat, and a gust of wind could blow it away.

But... when this paper sword followed Fang Ye came up from behind... The three mortal rulers present, Ying, Wendy, and Zhongli , all noticed the strong dangerous aura of this light and small Pokémon!


Yae Shenzi is also a living demon.

Seeing Fang Ye leading Zhi Yujian in front of her, she swallowed hard, with some shock and panic in her eyes.

A small paper man shikigami.

Like a murderous weapon.

A sharp breath hit his face.

Just the breath seems to be able to cut the space.

A drop of cold sweat ran across Yae Shenzi's forehead. He used the illustrated book to scan and obtain information:

"Paper 320 Sword Riding (Ultimate Beast), Grass-type and Steel-type, Sword-drawing Pokémon

Level: Lv.99

Characteristics: Alien Beast Improvement

Skills: Holy Sword, Sword Dance, Leaf Blade, Flying Leaf Knife...

From paper The same thin body can feel as sharp as a sharpened blade, and can be transformed into a sharp sword that cuts through anything."


"Level 99!!"

"Too, too strong?" Yae Shenzi was stunned.

The sharp pressure.

Through the live broadcast footage, many viewers expressed exclamation punctuation.

Fang Ye was also secretly shocked by this"aura".

Sure enough, it was a familiar setting.

Every time An ultimate beast has just come to the material plane from the ultimate space.

It will have a unique aura on its body.

You know, in fact, Little Nebula also belongs to the ultimate beast, and the upwardly evolved Lunayara, The same goes for Solgaleo.

However, in the original work, they have been in the Pokémon world for a long time, and the aura of the ultimate beast has dissipated.

At this moment, the paper sword drawn by the Yae Shenzi is obviously the one the system uses. Heaven-reaching means.

He was just brought out from the ultimate space and forcibly contracted with the Eightfold Divine Son.

Fang Ye pointed at the fox and said:"From now on, this will be your trainer."

Suddenly, Zhi Yujian stopped. He looked up at Yae Shenzi.

It clearly had no eyes.

It was just a life folded out of a piece of paper.

However, both Yae Shenzi himself and the bystanders around him could feel it. Zhi Yushenzi could feel it.

The sword is carefully examining Yae Shenzi


More sweat poured out of Yae Shenzi's forehead.

Hold the grass!

Shadow treasure, save me!

Being stared at by a"mythical beast" is so dangerous!

After a long while, when Yae Shenzi's face became increasingly ugly, (cded) his whole body seemed to be frozen by ice, Zhi Yujian finally withdrew his sharp gaze.

He nodded slowly to the Eightfold Divine Son.

He seemed to be announcing arrogantly.

Resisted the erosion of my breath.

Now, you are barely qualified to be my trainer


As if he was being saved from drowning, Yae Kamiko took a deep breath.

This scene.

The three ruling gods who were watching were all thoughtful.

It seems.

For most people.

Directly draw a divine beast in its complete form.

You are very lucky indeed!

But problems also followed.

How do I get a mythical beast to recognize me as a trainer?

"The strong stay strong!"

Zhong Li narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

Fang Ye was also very happy of course. The Yae Shenzi was initially recognized by Zhi Yujian. You must know that the"contract" in his store cannot force Pokémon to recognize anyone.

"Paper sword."

He spoke out, looking eager to try.


"I need you to cooperate with me"

"Do a combat experiment!"

"Test the actual combat power of your ultimate beast clan!"

Zhi Yujian heard the words and turned his eyes to the Eightfold Divine Son. After seeing his trainer nodding, he also nodded to Fang Ye.


Fang Ye even put down the business in the store and glanced at everyone:

"If you don’t draw the Pokémon you like, you can continue to use the number of times to draw it."

"I'm going out now for an experimental battle"


"If you are interested, you can also come and watch."

Fang Ye brought Jirachi and Meloetta with him, and Cresselia followed with a illustrated book.


Inazuma's Elf House store had a strange shutdown on the first day of business. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fang Ye, the store manager, was just trying to catch fish.

The branch manager Xiaogong, who was appointed by Fang Ye, didn’t care much and rushed out excitedly with the crowd.

Within a few minutes, The streets of Hanamizaka formed a crowd of people only seen during festivals.

Countless Inazuma people enthusiastically flocked to the covered bridge with a wide view outside.

Outside Inazuma Castle.

Near the sea.

Within people's sight.

Around Fang Ye, There are many supernatural beasts floating in the air.

Yae Shenzi is still a little confused, and her whole person is numb and stunned. The paper sword is suspended beside her.

