The middle part of the cave.

The group of people from Haigijima curiously followed the overlord Slug Beast for about ten minutes.

Ahead, the field of vision suddenly opened up, revealing a larger ruins space! in the dark.

The overlord Slowpoke used his superpower to carefully hold up the still steaming mushrooms and stew the soup.

Walking towards the huge shadow lying on the ruins


The giant beast stood up.

It is twice as big as the Slug Beast, with a body size of 3 meters.

When everyone shines their flashlights.

A group of people in Haiji Island were shocked.

In the live broadcast room, many viewers were also confused.

This is... the second Slowpoke?


The big-tongued shell that had bitten and lodged on the Slut's body was no longer on its tail or left hand. Instead, it had covered the entire head of the"Slut".

Moreover, the shells on the top of the head are scattered with a number of purple spots.

It's like a shell crown, worn on the head of"Slowshell Beast"!


When this"slow-shell beast" woke up after hearing the noise, his eyes opened, sharp and wise, not even the slightest bit foolish.

"Ah this……"

Immediately afterwards, I saw Slowshell, in the standard dog-licking posture, as if offering a treasure, serving a pot of newly prepared Gigantamax mushroom soup in front of the crowned beast.

The crown beast just glanced at the mushroom soup.

Immediately, he used mysterious spells to communicate with the overlord Slowpoke.

Listen to the tone.

It's like the queen scolding her face


Overlord 23 Slowpoke seems to understand something, but not yet.

Xinhai took advantage of the opportunity and desperately called Fang Ye on the group chat interface:

Store manager... what kind of Pokémon is this? It seems to be stronger than Overlord! cry(╥╯^╰╥)

The group members are also enjoying themselves.

Ying: Noelle, it's a bit like your giant rock snake.

Noelle: Hey, really? But the nightclub manager Fang said that this is a template for modern expansion.

Yura: Dynamax and Gigantamax, what’s the difference?

Fang Ye finished eating the fruit in Yae Shenzi's hand and was too lazy to type. After swallowing what was in his mouth, he cleared his throat and explained via voice message:

"Let’s talk about this silly beast wearing a crown first."

"Its serious name is King Slow!"

"Slowpoke and Slowking are both evolved forms of Slowpoke, but they have different forms, just like Eevee's evolutionary path"

"In terms of racial values ​​and attributes, there is no difference between Slowpoke and Slowking!"

"However, if a trainer is pursuing good looks and doesn’t want to raise a Pokémon that is stupid and dazed all day long, then Slow King’s route and form are very good.……"

It turns out that this mysterious underground tyrant is a Slow King?

Xinhai clicked on Ye's voice message above the group chat interface.

A long list.

Everyone on Kaiji Island, including the soldiers of Swordfish First Division and Swordfish Second Division who were neatly lined up behind them, all pricked up their ears to listen. at the same time.

Jirachi, who is focusing on this place and controls the official live broadcast lens of Zhibi Mountain, is also hidden in the air.

Therefore, when Fang Ye's voice message was played, the people in the official live broadcast room also heard it clearly.

"Damn it, it’s up to the director of Nightclub Fang to take action!"

"Manager Fang Ye, I will always be a god. You are the omniscient and omnipotent God!"

"Can you still lick like this? Almighty and omniscient God? ? Shocked!"

"We are all the beneficiaries of the elf era. It is not an exaggeration to say that our destiny has been changed. What's wrong with licking it?"

"That's right, if the owner of Fang Night Club hadn't banned the establishment of temples and incense worship, I estimate that many sacred temples would have sprung up like mushrooms in the Liyue area!"

"I am a member of the Inazuma people. Let me express my opinion first. The Changdao is magnificent and the gods are eternal... but the nightclub manager Fang is the immortal and true god.……"

The voice message resounded clearly in the underground space.

Slow King and Slow Beast both heard it.

They apparently understand human language.

Especially King Slow.

At this time, Fang Ye's second voice message popped up on the group chat interface.

Xinhai quickly clicked to open:

"……This stupid king is very unusual"

"He is already in the rank of Heavenly King."

"Or a wild Dynamax Pokémon?……"

"Let me tell you, wild Dynamax Pokémon must have come into contact with the Dynamax energy point by some kind of chance."

"Today's Heguan Island has exactly such a giant energy point!"

"I explained it before!"

"Dynamaxing is a phenomenon unique to the Galar region in which Pokémon become gigantic."

