The gleaming scales on the body of the Rod-tailed Ankylosaurus made a resonant and harsh noise. even.

In an instant, sound waves visible to the naked eye were formed!

Scale noise: Rub the scales on the body and make a loud sound to attack, but then the defense will decrease to a certain extent.

This is the staff-tailed scale armored dragon, a quasi-god’s exclusive skill!

Diluc had already realized the danger when he saw the light of evolution and retreated quickly.

But the range of sonic skills is wide and difficult to prevent...


Keli is taking out bombs one after another, like an infinite amount of bombs.

These bouncy bombs will bounce.

It will also split into booby traps.

As a result, the audience was stunned, looking at the bombs all over the place. Keli actually created an explosive terrain that was infinitely tilted towards her.

"with full force!"

"All of them can be blown up!"

Hundreds of bouncing bombs covered the ground, and countless booby traps.

Now there are drones firing explosive sparks in mid-air. The

Roentgen cat, who had just been commanded by Diluc, used lightning flash to make a desperate attack.

Just in time. Colliding into the range of Keli's elemental explosion.

Fang Ye explained with a strange expression:


"it's over!"

As soon as the main force Roentgen Cat fell, it became a one-sided attack by Keli + the two-headed tyrannosaurus + the staff-tailed armored dragon.

Even though the two-headed tyrannosaurus is not in a quasi-god form, the level is there, a level 50 evil Type + type skills can disgust Diluc to death.

Grandpa Diluc, who could fight Overlord-level Pokémon, finally fell!

He lost to Keli, who was also able to fight Overlord-type, and her two Bully Dragon-types.

"Let me briefly explain the main theme of this battle……"

Fang Ye's voice came out in the dead silence. He was holding back his laughter.

"Compare the previous two games"

"This is simply a duel of firepower!"

"Whoever has more firepower and can suppress him or her wins!"

The audience is stupid.

Most of them are members of Inazuma.

This... 760 red little loli... actually took out so many terrible explosives? Her backpack can really hold so many A bomb?

Lolita, violence, beating!

It even gave the audience a sense of déjà vu that Diluc’s grandpa had lost unjustly.

Yae Kamiko, Kamisato’s brother and sister, and the group from Umiji Island looked at each other in shock.

They were all a little surprised and surprised. Shocked.

Next to it, from the Mondstadt personnel area, Lisa’s seductive laughter came from:

"After all"

"It is our strongest combat power in Mondstadt"

"Grandpa Diluc is doing well this time."

Mondstadt's strongest combat power?

Yora raised her eyebrows, but she didn't say anything.

In the eyes of the people of Mondstadt, she has the blood of a sinner, so the knights do not promote her combat power.

Yora also knows this. She will never show off anything.

Of course, Keli is extremely strong, Yora admits this.

And this super match is an opportunity for her to prove herself outside the people of Mondstadt.

Let’s see, who is Mondstadt? The true strongest combat power of Germany!


Medical room.

Kaia stood up with a smile and hugged Diluc who came for treatment.

He opened his mouth with one sentence and took the lead in blocking Diluc with evil intentions:

"Down and out, family?"

Diluc's eyebrows twitched fiercely.


A direct warning with dead eyes.

He could be angry with Kaia, his adopted brother, but he didn't dare to beep at Club Manager Fang who invented this joke in the group chat.

Amber said Curiously asked:"Grandpa Diluc, where is your second elf? Why haven't you seen it released?

Diluc:"I just adopted him last week. He hasn't been raised to a high level yet. I just gave him away after he was released.""


The Keli opposite is a level 50 two-headed tyrannosaurus and a level 46 staff-tailed ankylosaurus.

There are also bouncing bombs to control the field!

The babies below level 30 are released to deliver food.

Dr. Azhi explained to Di Luke bandaged the wound.

The explosion injuries on his body were also quite serious.

When cleaning the wound,

Diluc was in pain and gasping.


"Is it necessary to take out all the bouncing bombs? Diluc muttered to himself depressedly.

Brother Kaizi let out a mean laugh and said:

"Looking at it now, Keli’s bouncing bombs + booming sparks can create an explosive environment terrain with no blind spots."

"This is Keli's exclusive skill~"

Exclusive skill...

This word gave Diluc some PTSD.

Knock the hell out!

The noise of the scales of the quasi-magic staff-tailed armored dragon directly let him break his defense..

He would rather face the siege of more than a dozen Abyss Mages and multiple Abyss Chanters.

He doesn't want to take a noise to break the defense.

Fortunately, the Staff Tail Scale Armored Dragon has not yet reached the high-level elite (60~69).

Close to those Overlord Elf.

Otherwise, if his strength is equal to his, this quasi-god exclusive skill is enough to instantly make him, a trainer of the Eye of God, lose his combat effectiveness! His ears still have the sequelae of"buzzing" tinnitus.

Dr. Azhi gave Diluc a drink After a tube of special medicine, he felt his symptoms improved.

"The Super Series is really dangerous!"


It's the break time of the morning competition.

Through the backstage camera, I saw that the pain in Diluc's eyebrows was relieved after Grandpa Diluc drank the special medicine.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but comment again:

"It seems that even the favored ones of God's Eye can't be beaten as much as Pokémon of the same level."

