"Is it really possible to achieve eternity so easily?"

"When the gods no longer love the world"

"Will this prosperous city-state built on divine grace collapse?"

When the sage uttered such a blasphemous question about the Sky Island Divine Court,

Golden Reindot also opened the door to the abyss!


Forbidden door!

The so-called sarong of deep sin has been opened!

The deep passage is littered with the corpses of those who officiated at the glorious ancient civilizations of past dynasties, as well as the dead trees and white-twig ceremonial crowns they left behind.

The sage's mocking voice continued:

"Ah, these corpses and ceremonial crowns, have you seen them?"

"The chief priest wearing a white branch sacrificial crown went to the deepest part of the earth in order to appease the anger of Sky Island.……"

"Generations of great wise men are willing to exile themselves and bury themselves here!"

"right here!"

"They can only die here! I can only tell the abyss my doubts about the divine power of the sky!"

The voice echoed on the road of forgetfulness of this corpse and"163".


Finally, there was laughter full of madness.

Fang Ye's expression changed.

"On both sides of the"road", there were cliffs and abyss.

At this time!

The endless black mist poured out like a tide!

Countless terrifying auras were hidden in the black tide.

Those pairs of eyes were either mocking or mocking. Indifferent, or full of bloodthirsty killing

"coming? Abyss Demon Gods?"

Leindot opened the door, looked at the sage, and quickly evacuated. The old King of Camria and his bodyguards were left.

As expected.

The first demon rushed out of the door, and the black mist With a tap of the huge claws formed, the king and his guards turned into blood scum.

The first one... the second one... in an instant, dozens of demon gods rushed out, and the mortals who came here in time The seven rulers fought together.

Not just the demon gods.

The tide of black mist surged out, and the mountains and plains of the underground world were filled with pitch-black abyss monsters...

A pitch-black snake - the demon dragon Dulin!

Carrying the abyss legion, headed towards Meng Dehao left in a mighty manner.

The dark abyssal tide also quickly spread to the Iwakuni Abyss area.

Immediately afterwards, overseas Inazuma, cracks opened, and the dark abyssal tide invaded.

A large number of beastland hounds... endless The blackness composed of endless monsters even dyed the ocean black!

"elder sister——!"

Thunder Movie quickly discovered the real figure of Thunder.

Raiden Shin is not good at martial arts.

At this time, it was being besieged by several Abyss Demon Gods.

Inazuma, the twin devils.

One in literature and one in martial arts.

Raiden is really good at internal affairs, while Raiden is the ultimate in martial arts.

However, these Abyss Demon Gods are not too powerful, and some are even weaker than Raiden Jin, but they cannot hold up many fists.

Raiden's injuries, visible to the naked eye, are getting worse.

The situation of the other six gods among the seven, except for the extremely powerful Rock King Emperor, is not much better.

At this moment, the time of death!

Ah Ying drew out his sword anxiously, and without thinking, he slashed at the demon gods that were besieging his sister.


These demons suddenly exploded like phantoms


Leiden, who was panting, sweating, and exhausted, was suddenly startled.

She looked around blankly.

In this timeline, obviously, Leiden could not directly see the time traveler.

In other words, in the present day of the"past",

Leiden was really trapped. Teyvat's will recognized as a certain dead

"As expected, there were too many skeins of thread tangled up in Thunderbolt's body!"

Fang Ye saw this and walked up.

"Kage, give me the naginata!"

Lei Movie was confused and gave up his dream again.


"Stir up the power of time!"

Dialga unfolded the time barrier very obediently, turning the surrounding world into its time domain.

When the last gap in the barrier was closed, it isolated the underground kingdom where a catastrophe was taking place from the outside world.

Thunder and lightning were really everywhere. With a shock, his eyes became dull.

At the same time, the Dream Isshin in Fang Ye's hand suddenly shot out, flew towards Raiden Shin, and circled around her twice.

