"flower buds~!"

Huazhu Huanhuan made a clear and lively cry, and before Fang Ye could say hello to him, the little thing rushed towards Huashanli.

It circled Hanasari twice, and its cries became more and more happy. Then it flew high into the sky and fell gently. The garland was put on the neck of the miko Hanasari.

When the flowers were scattered and the little fairy holding the garland in her mouth looked at each other, she couldn't help but smile:

"Thank you for your advice in the future, Flower Therapy Huanhuan"

"flower buds~!!"

This scene made everyone next to Dao Wife smile like an aunt.

A beautiful miko and a stunningly beautiful Pokémon.

This picture can be used directly as a beautiful scene texture.

Winter Kingdom, in the office of the Fools headquarters.

The eight executives gathered here were more interested in exploring the flower therapy ring than they were fond of it. The beautiful appearance did not impress these executives very much.

Especially Dr. Dotore, who made a strange laugh:

"This plant, fairy Pokémon"

"Suddenly it reminded me of the blasphemous experiments in Xumi Country"


"What I'm more curious about now is……"

"How different is the power source core in a Pokémon from the divine gnosis of a god?"

All in all.

Hua Sanli, a miko who was born like a fairy, couldn't be better matched with a fairy Pokémon with healing attributes.

Hua Sanli was satisfied with herself, and Fang Ye was also satisfied. At least Hua Sanli's mask immediately Now it has a place to use.

Fang Ye:"Hua Sanli, give your mask to Hua Shi Huanhuan, it will like it."

Hearing what he said suddenly, everyone in Dao Wife was surprised. Hua Sanli was also surprised, but without any doubt, she took out the mask resource that she wanted to give to Fang Ye before.


The flower therapy ring that was hanging quietly around Hua Sanli's neck began to tremble with excitement visible to the naked eye, and its cry was filled with tender longing.

When Hua Sanli handed the mask to it


Hua Huanhuan screamed in surprise, and the little fairy in the flower wreath put the mask entirely on her young body.

The goblin, who was not even the size of a palm, but probably the size of a small hamster, simply shrank completely under the mask, so the appearance of the wreath changed again, like a necklace of flowers with a fox-face mask as a pendant.


"Fox Mask Flower Healing Ring, Fairy-type, Flower-picking Pokémon

Level: Lv.1

Characteristics: Preliminary Treatment

Hidden Characteristics: Natural Recovery

Skills: Tightening, Growth, Trouble Seed, Grass Slide...

It will pick flowers from vines to decorate itself , the charming aroma emanating from the petals has a healing effect.

Floating the flowers attached to the vines in the bathtub will have a soothing effect when taking a bath, which is very popular among women.……"

When Hua Sanli listened to Fang Ye's suggestion, she posted the picture book of her flower therapy ring on the group chat interface to share it.

The women in the group, as well as several Inazuma women present.

Suddenly I couldn't calm down anymore

"What, these petals on the wreath can be taken off at any time and soaked in the bathtub. Not only will they have the effect of a medicinal bath, but they will also make the body smell fragrant."

Therefore, Raiden Shin, Kosai Miya and Yae Shenzi looked at the flower healing ring with completely different eyes, with some kind of female desire.

As for Aying and Gogochiyo.

They are both warriors, They haven't entered the pace of retirement life yet, in other words, they don't know how to enjoy life yet.

Therefore, the two of them are not too cold about the flower therapy ring's special attack on women.


Yae Shenzi was jealous:"Just because you can pick flowers and take a bath every day, these activated petals have the effect of flower bath and medicinal bath, this flower therapy ring is of great value!

Hu Zhai Palace also nodded seriously:"I second the proposal!""

"If only this kind of flower petals could also protect skin and whiten skin…~…"


Thunder and lightning rarely intervene:

"You can earn a lot of moras just by selling these activated petals, right?"

They talked about the value of the flower therapy ring very thoroughly.

In the live broadcast room, some female users were also calm:

"Trainers who have flower healing rings, chat privately!"

"After purchasing the activated petals of the Flower Therapy Ring, I want to be a reviewer of Pokémon Bio's skin care products!"

"What, Pokémon can also do makeup and skin care? I feel like another UP master with millions of fans is about to be born in this field!"

Among the audience, the one who is most excited and able to see the vast business opportunities is probably the girl Ying'er from Chunxiang Kiln in Liyue Port.

With the help of the wave of Teywat Elf Network, she is already an UP host with a large number of fans. , and the popularity of the live broadcast room has been very stable.

