"When this divine song started playing, my blood was boiling!"

"Tears, tears of excitement fell on the keyboard……"

"I swear! I also want to become a great trainer and set foot on many unknown lands!"

"Fang Ye Club Manager, please open the access to the Xicui area to ordinary people in Teyvat as soon as possible! I feel the pull of fate, right in the Xicui area, where I will become king!"

The personal live broadcast rooms of many players and famous characters were also filled with barrage.

Then, Fang Ye stood by the time and space portal, smiling as he watched the famous players line up and file in.

Traveler Ying's live broadcast room.

Because Winning the championship.

Yingying’s popularity far surpassed that of everyone, and her data even far surpassed that of Dadalia, who is currently the number one brother in Teyvat Cheers.

On Yingying’s live broadcast screen, after she stepped through the time and space portal, a vast world appeared in her field of vision.

Birds are singing, flowers are fragrant, and vegetation is luxuriant.

In the distance, a huge snow-capped mountain range lies in the center of the area. The top of the mountain is surrounded by clouds and mist that linger all year round. It looks very much like the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain in Teyvat.


Ying turned her head and looked around, and found that the contestants behind and in front of her had disappeared.

At this time, next to her, there was only the excited little Paimon.

Ying was holding the selfie stick for fixing the illustrated equipment in her hand, and her mind suddenly It echoed the previous exploration announcement of the secret realm.

There was a sentence above:

When you step into the secret realm door, the location you appear is random every time.

So, everyone else was randomly teleported to different locations?

When Ying thought of this, his face Some vigilance appeared on the screen, and he whispered to the illustrated book that was broadcasting live:

"This is nature in an unfamiliar area."

23"We may break into the territory of unknown overlords and boss Pokémon at any time."

"Therefore, when you explore in the wild, you must release all Pokémon……"

"There is a difference between the wild and the safe zone, an attack can happen at any time and you can be dead in a second! The response time is short!"

"Well-trained elves have a far better sense of danger than us humans!"

Said, Ying released the Skin God, Flower Rock Monster, and Bricalon.

Except for the very ugly Bloodwing Wyvern.

The final form of the grass-type Pokémon Bricalon is in front. , overcame thorns and thorns, and opened up a path in the dense virgin forest.

Its human shield constitution is very durable, and it is not afraid of poisonous insects. The flower rock monster returns to the state of"keystone", holding it in its hand, it can make this stone at any time. A ghost Pokémon came out to attack the enemy.

As for the Hat God, his little face was full of vigilance. He ran a few steps in front, then stopped and looked left and right.

In the forest, he traveled about a hundred meters.

A certain group of bushes suddenly"Swiss" shook, and a rabbit-like Pokémon emerged.

It looked like a brown rabbit plush toy, with cream-colored fluffy fur on its feet and body.

"Curly ears?"

Yingmei was stunned, and then she whispered to the audience in the picture book live broadcast room:

"It’s not hard to see this in the forests of Liyue Ecological Zone."

"did you see it?"

"Its ears have stood up, indicating that this curly ear is aware of danger... This is an attack posture!"

"A curly ear is nothing, but in the wild, you have to consider whether knocking down this curly ear will attract its parents, grandparents, three aunts and six aunts.……"

Ying said, glancing at the live broadcast screen.

Being too popular is not a good thing. There are so many barrages and they scroll so fast that it is difficult for her to see clearly the content of the barrage text.

However, some rich people have thought of a way to make the"barrage" more visible by paying them.

【Have you become a big fan today? Feed the anchor 10 boxes of advanced energy cubes]

A barrage of money-making SC displays:

Champion, champion, can you explain the evolution of the curly ears? I'm Rabbit Chef!

Ying is no longer a novice anchor. After she started live broadcasting, she was nicknamed"Master Ying" by people in the anchor circle of Ganbei Station because of her ridiculous luck. She could pick up treasures wherever she went.

A box of advanced energy cubes is equal to the price of the elf store.

100,000 Mora coins!

If you reward ten boxes, it will be worth one million Mora coins!

Paimon flew back and caught a glimpse of this SC barrage, and his eyes suddenly turned into the shape of gold coins:

"The popularity has increased, and there are many big brothers on the list!"

Ying pushed little Paimon away with a slap, and her delicate face twitched.

What is the big brother?

SheThe champion of the super competition, a super anchor with both skills and good looks, isn't he a coquettish bitch who rose to the top by showing off?

"The evolutionary form of curly ears is the long-eared rabbit"

"Jackrabbits are rare in Liyue Ecological Zone and I have only seen them twice.……"

"Let me give you rabbit chefs a piece of advice. The long-eared rabbit's deadly long legs are particularly powerful, and the skills on its feet are like those of a martial arts master. If you were an ordinary person, one kick would kill you immediately."

Ying answered the barrage calmly and calmly.

The tone was calm and the conversation was skillful.

He has the qualifications of this year's champion.

Ying is not short of money now, think about it. Thinking about it, she took out a box of high-end energy cubes and poured out a few pills.

This was the grassy/light flavor that Bricalon liked to eat. Maybe it also matched the taste of Curly Ears?