"nonsense!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"For example, the exclusive skill Scale Noise just now can be eaten by a Pokémon two or three times before the health bar is exhausted and it falls seriously injured."

"If you ask a superior overlord of the same level as Grandpa Diluc to use scale noise to attack a few times, Grandpa Diluc will probably not be seriously injured, but will not be able to be saved!"

Tyvat Cheers Station APP's hot search topic.

The top 50 Super Tournament begins excitingly!

Humans are weak, and Pokémon are more resistant to beatings! It is difficult to really kill them!

The Super Tournament reveals the wars and conflicts that will occur in the elf era in the future The cruelty!

Highlights of the three matchups in the morning on the first day of the top 50 competition!

1 hour later.

The break ended.

The screen showed the schedule for the first game in the afternoon on time:

Wanmin Baiwei Xiangling!


Harmless Sweetness Sugar!

Mondstadt personnel area.

Sugarchi (cdcf) said doubtfully:"Can I abandon the game?"

"Once you enter the top 50, you will be eligible to go to the Xicui area. I am already satisfied."

Albedo shook his head:

"We’ve come this far, let’s go on stage."

Sugar is an autistic alchemist, has social phobia, is easily shy and blushes, and is more prone to stage fright than Noel of the Knights.


I saw Sugar coming on stage with a timid face.

When some spectators burst out shouting, she was like a frightened deer, and her body trembled violently.

Everyone in Mondstadt was speechless.

Qin:"Actually, Sugar... That's it, right?"

Lisa:"Oh, this witch is not a fighting talent. I feel like I will suffer the bitter consequences of defeat soon."

Hearing this, many characters who knew Lisa's violent aesthetic turned away.

Xiangling is the energetic and lively type.

Sugar is shy and can't let go.

There were not many surprises at the beginning of the duel.

What's more!

Xiangling is the group chat member. Among them, there are only a few members with 3 Pokémon.

Moreover, each Pokémon is highly cultivated!

"Level 51 Burning Worm"

"Level 47 Flying Mantis"

"Level 50 Burning Centipede!"

Xiang Ling's third Pokémon made its debut.

A giant centipede 3 or 4 inches long!

It was red all over, with four burning flame tentacles on its head and tail.

It obviously had high temperature stored in its body, so it came out of the Pokémon ball. , the surrounding air was roasted to the point of being slightly distorted.

"Hey, it's a flaming centipede, a very rare Pokémon, comparable to the Yusan Family!"

Fang Ye didn't expect that the third trump card Xiangling finally released would be this.

"Even if the Burning Centipede doesn't release any skills and just stands there, its body temperature will be about 800 degrees when it generates heat.……"

"So don’t try to engage in contact combat. At this high temperature, except for trainers of the Fire God’s Eye, ordinary people will carbonize at the touch of it!"

His explanation immediately aroused a cry of shock.


It's 800 degrees high temperature without using skills?

You don't even need to use skills, just wrap the target with your hot body, it's easy and effortless!

Xiangling laughed, all At this time, there was no need to hide her tricks. She uploaded the information about the burning centipede to the group chat interface:

"Burning Centipede, fire and insect type, fever Pokémon. Level

: Lv.50.

Characteristics: White Smoke.

Hidden Characteristics: Body of Flame.

Skills: Crush, Beat, Coil, Insect Bite, Flame Vortex.……"

Fang Ye continued to explain the power of the burning centipede.

"Although the Burning Centipede does not have a mega evolution"

"But there is Gigantamax in the Galar region……"

"The Gigantamaxed Burning Flame Centipede is simply a thousand-legged centipede fire dragon, possessing the exclusive Gigantamaxing skill of Super Giant Hundred Fires Burning the Wild!"


Xiang Ling, the trainer, heard the information about Gigantamax revealed by Fang Ye.

He couldn't help clenching his fists, swallowing his saliva in excitement and shouting:

"After becoming super giant, it will turn intoCentipede dragon form? It wasn't just ten or twenty meters long in an instant!!"


Everyone in the Dao Wife felt something was wrong.

On the field, there was a burning flaming centipede mantis.

Why was there a"Pokémon" standing next to Xiangling?

Lei Qianqian glanced away, paused slightly, and if Thoughtful:

"Is the devil reincarnated?"

Her eyes then fell on Aru who was accompanying her.

Aru has been very excited since arriving in Liyue.

This is the only direct descendant of the Ancient Crane Island Civilization. On his shoulders, there is another small purple bird reincarnated by the devil..After the war started, the noisy discussion of the audience made everyone in Inazuma suddenly realize

"So that Pokémon is called Guoba?"

"No, no, that's not a Pokémon at all~"

On the field.

Xiangling also used actions to prove that Guo Bajun is not a Pokémon.

"Guoba attacks!"

"Crispy rice——"

"Breathing fire——"

"The pot is on! The pot is on!"

The trainer himself also uses the invincible Fire Spinner.

Plus Burning Bug + Pyropod, the skills of these two insect and fire Pokémon.

There is also the Flying Mantis coveting in the sky!

There is only one Pokémon. Sugar, I almost cried.

"It’s so bullying!"

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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