Ah Zhi, the leader of the medical team next door, saw Brother Kaizi waking up and was about to go up to question the patient. She was mentally building up.

But he didn't expect Kaiya's mood to change so quickly.

Azhi was a little stunned.

Are all these famous characters so stubborn?

Are you even more excited when the flames of war are burning on your own people? Weird G-spot

"hiss——" but.

Ah Zhi glanced at the broadcast screen.

Sudden sharp intake of breath.

The referee blows the whistle.

Noelle threw the Poké Ball, and a huge Pokémon suddenly emerged!

It takes up the entire camera frame!

"Come out——"

"Big rock snake!"


The entire arena was filled with smoke and dust.

When the smoke dispersed, everyone was shocked to see the giant ancient rock snake that almost filled the space!

The body length was more than ten or twenty meters.

The cross-section of its body was also Four to five meters wide.

Ainol, the maid of the Knights, stands on the head of the big rock snake.

The maid's voice is thin, but it is different from the awe and sassiness of the Knights when they work.

"Big rock snake!"


Under everyone's shocked gaze, the giant rock snake's huge tail slapped the ground heavily. This time, it used its own power to create a thick and roaring sandstorm.


Inside the venue.

A sandstorm spread."Seven Zero Zero" and even quicksand hit the protective film of the auditorium fiercely.

AOE covering the entire field.

One can imagine.

How bitter Amber is as an opponent

"Pooh! Pooh!"

She couldn't open her eyes, and her mouth seemed to be filled with sand!

Amber felt like the sand hitting her face was like a sharp sword.

She couldn't hear other sounds, only the sound of sandstorms like howling ghosts and wolves.

"Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird——"

Amber tried her best to shout to the Pokémon who was also resisting the wind and sand:

"Cotton defense!!"

The Tanabata Blue Bird, which is already the final evolved form, landed on the ground.


No complicated command required.

As Amber's initial elf, he went from a little green sheep bird to the final evolved form that transformed like a swan.

Being of dragon type + walking type, it immediately knew what Amber meant.

Suddenly it swooped down.

The fluffy feathers of the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird are like two big balls of cotton.

The wings close together!

Amber was easily protected in the cotton wings, and its own bird's head and claws were also retracted inside.

When the sandstorm dissipates.

Everyone stared.

I was surprised to find that there was a pure white fortress on the sand dune!

Stay still!

"It’s our attack round, Tanabata Blue Bird——"

Amber suddenly emerged from the cotton fortress with a head wearing a rabbit ear headdress.

This scene.

It has an inexplicable and subtle sense of humor.

But the audience only felt excited.

Contestant Amber and her Tanabata Blue Bird are almost unaffected by sandstorms! Amazing!

"Use Dragon Wave!"


Qixi Bluebird responded to Amber with a high, loud and beautiful song.

Then, he opened his mouth and spat out.

The circle of dragon's breath crashed onto the big rock snake.

Its large size can easily control the field.

But there is also a disadvantage.

Then The target was too big and the speed was not fast, so it was almost impossible to dodge any attack.

The big rock snake took a dragon wave forcefully.

Then, it just shook its head.

Its eyes looked down at the Tanabata Blue Bird on the opposite side with contempt.


(This is Gua Sha!)


The Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird was annoyed and cried loudly.

Fang Ye explained with emotion at the right time:

"Although the Qixi Blue Bird is the final evolution of the dragon type + flying type"

"Has noble dragon attributes"

"But Big Rock Snake's own rock element and ground element will not take any restraint from you."

The Big Rock Snake is the representative elf of high-defense tanks.

But Amber has a natural ancient giant template, and its attributes and racial values ​​are much higher than the ordinary Big Rock Snake.

And you know, the Big Rock Snake Snake has developed a new evolutionary type of big steel snake!

It's a tough one. In terms of defense, it can defeat all invincible opponents below the mythical beast.

Guest seat.

Everyone also saw the next situation.

An Kashiwa, Kaia, and Noelle are all the same, with only one Pokémon.

And against a heavy tank like the Giant Rock Snake, if there are no restrained Water, Grass, or Fighting types, it will be impossible to fight against the Giant Rock Snake. Effectively breaking defenses!

You scratch someone, and they throw a few rocks at them.

If you hit one, the little crispy Tanabata Blue Bird will lose its blood.

However, Tanabata Blue Bird can fly, one of the classic flying mount Pokémon.

Amber flew very high on it, leaving Noelle and Big Rock Snake far away on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the scene became awkward!

One was flying in the air, and the other was throwing rocks and cannonballs on the ground.

It became an obstacle. A game of evasion and anti-aircraft shooting.

Fang Ye:"……" audience:"???"


Could it be that we watched a fake super match?

Shouldn't this kind of funny and delicious collection be the"MasterChef Competition" between Liyue Arena's regular season players?

The Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird is smart enough.

The Big Rock Snake is also unable to throw out the dense rain of anti-aircraft shells.

Seeing that this battle is about to reach a stalemate. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The shrill laughter came from a ball of stuffed animals.

It suddenly fell from the sky.

Moreover, it still hit Noelle’s position accurately.

