"What are you doing?!"

With a yandere voice, if Fang Ye was holding a hatchet, Fang Ye felt that he would be knifed by the yandere-looking Lei Movie. You can't hide the look in someone's eyes when you want to knife him!

Of course, this will The one who is probably most afraid~ must be Yae Shenzi.

She is stupid.

Someone is blocking the door.

Under her body is the manager Fang Ye who just turned on the light in seconds.

Yae Shenzi:??

"You guys worked together to set me up - right? Immortal jump?"

The Eightfold Divine Son said with serious doubts.

Fang Ye laughed angrily:

"What kind of fairy dance?"

"Did you do a night attack and get caught talking nonsense?"

Fang Ye got up, and the neatly dressed fox on his body fell on the bed with a clatter.

Fortunately, the two of them were fully clothed.

Otherwise it would be hard to explain.

Thunder and lightning suddenly appeared!

Kage ruthlessly pulled out the naginata of Dream Isshin.

At this moment , at the moment of extinction... he cut it out with a single knife.

And Yae Shenzi's figure instantly faded, leaving a somewhat frustrated voice in the room as she failed to trick her:

"……Are you really killing it, Ying?"

"This time, your sword's light is murderous!"

"Do you really want to kill me? Wow wow wow, so sad……"

Yae Shenzi came suddenly and escaped quickly.

Fang Ye was helpless.

Xiang Ying drew his sword and spread his hands:

"It really has nothing to do with me, I just want to have a solid sleep."

The shadow put away the razor.

Dreams disappeared in her hands.

"I came here to talk to you about something, and I just happened to bump into that fox."What is Ying explaining?

Talking about something?

Uh... at this point, late at night?

Fang Ye subconsciously looked at the time on the wall clock in the room.

Seeing his behavior, a faint blush suddenly appeared on Ying's delicate side cheeks.

Visiting late at night, A man and a woman alone.

No problem, no wonder, right?

But there is a"plan" that Kage wants to implement in his heart. His best friend Yae Kamiko beat him to it.

The atmosphere is gone, and there is nowhere to vent the depression.

Sleeping, night attack... this It’s a paid plot.

And it’s on a first-come, first-served basis? Aren’t I just a step behind the times?

"So what are you going to talk about?"Fang Ye sat down on the bed, patted the mattress, and motioned for Lei Yingying to sit down.

Yingying's face turned redder, and there was a trace of hesitation in his bright purple eyes.

"Me, I’d better talk about it tomorrow."

Then, he turned around and left. His steps were a bit hasty.

Fang Ye stared at her back.

I have to say, the big purple braid on Ah Ying's back is really unique, dignified yet elegant, mature and full of girlish playfulness.

Tsk, that's the point. Now, that milky knife is really big.

"How do I feel about my daily vacation in the Inazuma Tsurugan Island Ecological Zone?"

"Will it become... a Shura field?"

Fang Ye quickly shook off this terrible thought.

The next day,

Fang Ye got up relatively late.

He got up and washed up, while Cresselia heated up the cold breakfast and served it.

And behind Master Ma's martial arts studio, On the battlefield.

Jirachi and little Lugia are working with each other to hone their super powers.

Little Lugia screams"woo" and shoots out a beam of super light.

Jirachi looks young and cute.

He chuckled, calmly counteracting this super power, and then fired another super powerful attack.

Little Lugia shook his head and retreated ten meters, whining in mid-air,"Stop hitting." (Watch it! For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Jirachi, as well as Meloetta who was watching, all surrounded Little Lugia


Jirachi was waving his hands and feet, teaching something.

Meloetta was also trying to tell some superpower skills and tricks, her voice was as clear as singing.

Fang Ye nodded secretly.

Except for Giratina and Diya Luca.

At home, the other four super-type beasts get along very well with each other, and he doesn’t need to worry about it at all.

As a trainer, he can just lie down.

As for Giratina, Dialga, including Capture planned Palkia.

These"mythical" beings do not require training and cultivation.

Find the treasure and restore them to their original form, and their complete mythological authority will be enough to shake the world!

After breakfast.

Master Ma Martial Arts Resort...

Hmm , at least it is a resort that Fang Ye treats as a private restricted area. It is isolated by Aying's lightning barrier. The disturbances in the Heguan Island ecological zone outside have nothing to do with the resort.

Wendy and Zhongli, an old pair who travel around the world, visit to

"Hey, hello, you two."

Wendy said hello to Ray Movie and Yae Shenzi first.

Yae Shenzi also knew Wendy's actual identity, but she was not surprised at all about Wendy's moral character.

Don't think of the seven ruling gods as sacred, their own Aying is his own After five hundred years of confinement, there is now an old housekeeper alive.

What's wrong with the Mond family's Fengshen who fishes and performs entertainers? He doesn't eat the rice from their rice wife.

Zhongli nodded to Fang Ye:

"I'm here to lead the bear apprentice to evolve."

Beside the old man Dijun, his apprentice Xiong, who is already at level 56, has sharp eyes and a restrained aura. He has long lost the childishness of a baby.

Fang Ye:"Well, the degree of nurturing is extremely high and he can evolve at will."


"The exchange conditions are……"

"I'll use your Immortal Ancestor Method to tinker with an experiment. Is that okay?"


Fang Ye is the master of Master Ma's martial arts gym.

Whoever he wants to use can use the facilities of this martial arts gym.

Naturally, use the Scroll of Evil in the Tower of Evil, or the Tower of Water The scroll of water in it.

You have to pay a price, which is equivalent to purchasing a secret evolution channel.


The bear apprentice evolves into the martial arts bear master form.

He is the true second-level god...

Therefore, since he controls the bear apprentice The only way to evolve into a divine beast, Fang Ye doesn't want to just give someone a free prostitute.

Even if this customer is the old emperor, whom he is a fan of.

Using the Rock God's Immortal Ancestor Slaughter, tinkering and experimenting?

Hearing this.

In addition to already Wendy knew something.

Shadow and Shenzi were both shocked.

Immortal Ancestor's magic transformation is equivalent to the true body remains, if in the age of demon gods, this condition was put forward to those ill-tempered demon gods, it would probably trigger a war immediately!

But Zhongli seemed to have made up his mind to say goodbye to his identity as the Rock God.

Said very calmly:

"Burying in a golden house is also a waste"

"What's more"

"I still remember, do you want to use the immortal ancestor's method to artificially create another rock god?"

"Well, based on common rationality, it is very reasonable for the Rock-type Pokémon to hold the authority of the Rock God."

Shadow and Shenzi looked at each other in shock, with shock in their eyes.

Manager Fang Ye... conducted an experiment using the Immortal Ancestor's magic method to create an artificial god?

This, the amount of information is too terrifying!

Let the rock-type Pokémon grab it The power to rule in the world?!

Hiss... this guy!

Aren't you afraid that the throne on Sky Island will get angry?

This time, Ying and Shenzi looked at Fang Ye again, as if they were looking at a perverted scientist Xi...

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