Therefore, Miss Ying'er changed her destiny and transformed from a clerk at Chunxiang Kiln to a boss.

At this time, during the live broadcast, she saw the commercial value of flower therapy ring petals in women's products.

Girl Ying'er feels that the door to a new world has opened.

That's right.

This is the era of Pokémon.

Pokémon biological products are simply a golden sign.

Pokémon that can provide special functions like Flower Healing Ring, There are many, many more, why not expand their value in these fields?

Miss Ying'er feels that she needs to take a good look at the Pokémon illustrated information that has been released now.


The scene cuts back to the Inazuma branch.

After the flowers have dispersed.

Gogo Chiyo is the second in line.

She got Fang Ye's authorization, and the extraction interface appeared on the illustration. She clicked lightly, and the shadow frames of countless Pokémon flickered.

"who I am?"

"Doron Mecia!"

On the illustrated picture of Gogo Chiyo, there is a small dragon.

It has a wide and flat head. Its two eyes are relatively protruding and its mouth is pointed. Its body has a long and narrow snake-like shape, and its front body has two little hands

"Hold the grass?"

Fang Ye couldn't help but be stunned, and immediately applauded Yu Yuqianyo's luck:

"Congratulations, you are very lucky"

"This is a quasi-god larvae!"

Yu Yuqianyo, a female general of the ghost clan with a moon-like face, has bold red eyes, fixed on Fang Ye.

She, Hu Zhai Palace and Hua Sanli only came back in the second batch and were unable to surf the Elf Network. , so I don’t have any knowledge about elves, so I can only hope that Fang Ye can explain everything.

"Quasi-god?"Gogochiyo tilted his head

"Depend on——"

Yae Shenzi came up with an ancient Internet term, but it is now a popular word on the elf Internet:

"Quasi-god means the strongest among the divine beasts!"

"Moreover, the minimum potential of the quasi-gods will not be worse than the Heavenly King level. Drawing it is equivalent to recommending you to be directly promoted to the Heavenly King level trainer."

Thunder Movie and Raiden Shin, the sisters, are also happy for Gogo Chiyo.

"People on the Elf Internet are saying that, generally speaking, it is good to have a quasi-god main force in a champion trainer’s team."

"As for the combat power of the champion trainer? Well, if we release all the champion Pokémon, we can probably have a head-to-head battle with you, Chiyo?"

"But if you are the leader and have a leader-level formation, Chiyo, you will only be beaten."

In the live broadcast of the group chat, many group members also expressed their displeasure at the luck of the beautiful general of the ghost clan, Gogochiyo.

Arataki Yidou: Wuhu! Gogochiyo is indeed the ancestor of our ghost clan. Once upon a time, the ghost clan The strongest combat power!

Hutao:... Damn it! Can I swear a beautiful curse word? Duolong Mexia, the main stream of this hall in front of the screen is drooling... (cry.jpg)

Xiaogong: Oh my god, Dao My wife finally gave birth to her first quasi-god? (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dadalia: Now, I completely agree with the metaphysical analysis on the Internet. The only way to draw Pokémon is from Fang Ye, the manager. , can we produce big products!

Kunjun (Ruotuo Dragon King): As a hard-working trainer who has repeatedly taken out garbage and can only tame wild elves by himself, I want to say that I feel deeply about Fang Ye, the founder of the era. Deep malice...

Ajiu: Roar! Knock down the manager Fang Ye!

Ajiu succeeded in chatting to death, and no one dared to follow his barrage.

In the store,

Fang Ye doesn't have to worry about Yu Yuqianyo not being able to pay..

Miyu Chiyo was the most powerful general in the previous generation's ruling team. He had killed many ancient ferocious beasts. A few of the materials in his hand were enough to pay off the debt.

However, due to process, he still quoted 50 million first. Mora, ask Gogochiyo to bring enough Mora coins or materials of equivalent value.

Gogochiyo's home is long gone, but she seems to have found her dusty"private little treasury".

In Fang Ye, she was still talking to Raiden. While the sisters were chatting, within a quarter of an hour, Gogochiyo came back with items of equal value.

"Come on come on"

"This little guy is Doron Mecia."

Fang Ye returned to the breeding room and brought Doron Mecia out.

Then, Doron Mecia's big eyes full of wisdom were cut into pictures by the audience in the live broadcast room who could not bear the laughter and spread them on the Internet.