"After obtaining the Gigantamax template, the Pokémon's size will become larger, its health will increase by 50%, and all skills will become Gigantamax moves!

"But Gigantamax is obviously not as good as Gigantamax"

"The addition of a super character is very impressive. Not only will the Pokémon get the exclusive Gigantamax skill, but its racial value will also increase, and its appearance will also become gigantic.……"

"Let's put it this way, Gigantamax is the optimization and combination of mega evolution + Z skills!"

Super Gigantamax!

Is it equal to mega super evolution + Z skill?

Mega super evolution, Yura's X-state super fire-breathing dragon has been demonstrated.

As for Z skill, it is the champion Ying player and her hat leather god, her personal signature trump card What a trick.

How awesome is the Galar Gigantamax that combines"mega evolution + exclusive skills"?! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) I heard these words from the manager of Fang Night Club.

The members and the audience are all excited!

Does it mean that as the first crab eater to obtain the Galar Gigantamax stable method, it means that the championship is won?

You know.

Now the"Liyue Trainers Conference""Regular Season" is still in full swing.

There are many non-Eye of God trainers who have the ability to compete for rankings.

At this moment, that heart is pounding!

"champion! champion!"

"Quasi-god egg! Quasi-god egg!"

I guess not.The champion and the quasi-god egg appear in people's minds.

There are also countless people posting on the barrage:

"Damn it! Why don't I just buy a boat ticket and go to the Inazuma Tsurugan Island Ecological Zone right away!"

"Brother, you are out, labor and management are already on the air traffic hot air balloon!"

"What, don’t you know that the flying Pokémon team has set off collectively? Look at the sky above Liyue Port, the mighty marching team!"

The group chat members and contestants who have just explored the Xicui area for the first day are feeling a little complicated at this moment.

Some people even live in Bengbu.

Hutao: Store manager, the Xicui area has not obtained Gigantamax. What are the possibilities and ways?

Xiang Ling: Shengcao, suddenly I feel that the harvest after exploring the space-time distortion area is no longer good!

Arataki Yidou: Ahaha... The first person in the history of Teyvat to master the training of Gigantamax Home, it has to be me!

Xiaomiya: To everyone at Inazuma, I have skipped work and left the store. The Inazuma branch is temporarily in charge of Emilia Unit 3!


In the underground ruins space.

Kaijijima's group was very excited.

Since this Heavenly King-level Slow King has obtained the Dynamax template, he must know where the Dynamax energy point is!

Xinhai's fair face could not help but show a flush of excitement.

But it was still difficult for her to control this emotion

"Dude King, I take the liberty of disturbing your rest."

Xin077hai used a very polite tone.

"Do you know the location of the Dynamax energy point?"

"Please feel free to let us know!"

"Haijidao and I will meet all the conditions you put forward……"

Hearing this, the wild and extremely gigantic king, King Dude, was a little indifferent.

It is female.

To the Slowmon who diligently offered Gigantamax mushroom soup.

A low and unhappy eviction order was given.

Everyone on Haizhi Island looked at each other in confusion


Xinhai is not reconciled


The stupid king of the heavenly rank roared at the group of people on Haiji Island.

The substantial spiritual power formed ripples in circles, causing everyone on Haiji Island to stagger.

Some of the weaker soldiers fainted on the spot.

Finished shouting.

In Kaiji Island, the only ones who can stand are Shinkai, Goro, and Teppei.

"Leave first——"Xinhai also looked slightly pale and had a strong feeling of dizziness in his head.

She was surprised that the Heavenly King's rank was more than one step stronger than the Overlord.

He can fight Overlord-level Pokémon.

However, he actually felt an unspeakable feeling of powerlessness against the rank of Heavenly King... and retreated into the mountain body of Mount Zhibi.

Xinhai thought:

"No need to stay here"

"Goro, Teppei, each of you lead the Swordfish team out to continue exploring."

"King Slow is stuck in the middle of the cave, and no one can pass except for a very small number of people!"

As for the Gigantamax energy point.

Xinhai probably guessed where it is. In all likelihood, it is hidden in the deepest part of the hidden cave!

As for the pot of Gigantamax mushroom soup.

When Xinhai led his team to evacuate, he took it by the way. Came out.

She asked Fang Ye in the group chat interface.

Store manager...

Is it useful if I keep this pot of soup?

Fang Ye: It’s of great use! I’m so happy for you!.

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