She squatted down and put down the energy cubes..

He looked deeply at Juan Juan's ears, whose ears were gradually relaxing. He changed directions with Paimon and continued to explore the forest aimlessly. After walking dozens of steps, Ying never forgot to look back and record the wild Juan Juan with his illustrated lens. The scene of the curling ears eating the energy cubes she fed them.

The curling ears ate until they let out a cry of excitement and satisfaction.

Then, a whole nest of curling ears emerged from the surrounding bushes and came out to interact with the curling ears. After seeing this,

Ying and Paimon looked at each other and smiled.

Gradually, a group of small lakes appeared in front of them.

Ying took pictures and recorded them, and attached information about the surrounding Pokémon habitat groups and uploaded them. to the group chat file sharing library

"Generally speaking"

"There is a saying for wilderness exploration." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't enter the forest, don't cross the water"

"Everyone can guess what kind of violent and large Pokémon may exist in such a water system, right?"

Although Ying didn't mention Gyarados directly, she mentioned it every word.

She was walking ten meters away from the lakeside, but suddenly kicked a red scale.

Huh? Is there something in the lush weeds? Is there something in the lush weeds?

I was in a hurry to pick it up, but I held a selfie stick and a picture book lens to take a long close-up of the red scales on the ground.

The barrage instantly exploded:

"The palm grass emits a red light like fire. You can tell it is a good thing at a glance!"

"Could it be some kind of evolutionary treasure?"

"What nonsense!"

"As expected of you, please play your role normally. Walking to pick up treasures is a basic skill. Please don’t sit down together!"

Ying's illustrated book was scanned up, but the information could not be retrieved.


This is an item that has not yet been included in the Teyvat trainer's illustrated book.

Seeing Ying nodded.

Paimon could not hold back for a long time, cheering and pounced down, taking this piece Red scales raised high:

"Hehehe, the secret world really made a fortune!"

"Ying, could this be another evolutionary treasure that is very similar to beautiful scales?"

"You know, the beautiful scale we picked up last time was sold to the Second Young Master Xingqiu and earned a full 100 million molas!"

Not only did little Paimon brag about the value of beautiful scales during live broadcasts, but the people of Liyue Port also know how Xingqiu's Minas evolved.

Minas is beautiful, right? Elegant, right?

Bought for 100 million Mora! Don't daydream, poor guy!

Of course, little Paimon was showing off on purpose.

She had no scruples before.

Now she has won the Super Series championship and has thick thighs to hug her. Paimon was even more twittering when he boasted and showed off.

This wave of hatred value, successfully maxed out, raised the blood pressure of the audience!

Countless people were sour and jealous after watching it.

"Damn it!"

"I can't be the only one who is upset, I want to make the whole network of Teyvat elves emo!!"


Countless viewers switched to other forums and sections to spread the news about Yingying getting red scales.

Some people also flocked to their neighbor's live broadcast room and started a barrage:

"The screen champion next door has obtained an evolutionary treasure, anchor, are you still hanging around?"

"The champion player next door has already made a fortune, anchor, you are actually being chased so embarrassingly by a boss Pokémon?"

"Look at other people's champions, aren't you ashamed? You're doing the business of making money, picking up treasures, and taming rare Pokémon!!"

Dadalia was very unlucky and was teleported to an ice field.

He didn't know that he was on a pure white tundra map. He only felt that this area was full of danger.

That's right!

Dadalia was killed by the boss just after entering the secret realm. The miserable man that the Pokémon was chasing hid in an ice cave and underground room.

That strange Pokémon, wearing a kimono and floating in the air like an ice ghost and ghost, did not chase him.

Dadali After Ya gasped for breath, he was about to have a heart-to-heart talk with the barrage in the live broadcast room to vent his frustration.

Who knows, after watching the barrage, he almost couldn't catch his breath.



Am I walking around?

I'm being chased. Embarrassed?

I didn't do anything serious?

Come and do something serious for me and die immediately!

Dadalia rolled her eyes fiercely:

"The first time I saw that ice ghost in kimono"

"The big world is indeed a big world"

"There are far more types of Pokémon than there are ecological zones!"

He uploaded the picture to the group chat Fang Ye, and then, taking advantage of Fang Ye's lack of reply, he cut to the live broadcast room of the champion to see the situation. At this look, Dadalia was almost not caught by the flames on the screen. Those scales were so irritating that the titanium alloy dog ​​went blind!

"Are you playing with me?"

Dadalia's mentality immediately collapsed.

There are treasures to pick up near the location that others randomly teleported.

Why is there only the ice evil spirit chasing people at my location?


A barrage in red and bold, showing The person who sent the barrage was Club Manager Fang Ye (the founder of the era).

Dadalia was so acidic that the walls of her plasmolysis separated and she could hardly breathe!

Fang Ye: It’s called Red Scale, and it is also shed from a powerful water Pokémon. Coming down... To be precise, there should be a red Gyarados in the lake in front of you, and this scale is derived from it.

Red Gyarados!

(PS: Please give me monthly passes, flowers and full subscriptions!).

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