At the same time, the group members They also joked.

Dadalia: Kodak duck tilted his head and stared.jpg.

Hutao: Pfft -

Yelan: This is an intelligent look in the same style as Kodak duck. Are you sure it is a quasi-god?

Xinhai: Seconded! The dull look is very similar to the eyes of the Slut!

Xiao Gong: It’s so hilarious, and the family is cute.

But Fang Ye is explaining to Yu Yuqianyo:

"Doronmecia once lived in the ancient sea of ​​the elf world and was reborn as a dragon + ghost Pokémon."

"Don't look at it now, it's very weak and can't defeat a samurai"

"But as the cultivation level increased, they evolved into Duolongqi and Duolongbaluto, and they were able to brutally torture most human warriors at will."

".For more knowledge and information about quasi-gods, you will understand later by browsing the elf network."

Gogochiyo's luck is not bad either.

He was later cultivated into the dragon-type + spiritual-type complete quasi-god of Dulong Baruto, which is enough to dominate the trainer system.

Fang Ye smiled at Hu Zhai Palace:

"Now, it's your turn.

Hu Zhai Palace winked at him playfully and said,"I've been looking forward to it for a long time."~"

"I heard that the Son of God drew an ultimate beast"

"Do I have this luck?"

She lightly clicked on the extraction options on her illustration screen, and the results came out quickly:

"who I am?"

"Fire fox!"


The golden eyes of Huzhai Palace are a little dull.

On the screen, there is a petite and cute little fox, with a pair of big ears similar to a fennec fox, and the fur color is mainly red and yellow.

Seeing this fire Fox, Hu Zhai Palace feels that he has fox DNA.

The expressions of others are much weirder and weirder.

What kind of famous scene is this?

Bai Chenhu, a white fox, the demon ancestor of the Inazuma Fox demon clan, has been drawn Fire fox?

One is a legendary monster of Inazuma Baichen's bloodline.

One is a Pokémon.

Fang Ye was also surprised:"I told you"

"The Fire Fox is the third member of the fire element family in the Kalos region."

"Its final evolved form, the Demon Fire Red Fox, is a typical human form, with hands and feet, and walks upright."

"It looks like a witch holding a branch, with long and thick hair all over her body. Anyway, she is beautiful and strong! Don’t you think it’s a good match for your fox palace minister?"

Hearing Fang Ye's explanation, Fox Zhai Palace, whose DNA was boiling, suddenly felt that the ultimate alien beast or something was far worse than this fire fox. What ultimate alien beast do I, the great ancestor of the fox, want to cultivate


A descendant of the fox Pokémon.

Isn't it delicious?

You know, Fox Palace also has its own dependents. After all, her status is not far different from that of the devil. Her dependents, Sky Fox and Earth Fox, were killed by the disaster after she was killed. After devouring it (well, well), they all turned into stone statues, waiting for her return. Her former relatives were all foxes.

Now in the great age of elves in this world.

Breed a group of fox-type Pokémon to strengthen my fox clan. Isn’t the foundation a very reasonable development? What kind of mythical beast or ultimate beast is needed?

The former palace minister of the Fox Palace, a white fox, was surprised and laughed:

"That's it!"

"that's it!"

"Not only the fire fox, I declare again that from now on, all my Pokémon will only be of fox blood!"


Yusanjia, for the status of Huzhai Palace, it is not a drop in price.

Moreover, the boss of Bai Chenhu wants to lead the development of fox-blood Pokémon in the elf era. It is so reasonable!

When Fang Ye settled the bill with Huzhai Palace, he brought out Huo Huhou.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh because of the petite and cute Fire Fox.

So cute!

"Finally, it’s your turn, true sister."

Hearing this, the gentle smile on Lei Dianzhen's face did not change, and he touched the back of Aying's head next to him:

"My Ah Ying drew a mythical beast, Little Melutan"

"From now on, Rice Wife will have a mythical Pokémon Pokémon background."

"That's enough~"

"As for me, I don’t dare to ask for it. I’ll smoke one with the same Yusanjia level as Huzhai Palace.……"


After receiving the authorization, Raiden Jin, the former God of Thunder who was full of gentle aura, gently clicked on the draw option.

The screen flashed rapidly, but Raiden Zhen was very unceremonious and clicked to stop casually.

If you don’t click, the screen will automatically stop. However, most group members will not click on the stop option and will hold their breath and wait for the screen to stop on its own.

"who I am?"


(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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