No matter how strong the wind blows on the sea, the paper-man-like body is still there. Stand still.

On a small island nearby, there are famous characters standing.

Ying, Zhongli, and Wendy are among them.

Wendy blows the sea breeze and covers her bard cuckold:

"Hey, the wind and waves in the Inazuma sea area are particularly violent today~"

He finished his words.


A huge sea beast suddenly broke out of the water.

As soon as it appeared, there was lightning and thunder in the offshore area of ​​Inazuma City. , it rained heavily.

Moreover, this sea beast lightly flapped its white wings and flew away from the sea

"Yo, Lugia"

"It seems that you are living quite comfortably outside."

Fang Ye smiled and hugged the beast head that Lugia had plunged into his arms.

He happily stared at Lugia's growing body.

The once frail baby Poseidon was now three or four meters long.

Click to open Illustrated book.

The level has quietly increased to Lv.50!

Fang Ye nodded secretly.

Thumbs up for his free-range decision.

There are also many sea beasts and monsters in the ocean of Teyvat.

Release Lugia and let it go on its own. Foraging for food and becoming stronger is far better than being a canary by his side.

The scene where Lugia put his head into Fang Ye's arms amidst the lightning and thunder made the people of Daozu stunned.

Even the two live broadcast rooms.

I was shocked for a while, and then I posted a question mark on the blockbuster

"Damn, brothers are so cute! Don't tell me that nightclub manager Fang has another mythical beast!"

"This mythical beast is so beautiful, woo woo woo……"

"Isn’t this too awesome? There were lightning and thunder and huge waves. I am sure that the authority and domain of this mythical beast are related to the ocean!"

"Quick, right now! I want to see this post"Detailed Analysis of Fang Nightclub Manager's Fourth Divine Beast" on the Elf Era official website forum.》!"


Except for Zhongli who knew its origin, no one else even knew when Fang Ye conquered it. certainly.

Today’s highlight!

Fang Ye wasn't here to show off Lugia, but to test the ultimate beast's specific combat power!

"Lugia."Fang Ye patted the animal head in his arms and whispered.

"You are the first one to appear and fight like a mythical beast."

"Use power and divine authority, you know?"

Lugia nodded.


It flapped its wings and flew out.

At the same time, the paper sword also took a few steps forward in the air.

"Gulu~" Yae Shenzi couldn't help but feel palpitations.

On the one hand, it was Lugia on the opposite side, completely releasing his divine power and full of oppression.

On the other hand, she heard Fang Ye's instructions to Lugia.

Fighting like a divine beast?

Power and divine handle??

Just as Yae Shenzi was unfolding his imagination.


Lugia raised his head and flapped his wings.


A blue tsunami that he had never seen before was reflected in the In the eyes of Yae Shenzi


Dark clouds that are so dense that they cannot be dispersed cover the entire Inazuma Sea area, and the six islands are all covered by dark clouds.

It is said that if Lugia flaps its wings, it will trigger a storm that lasts for 40 days.

This kind of illustrated data The divine power described above is actually manifested in a young Lugia at this moment. Cresselia, who controls the live broadcast camera, uses super powers to move the camera instantly and fly very high. A high-altitude shot, the same as an aerial shot. Then, the tsunami in the sea below appeared on the broadcast screen. Countless viewers were shocked, with horror on their faces. Terrifying words subconsciously popped up in their minds to describe the current scene. Destroy the world! God is as powerful as hell!


Narukami Island, the guarded forest.

There is a tribe of raccoon demons living here.

There is also a big raccoon demon named Wubaizo who is sealed here.

When Lugia flaps its wings and calls for a tsunami.

The huge stone statue of the raccoon demon"clicked", and the frightened murmur of Wubaizo could be heard:

"It's over! It's over!"

"Which evil spirit did Da Wife provoke?"


One of the six islands of Inazuma.

Haiji Island.

It is also the home of the sea people who believe in Orobas.

Coral Palace witnessed the sudden hurricanes, heavy rains and lightning from the outside world.

Xinhai and Wulang, who were discussing matters in the palace gate square, looked at the Eye of the Storm Vortex and were suddenly stunned.

Kaiji Island is located on the westernmost side of Inazuma Sea.

Narukami Island is on the northeasternmost side.

I don’t know how many sea miles separate us.

Surprisingly, you can still clearly see the rising tsunami and huge waves!


Xinhai and Wulang looked at each other in shock.

How high is this huge wave? If it is smashed like this, the entire Narukami Island will be overturned, swallowed, and blown to pieces, right?

(PS: Please give me monthly passes, flowers and full reservations!).

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