Then, the naginata slowly floated out into a ball of"True""Spirit".

This incomplete"true spirit" is the one that players see in Inazuma's main line.

It will become the seed of the sacred cherry tree.

It does not have a specific mind, but is more like a message set. In the plot, Ah Ying is told something mechanically.

But now.

This group of"true spirits" is held in the palm of the hand by Raiden Zhen at this moment. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Suddenly it has spirituality.

It’s like holding an external brain and chip in his hand.

Raiden’s expression is really wonderful.

Some are shocked, some are unbelievable, and some are incredible.

"Will I die in Canria?"


"Just now, I smelled the breath of death!"

"Why does Istaru, the ruler of time, want to help me? She said I was Baal...and that was indeed my real name! But am I really that Baal?"

After digesting the information and memories on the remnant spirit, the nature of thunder and lightning really existed.

There was a sudden change.

She could see her sister who was already in tears. Her own eyes were also dim with tears, but she still had the gentle smile of her eldest sister and shouted softly:


Lei Qingqing rushed into his sister's arms.

Fang Ye clicked his tongue.

Thunder and lightning real, thunder movie!

As expected of the Twin Demon Gods!

The appearance and body shape are almost identical.

The same deep groove, long purple hair and big braids......

But if you are familiar with Raiden movies or Raiden Shin, any one of these sisters will never mistake them for the wrong person.

The two sisters have fundamentally different temperaments.

Thunder and lightning are so gentle and intellectual.

No wonder her paintings, the second impression, are all Yamato Nadeshiko-style neon ladies holding cherry blossom umbrellas

"I think the body shape must be different too"

"Maybe there will be a birthmark difference?"

"Next time, take a closer look at Aying’s body, some hidden places, and see if there are any birthmarks……"

Lei Qianqi cried like a cat with a painted face in his sister's arms, unwilling to look up for a long time.

Fang Ye didn't bother him either.

The time barrier set up by Dialga is relatively static.

You sisters can chat about family matters for hundreds of years without any problem.

Gradually, Ah Ying's mood became stable.

Lei Dengzhen patted Ah Ying's back gently and whispered some comforting words. At the same time, his curious eyes were always fixed on Fang Ye not far away.

Fang Ye tilted his head and blinked at her.

Raiden Shinya blinked.

Fang Ye:"……"

What is this subtle sense of immorality about?

Seducing her sister in front of her?

However, his sister's eyes did not avoid him, with a gentle smile, a little exploration and weird cunning. cough!

You can only take the initiative to tilt your head.

Through the time barrier, Fang Ye observed the underground world that had completely fallen.

The black tide is boundless.

In just such a short time, many terrifying demons emerged from the abyss.

Fortunately, that forbidden door was forcibly closed by someone or some force at some point!

"Who closed it?"

"Heavenly justice?"

Fang Ye shook his head and looked at Wang Zikong with interest, who turned into a stream of light and rushed towards him. Kong woke up his sister Ying, and then rushed up to the sky, seeming to want to leave the Teyvat continent...

But not long after, the two 4.5 sealed meteorites fell from the sky

"This is probably the scene from the opening animation? Brother Kong and Sister Ying were intercepted by Tianli?"

Fang Ye's eyes continued to look for important people who were about to escape from the underground world.

He saw Dainsreib and the last black snake knights.

He saw the sages and gold running out from the depths of the underground.

This The two pushers who opened the sarong of the abyss went in opposite directions and left in completely different directions!

"The sage is too mysterious"

"As for the golden alchemist, Reindot, she went to Mondstadt?"

Fang Ye's eyes returned.

Suddenly, he saw the Grass God turning into a green light and fleeing here, followed by several extremely powerful Abyss Demon Gods.


"This generation of grass gods died due to the abyssal dark tide that broke out in Kanreia."

"If she is rescued, the plot of the present-day Sumeru Kingdom will not collapse, right?"

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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