"Fixed-point airdrop!"

"Count Rabbit!"

Hold the grass!

Almost all the guests, Mond and Liyue characters, stood up.

This is Amber's explosive doll. It's called Earl Rabbit.


It's being used by Amber as a flying and throwing explosive.

The key is!

Rabbit Count Rabbit is set to explode with a delay, and Amber can also shoot arrows to make the doll explode at any time.

So when Count Rabbit fell straight down near Noelle's head.

Chih-- a rocket shot at Count Rabbit.


The sparks of the explosion filled the air.

The big rock snake shook its head in pain.

Everyone, including Fang Ye.

They all went to see Noelle who was blasted by Count Rabbit.

When he saw a faint halo of rock elemental shield on Noelle's body.

Fang Ye explained with a smile:


"Noelle is both a serving maid and a resolute knight."

"This is her fighting talent, the Heart Armor!"

Let's switch to an opponent without a shield.

I was really confused by the aerial bombing tactics that Amber showed for the first time.

Even in the original game.

Ainol's E shield + ultimate move Windmill, It belongs to the fleshy and violent aesthetics.

It is completely opposite to her soft and slender character!

Suddenly, a terrible idea came to Fang Ye's mind:

In the game, Noelle's E skill can hold up the shield, and can Additional healing effect.

But Noel needs to hit the target...

If Noel's"healing" behind the shield can be effective on Pokémon... and then use the elemental burst ultimate move……


"In this way, wouldn't Noelle and her future big rock snakes or big steel snakes be able to nurse and heal themselves, becoming a pet and a chariot?!"

At this time, the big rock snake's rock cannonball finally hit the target once......

Hit the Tanabata bluebird in the sky.

Knockdown: Throw stones at flying opponents. The target will be knocked down and fall to the ground.

This is a forced knockdown technique.

Amber unfolded her hang glider, but her Tanabata Blue Bird couldn't control it and fell down.

Noelle shouted angrily:

"Big rock snake, iron tail!"

Pa— like a baseball bat, it hit the free-falling baseball hard.

The venue was shaken violently!

The Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird flew out and hit the isolation protective film at the edge of the venue, and then slipped softly and fell to the ground. He fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Seeing this, Amber, who was still gliding with wind wings in the air, simply raised his hands and said:

"I give in!"

She landed on the ground and put away the wings of wind, and quickly took the seriously injured Tanabata Blue Bird back into the Poké Ball.

Then she hurriedly congratulated Noelle.

Then she hurriedly went to the medical team to treat the Tanabata Blue Bird.

The referee blew the whistle and announced:

"Noelle, win!"

When Noel's victory portrait appeared on the big screen above the arena, the scene and the live broadcast room were filled with excitement!

"Ah ah ah ah ah~"

"Wonderful! Ups and downs, twists and turns!"

"Damn it, when Qixi Bluebird's dragon-type skills were just for scraping the big rock snake, I thought it would be over soon. Who knew that Amber player also had a new tactic hidden?……"

"Look, from now on, he will no longer be a flying champion, he should be called a flying bombardier!"

"Flying Pokémon + Throwing Rabbit Count, a genius strategy!"

"It is indeed a super competition. I thought it was a dinner party and the Master of Cooking competition. It turns out that I am young. Every super competition player must have a trump card.……"

If we say that the team of Ning Guang and Kaiya is a thrilling battle between life and death with one move and one move at a time.


Noelle and Amber's team.

It's a tug-of-war that goes back and forth.

Fang Ye also sighed:

"I can’t say anything more after the war review."

"In fact, Amber's Tanabata Blue Bird cannot beat the Big Rock Snake, but Amber's Big Rock Snake is extraordinary."

"Look at this big rock snake, its shape, length and weight"

"It can no longer be explained by simply using cultivated 1.2!"

Liu Su, the real commentator who had almost completely transformed into a host, took advantage of every opportunity and said loudly in a passionate voice:

"We are very grateful to the two players for giving us a wonderful tug-of-war. We also hope that Amber will not be discouraged. From today on, her name as a flying bombardier will be resounding throughout the Teyvat continent!"

Liu Su took the lead in applauding, and the audience burst into applause.

The guest seats,

Mond, Liyue, and the Dao Wife staff looked at Noelle who came back weakly.

There were no water, grass, or fighting elf characters.

I felt a little guilty in my heart.

Without restraint of damage, it would be impossible to break through the defense and deal with the big rock snake.

Then, the trainer himself is also a little pervert, he can support shields, and he has suspected unshown treatment methods.……


Yae Kamiko said with a smile:"I always feel that player Noelle can break into the top 16 or top 8.""

Lei Movie:"Now she is a member of the top 25 list."

The two of them did not hide their voices.

Noelle, who had just sat down, was flattered and stood up to give them the maid salute:

"Noelle’s goal is to break into the top ten!"

Top ten...

Everyone in Mondstadt has an encouraging smile.

But in their hearts,

Qin, Yora, and Diluc are all good.

They are not optimistic that Noelle, who has only one Pokémon, will be among the top 25 in the next round. You can still win in the knockout round..

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